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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.2 hrs on record
Posted: 16 May @ 1:51am
Updated: 16 May @ 1:52am

Getting 100% was... relaxing, Speaks to my inner desires to get away from everything. But apart from that there's not much there.

approximate amount of time to 100%: 3-6 Hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Multiplayer achievements: No.
Missable achievements: No
Point of no return: No. (There's a free-roam mode as well)
Grinding Achievements: No.
DLC-Only achievements: No.
Time-gated achievements: No.
Speed-run achievements: No.
RNG-achievements: No.
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty choice.
First achievement unlock: End of day 1, after you climb the tower for the first time,

The game's an extended walking simulator with not much of an illusion of choice even. It's basically an extended movie. So if you like that kind of stuff you'll like this game. Don't expect complex game-play.

eltorga's guide on steam is a good source of info for where to find those last missing achievements.
The game wants to hook the player with a couple of mastery threads but in my opinion they all kind-of failed to hit their mark. There's hints of supernatural, crime, etc.. but i feel they are not concluded very well.
The game also has a lot of reading if you want to see the world-building.
The dialogue, while good, reminds me constantly of that Borderlands jokey-irreverent style that really annoys me personally... It's just me right? ... right?

So in conclusion, I'd recommend this game but only at a steep discount (luckily you can often find it on sale)
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