bind mwheelup +jump
bind mwheeldown +jump
bind "shift" "+speed; r_cleardecals;
cl_radar_always_centered 0; cl_radar_scale 0.3; cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15; cl_radar_icon_scale_min 1;
cl_radar_rotate 1
r_drawtracers_firstperson 1
cl_showpos 1
BindToggle alt cl_righthand
fps_max 0

1 964
Timer spilt
daBocchi 2. mai 2023 kl. 9.08 
"Its his playground and we're just playing in it"
Herobrine Sumatra 2. mai 2023 kl. 9.06 
terch became what everyone feared. His eyelids disappeared, his head was swelling and his ears started bleeding. "Are you okay terence" asks yuri. I've never been better yuri, I see it all now, they're not going A or B. They're going home, he said before rushing B all by himself and killing everyone on site
BöOo 2. mars 2023 kl. 9.59 
I 👁 just have seen 👀 your 👉 stream 😭 and wanted 😍 to say 🗣 that I 👁 thought 💭 you 👈 were super 🦸 adorable 🌹. you 👈 don’t know 🤔 me at all 💯 and i 👥 know 🤔 it’s kinda 🙅 weird 🤪. I 👁 just thought 💭 maybe 🤔 it’d be fun 😃😂 to roleplay 👨‍🔬👩‍💼👨‍🌾 with you 👈 as your 👉🏄🏾📝 online 🖥🌐💻 gf 👧 maybe 🤔? this isn’t a troll 👹👿. again ❌😬, I 👁 know 💭 it’s really 💯 random 🎲 and weird 🤪. I’m sorry 🙇. It would just be a fun 😃 online 💻🚮😡 relationship 👫 - nothing ❌ serious 😐 and I 👁 could donate 🅱 to you 👉 and your 👉 stream 😭 and support ❤ you 👈 and just be here
ac0rn 1. feb. 2022 kl. 4.28 
Lol fat
mickey 19. jan. 2022 kl. 3.56 
Ikaw ba kumain ng fudgee barr ko?
korim_420 11. juli 2021 kl. 6.32 
man got rich weapon caseeeee