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8.5 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 606.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (186.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2019. júl. 2., 9:12

Hearts of Iron 4 is one of the best WW2 stradegy games out there. You can play as every nation present starting in 1936. DLC opens up new paths for many nations as well as replacing basic focus trees (the way one triggers say the annexation of Austria or remilitarising the Reinland) for minor nations. Still just the basegame gives you focuses for every major nation during WW2
-> Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USSR, etc.
The DLC adds alternative history paths for most mayor nations, like reviving the monarcy in Britain or joining the axis as Canada.
Packed in with Steam Workshop you have a virtually endless supply of new szenarios to play, wether it's what if Germany won WW1 or putting you into the middle of the cold war and seeing how you end up. Keep in ind that you will only play through 10 years of history topps untill you either archive world dimonance, get taken over or the game running too slow to be playable (this granted is very rare and shouldn't be an issue for most players).
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