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Felix 20 ноя в 10:27 
No worries :)
GlaZe 20 ноя в 10:26 
Ah alright, my bad then.
Felix 20 ноя в 10:22 
Not been a moderator for a few years now, I'm afraid. Even then, us volunteer mods back then had limited options.
The trading forums are, for the most part, just a way to keep trading spam away from the main forum areas for each game.
GlaZe 20 ноя в 10:17 
Alright, saw you were mod in there so thought you had some sort of power to moderate it.
Felix 20 ноя в 9:51 
I do not work for Valve so I cannot answer that question. How they do (or don't) moderate their service is down to them.
GlaZe 20 ноя в 6:12 
Why are people allowed to use multiple alt accounts in the CS2 trade forum to link to their main one? Doesnt that bypass the "only 1 post per hour" rule...