WinterWitch ♡
online 16 years ago (or 3 days, I don't really know)   Germany
Current Mission:
- I dont just blind u for fun...

:LIS_butterfly: Sry, I'm not live on Twitch rn []
          Check out my Discord Server []:LIS_butterfly:
          My Youtube or not
          If you really want to see my Youtube Channel :LIS_butterfly:
          I hope im not a toxic 𝕔𝕦𝕟𝕥 to you
          𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾
          And also look at this adorable person :LIS_butterfly:
If you are a good, nice or new survivor, I might let you go. And please dont struggle when you're last survivor
Featured Artwork Showcase
LIS Feautured
My Holy DBD Rules
1. If you try to wiggle out as the last survivor, I guarantee you won't get hatch. If you are not doing that or i see you giving up at the end, maybe you will.

2. If I see a RPD offering you know what I will do...

Favorite Game
Hours played
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Screenshot Showcase
Stephs Story :D
Recent Activity
1,858 hrs on record
last played on 17 Dec
1.1 hrs on record
last played on 16 Dec
8 hrs on record
last played on 8 Dec
Emi 13 Dec @ 1:31pm 
+rep great and cute killer <3
Invocation: N1GGA BALLS 12 Dec @ 5:58pm 
baby killer also probably gae go 41% pls
dagdae 12 Dec @ 1:12pm 
+rep very good huntress <3
Eris 11 Dec @ 6:12pm 
+rep cute Zarina
Lorina Beșina 11 Dec @ 4:09pm 
i wonder why
NP932 11 Dec @ 3:46pm 
+rep cute Zarina :whiteward: