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Análises recentes de MilkingFutas

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45.1 horas registradas (32.4 horas no momento da análise)
Symulator bycia mięsem armatnim oraz przypadkowych trafień sojuszniczej artylerii. 10/10
Publicada em 14 de dezembro de 2023.
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4.6 horas registradas
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I don't even know where to start. Whole game is a huge mess.

Online feature? Don't even try to put this thing close to "working feature". Showing us 30-35ms while teleporting my mage back to the place i casted it. Half of my game time is trying to not lag.

Going back to town is disaster, portals can just disappear or they're in diffrent place rather than close to each others.

Huge amount of time waiting for char to enter TP or diffrent zone. Comparing to single player it's almost 10-15 times longer and sometimes it doesn't work properly.

Plot? Non existent, it's just go from A to B killing mindlessly, it's not even good feeling for slashing.

Voice lines? More like Silent lines, we're getting invaded by enemies in city? NPC just stare, 0 emotions, talks(and by talks i mean few words) calmly like it never happened.

UI... PoE's whole tree is more clear than changing current leveling spell.

Got this game as a present and I feel sorry for my friend that bought me it. Can't even refund it anymore because policy. Suck my ass game
Publicada em 26 de março de 2023.
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6.9 horas registradas (4.2 horas no momento da análise)
Server connection is quite... bad.
Publicada em 25 de novembro de 2020.
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3.9 horas registradas (3.7 horas no momento da análise)
Gierka jak najbardziej warta ogrania. Wspaniała fabuła oraz widoki, nie wspominając już o dźwięku!
Publicada em 1 de julho de 2020.
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16.4 horas registradas (15.9 horas no momento da análise)
Co prawda do dawnego Dawn of War mu daleko, natomiast bliżej niż do Dawn of war 2. Mieszanka obu stylów, dość kontrowersyjna, lecz wystarczająca, żeby zanurzyć się w gameplay. Jednym z minusów jest oczywiście to że są 3 grywalne rasy i mało jednostek. Plusem natomiast jest fakt bardziej strategicznego podejścia.
Publicada em 17 de junho de 2020.
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