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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 84.2 小时 (评测时 30.4 小时)
TLDR: RE4: remake is the sh*t, not only is it possibly the best remake thus far, it's also easily the best zombie shooter survival action game out there. They changed all the bad stuff to be fun, Leon can move and shoot in style, the Story and the Characters are good. 10/10 must play.

Spoiler Alert: One early game boss mentioned to prove a certain point

Readers notes; RE4 will be referring to the original and 4:RE will be the remake.

In my opinion, the aim of RE4 was to have as much as fun as possible.The game is very corny and goofy with a serviceable story that is used as an excuse to put you in ridiculous situations. You're meant to feel really overpowered while plowing down endless enemies and have alot of fun while doing so. 4:RE is darker and serious compared to the original but still retains some corny and goofyness while modernizing the gameplay to suit the current market and still deliver on making the game as fun as possible.

Playing as Leon, never felt so damn good. After RE2, he recevies special govt training to be a special agent and it really shows in his gameplay, his movement is so refined and smooth, and the little things like changing the way he aims his gun based of the distance of his target really adds up. Leon now has a dodge mechanic similar to RE3 that is hard but satisfying to pull off and can parry with his knife. I don't think I can play another RE game without Knife parrying, it is so much fun to parry almost everything reasonable the game throws at you while not being completely overpowered. The gunplay as well feel so good, they sound great and you can feel their impact. When using the pistol, they flinch and writhe in pain while the bigger guns like shotguns and snipers can utterly dismember and explode enemies with a well placed shot.

4:RE also sets a perfect stage for the player to use their new tools, it throws alot of enemies for you to go wild while having enough variety to keep you engaged. Sometimes, it feels like entire of Spain is coming for you. The AI feels so much smarter now, they will try to sneak up behind you to restrain you, they can do fake out ranged attacks to bait your dodge and will even try to surround and cut off your routes to prevent kiting them.

All the QTE(quick time events) cutscenes have been changed such that you can control Leon and they are so fun and refreshing. Alot of the QTEs has been removed and are part of the gameplay now instead of a very obvious cutscene transition and my ONLY issue with this is the lake boss fight where QTEs were the main thing about it but now feels more bland.

RE games has been famous for rewarding and incentivising backtracking to previous areas you have explored and in 4:RE there are now sidequests that isn't just "shoot 15 medalions" in area XYZ. This ranges from menial tasks to fighting above averages enemies that sometimes have unique properties or mechanics. My issue with this is that the reward of Spinels, which are now the unique currency used to buy special items can be abit lack luster.

Story wise, there is an actual good story with easily digestable and interesting lore bits throughout the game. Readable Lore is scattered throughout that shows the perspective of different characters beyond who you meet and it really helps to flush out the world while also being relatively short to not kill the pace of the game. The main characters you meet have so much more screen time and more things are shown/explained to make the plot flow alot more smoothly.

Speaking of characters;

Ashley is so likeable now, She acts her age instead of an annoying 13 year old and she has a small relatable character arc. Gameplay wise, Capcom made a smart decision to remove her health bar and also make her constantly follow you but you can choose between staying close or her giving you space to do your thing. Her AI has also been improved such that she will attempt to run away and dodge attacks before being captured. She feels like an actual person that is not completely useless or a complete burden that you have to endure.

My man Luis is also shown some love, he is no longer that guy that appears just to hit on Ashley and run off every few chapters. He too has a character arc, has way more screen time and stake in the overall plot of the story. His relaxed and chill attitutde bounces of Leon's now stoic and serious character really well, his inclusion is very well placed to help alliviate the constant dark and serious tone of the game, which can get abit overwhelming after a while.

Remakes are a very risky thing to do as nostalgia can set the level of expectation sky high but 4:RE certainly delivers and is easily the best remake of any game out there. I have never been so excited to play the game again right after beating it. I'm currently playing on professional and I can't wait to sink even more time into this masterpiece when the Ada Wong DLC and Mercenaries mode comes out.

Edit: changed format slightly for easier reading and grammar stuff because I don't proof read my work enough
发布于 2023 年 3 月 30 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 3 月 30 日。
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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 157.5 小时 (评测时 62.3 小时)
I'd love to recommend this game, but as of 1.0.3, optimization is bad, bugs are plentiful and performance is inconsistent throughout different PCs, so if you were to buy this, your performance experience may vary.

Wild Hearts is an amazing game within the "monster hunter" genre. Fights are tough, combat is simple at first but has so many hidden combos and mechanics when you incorporate the "building" aspect, karakuri within the game.

The "Death Stranding Mechanic" where dragon(complex) karakuri persist in your world lets you optimize the way you move and farm.

KOEI did replayability so well, the total monster count is fewer than CAPCOM's monster hunter but each chapter introduces and changes existing moves while introducing new monsters to fight.

I came in expecting it to be another Monster Hunter clone, but Wild Hearts has certainly bring new things to the table and if EA choose to support and develop this, it can rival the giant which is CAPCOM's Monster Hunter.
发布于 2023 年 2 月 22 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 2 月 22 日。
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有 212 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 16 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 74.4 小时 (评测时 30.8 小时)
Dying Light 1 is a Open World Zombie parkour game with light RPG elements while Dying Light 2 is a Open World RPG with zombies and parkour.

I pre-ordered thinking it would be Dying Light 1 and more but instead Techland changed so much of the game that it's barely recognisable.
发布于 2023 年 2 月 1 日。
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总时数 52.0 小时 (评测时 47.9 小时)
A true master piece that everybody and their mothers should give a go once in their lifetime
发布于 2023 年 1 月 23 日。
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总时数 82.4 小时 (评测时 54.9 小时)
Missing and unpolished features, an end game crafting system that is "coming soon" when the game is fully released and inconsistent performance issues is a real let down since the core game play, graphics, atmosphere and voice acting is really good.
发布于 2022 年 12 月 5 日。
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总时数 21.4 小时 (评测时 21.4 小时)
This feels like the gold standard of remakes.
发布于 2022 年 8 月 2 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
Sunbreak brings back the monster in Monster Hunter with a simple yet interesting story, fights that keep you on the edge, badass monsters, new maps and game changing Switch skills.

Hunters now have new Switch Skills and Skill swapping that provides new and different ways on how you use existing weapons while Switch Skill Swapping dynamically changes how each fight goes out. Timing your Swap Evades proves difficult but extremely rewarding and satisfying as it opens up new ways to counter attack or punish openings.

Existing monsters are smartly reintroduced into the campaign with additional moves and smarter AI that breathes new life into their fights while new monsters, to the series and from previous games, have cool designs and interesting mechanics that are not seen from the base game.

New Armours that bring new and interesting skills that not only fit the monster they're made from but also fit the game's mechanics.

New Decoration level(4) and reworked Rampage skills that are now Rampage decorations that can be slotted into any weapon(as long as it supports it's level).

At the time of writing this review, I've encountered one bug where the game shows an authorization error when purchasing DLC while in game which i have been able to temporarily fix by restarting the game and I've noticed performance dips on certain parts of the new maps. I removed all existing mods before loading Sunbreak and the game has run(till now) with 0 crashes but based of the internet, your experience may vary.

I've only started the end game grind but based of so far, Sunbreak is a must buy expansion if you enjoyed base game or wished there was more.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 3 日。
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总时数 939.4 小时 (评测时 15.4 小时)
A really good monster hunter game to introduce new players to the series and a breath of fresh air for returning players. Rise might have simplified some of it's systems but like previous games, it rewards players who take the time to learn it's intricacies and explore the game.

What I like about Rise:
Wirebugs have a learning curve but are satisfying to use and increases your overall mobility, making fights alot more engaging and fast paced.
Palimute mounting shortens the downtown at the start and inbetween fights during a hunt while Palicos have classes that bring a lot to the table in terms of healing, damage, gathering or utility.
Switch skills for all weapons that either add new moves or add twist to their existing moveset to a new play style.
Simplified armour system, what armour piece you wear heavily decides on your armour skills instead of the decoration system in World.

What I dislike about Rise:
Multiplayer hunts can be a visual mess; 4 hunters and 4 palico/mutes attacking a single monster at a time can be really hard to decipher what's going on.
发布于 2022 年 1 月 13 日。
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有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 440.5 小时 (评测时 205.2 小时)
Green man and his blue girlfriend get shouted at by a angry monkey and a floating stingray on a giant hula hoop while his chauffeur ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about going home. 10/10
发布于 2022 年 1 月 1 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 102.7 小时 (评测时 30.9 小时)
Readers Note: I've only played PVE B4B during the beta, on release, and within the 1st week of EACH of the DLCs release for season pass 1.

Back4Blood succeeds in innovating the L4D style game by modernizing and introducing mechanics that can be seen from other games and systems that befit the current era of the game industry.
However, it
fails to understand the core concepts of L4D's low skill level high skill ceiling game design,
lacks the level of polish and attention to detail compared to L4D and in general
while badly introducing what Turtle Rock brings to the table

If you do choose to buy this, please know that this game cannot be played casually for a few hours as it's true potential is locked behind a card system that you must grind through supply lines(battle passes) in order to play a proper build ie melee, shotgun, medic etc.

Despite receiving praise that "the Devs continue to support and balance the game" which is mandatory since they essentially guaranteed it with a season pass, I still cannot recommend this game at any price point.

Launch version 2/10, After 1 Year, 4/10.
发布于 2021 年 10 月 21 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 12 月 9 日。
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