
Последние обзоры Hello Kitty <3

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11.8 ч. всего (7.5 ч. в момент написания)
I recommend getting the Starter Pack and buying the game on Steam to be able to refund it incase you´re having technical problems! The game seems to have plenty of those for many people but for me personally runs very well. Be aware that the Starter Pack (all packs at the moment until more dlcs will arrive) only includes 2 Tutorial Levels and one big Main Level ("Paris").

The Gameplay itselve is great offering real freedom to the player in the ways he wants to play so its even a good game for people like me that usually aren´t that much into traditional stealth games which makes it a definite recommendation from me.
Опубликовано 14 марта 2016 г..
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0.2 ч. всего
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Currently not recommendable looking at the performance. Look at some real reviews to see more about the gameplay ;)
Опубликовано 29 августа 2015 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 7
51.3 ч. всего (47.2 ч. в момент написания)
seeing theres usually fairly extreme views on the Game here some toughts of mine after playing the Game for about 30 Hours.

First let´s start with the Issues: In the beginning I had fairly big Problems with the Performance but after alot of tweaking in the Settings the Game looks reasonably good and runs at a Solid 40-50 Frames per seconds besides driving (while driving the Game has fairly frequent Frame drops to around 20-30 fps which aren´t ruining anything but certainly makes for a worse experience.)

Before buying into this Game you should really check if the Specs of your Computer are good enough to run it at good Settings. To see what it actually looks like I would recommend looking at Videos on YouTube rather than trusting the Steam Screenshots or Trailers.

If you´re the Type who likes to explore the Map, do Side Missions try out the Multiplayer and Mix it up with the Main Story you should easily get around 30 Hours of fun out of this Game.
The Main Story is alright, but the Characters didn´t manage to really hook me in like in some compareable Story driven Open World Games like GTA, Sleeping Dogs or even Saints Row. Still it was a nice Experience and for the most Part the Missions had variety and didn´t have too many frustrating Moments.
The Side-Missions even if you don´t like certain Types of them should still have enough types for there to be something you enjoy.

I personally think that the Mechanics of the Game even tho they didn´t have anything evolutionary are all solid and alot of fun to use aswell in and out of Missions.
In 90% of the Missions you can decide wether you feel like going in with a Boom or if you prefer to go for a stealth approach which i enjoyed alot (I´m usually not too much into stealth but it was alot of fun in this game) and if you fail the Stealth way you can simply switch to your Primary Weapons and try to finish the Rest of with that.

The Multiplayer: I personally don´t like the Way Invasions are usually playing out and how hacking/trailing (invading) other People are feeling but that is something very objective considering I know about people who enjoy those very much.
Added to that the Game has a Mode which sets you and up to 8 others into a certain Area of a Map to fight over some Data (switches between FFA and Team Modes) this can be quite fun to play but isn´t really fleshed out so this won´t be something you´ll be spending alot of time on. There is also online Races which are actually my Favorite Part of the Multiplayer, these are also up to 8 Players (never had more than 4 so far tho) but are alot of Fun with the arcade-like driving System of the Game.
Then as last theres also Free-Roam in which you can just go ahead and explore the World with your Friends. In that Mode you cannot play any Missions or such but with a little creativity you can have alot of Fun (Me and two Friends for example made up our own Cops and Robber Mode in which 2 People would Chase one Person around the City in Police cars and his Task was to escape them) (Cops are enabled in Free-Roam but you killing civilians will not ruin your reputation so it is a good mode to just mess around which the game usually doesn´t reward you for in Singleplayer)

I did definitly enjoy my Time and get my Moneys worth of Time with it.
For those who aren´t really sure wether they need this Game in their Lives (or around 30 Hours are worth the Price) I would recommend to wait for a good Chance to maybe get the Game for a cheaper Price than 59,99€ (Amazon has the Normal Version for less Money but no Steam Key attached for those who don´t care)
Опубликовано 1 июня 2014 г..
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2.7 ч. всего
Killed a Bunny during Sex. It turned Black with a Shining Force Field around it and attacked me while Heavy Metal began playing.
11/10 Game of the Year!
Опубликовано 24 декабря 2013 г..
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4.1 ч. всего (3.3 ч. в момент написания)
If you own a Controler for your PC don´t even bother waiting a second. BUY IT.
Опубликовано 30 сентября 2013 г.. Отредактировано 25 ноября 2013 г..
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