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Recent reviews by Hikari EXE

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0.3 hrs on record
Posted 1 December, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
331.3 hrs on record (191.6 hrs at review time)
Dead by Daylight is a survival horror game where you can play as either a Survior or a Killer. As a survivor, you'r task is to group up with 3 others to turn on the 5 generators in the map, these generators power the 2 exits that you need to escape, the catch is however, is that one of the Killers is out to stop you and to sacrafise you to his demon overlord, these killers have different abilities and thus the survivor must be willing to run away when the killer is coming, or hide; when running, you can jump over obsticles, but don't let the killer catch you or he/she will throw you over their shoulder.
The game implements this gameplay very well considering the price point; the graphics are pretty good and for mostly, the game is fair;however, there are issues with rendering on some peoples graphics cards and the occassional bug that arrises. Most of the complaints that come from this game are from other players and not the type of development. In older versions, there were issues with the time it took to level up, but the developers are adjusting settings in order to make it easier to get to a higher level. Overall, I would rate this game to be a 8/10. Good for the price .
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
Well... what can you say... its Fallout,more specifically the 3rd installment for a highly praised series.
Very enjoyable combat
a lot of things to do
great custimazation
open world
most skills are relevant and make savaging the wastland enjoyable.
DLC are good bank for your buck.
Mods are great.

Not many colors in this game
has some bugs(not that problematic)
You probably will have to patch to run successfully on Windows 7/8/8.1 and 10.
Posted 7 November, 2015.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries