Don P. Jensen Jr   Elmwood Park, Illinois, United States
เล่นไปแล้ว 31 ชั่วโมง
Well Done Game, Although not up to the same level as the previous two games which were created by anouther game company.

Gamplay issues I found are the repetativeness of everything. you really do fight allot of the exact same battles with pawns in different costumes.

Story wise... Well as a fan of the comics this was crap. I understand you want to have as many trophie villians as possible for a title to draw people in but spead the story over a multiday arch it just does not make sense to have this much happen in this amount of time. On top of that these characters should not exist timeline wise in there current inarnations not represented ages at this time. That being said it is a game and they have to do what will sell items.

I bought he game on sale with all the DLC for around 15 which i would recomend if your going to purchase it. Well worth the cost of trip to you local fast food chain and much healthier.

Graphically 4 out of 5
Game play 2 out of 5
sonicmix 25 ก.ย. 2014 @ 10: 10pm 
yes it has don been playing FF IV the DS version.