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投稿日: 2021年5月30日 19時58分
更新日: 2021年6月4日 13時33分

There is literally nothing I can say bad about this game! I've never felt as connected to a character and invested in their story as much as Deacon St.John, and will have this game ingrained in my memory for a long time in a similar way that I do with Red Dead Redemption 2 and i liked this game the same way just like how horizon zero dawn left a mark in my life for its beautiful gameplay & perfect story.

From beginning to end it is a heartwarming, gut-wrenching and epic story without compare, it's almost like I can feel everything Deacon feels all the way through, his struggles, his frustration, his pain and his joy... It all feels real in a way that no other game does.

I can't say enough good words for this masterpiece, it's almost more than just a game and in a way transcends the boundaries of what I thought possible for a game, no character is two dimensional and so I feel like I've grown a bond with everyone Deacon has and so every death hurts like it would in real life since these are more than just AI and Npcs but people, no one is there to say a cool line or deliver exposition, they are fleshed out and relatable more than even RDR2 which I thought had the most impactful characters and story before I played this.

This is the only review for a game I have made just because i loved it more than other games & this is just starting :). I implore everyone to see it through to the end and show as much love for the developers as I do since this is something more, if it were possible to sum this game up in one word it would be Hopeful, in many ways this game radiates hope from its fantastic story and it's polished world and gameplay to hope for the future of gaming and how impactful they can become.

To the developers of Days Gone: You are all amazing and I can't wait to see what you come up with next but I also would ask that you don't make a sequel to DG so the story you have created will be recognised for what it is... A one of a kind journey and one that will be remembered for it.

My Rating - 10/10
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18 件のコメント
Raccoon Returns 2021年6月24日 20時40分 
That is how sony games are presented... immersive and connected to the main character. Very outstanding art direction and in game cut scene direction. PC gamers do not like The last of us for getting GOTY award. Now you see how sony games are presented.
El mohicano 2021年6月6日 9時31分 
Great port but the pacing is absurdly bad :lunar2019deadpanpig:
TheAustin77 2021年6月4日 12時59分 
RDR2? You kidding me? You should compare this with RDR1. And yes their story is same level.
clarkeveritas 2021年6月3日 6時12分 
Agreed. My first playthrough of Days Gone ranks up there with discovering Horizon: Zero Dawn (and I really thought that would be a gimmicky game where the whole draw was "Robot Animals"), but below New Vegas: because in my world EVERYTHING is ranked lower than New Vegas.
And keep in mind my initial playthrough was on PS4, where it struggled to maintain 30fps. Being able to play this game with a kick-ass framerate has been really neat.
RsF-UXO 2021年6月2日 16時58分 
"This is the only review for a game I have ever made and it very well may be the last"

I call BS
supertype 2021年6月2日 7時17分 
The pacing is really bad in this game. There is a lot of repeating quests. The loots in this game is really mechanical and boring. The game is dragging on and on and on with the same quests.
Dr Smoke MDM 2021年6月1日 22時16分 
Damnit! I KNEW IT, GIVE IT UP BILL WE KNOW IT'S YOU! "I implore you!". Just kidding, gonna check this out, thanks!
【☆】★【☆】 2021年6月1日 22時03分 
bro i played this game all the way through on ps4 and i could not have said this better
Mickey Havoc 2021年6月1日 17時31分 
I have no idea how some people can think Deacon St.John is a shallow character. Actually playing the game reveals how good of a person he actually is. 100% better love story than twilight hahah
Bennet 2021年6月1日 1時49分 
I'd play RDR2 if it even worked for me on PC...

Loved it on PS4 but there were so many problems on PC I had to refund it. Shame.