
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย DeadeGuard98

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14 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้ชวนขำขัน
18.2 ชม. ในบันทึก
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #7 <-- New review every Sunday

'Killer Is Dead' was my first Suda51 game and it's as bizarre as they come, I can tell you that much. You can check out other games by the same developer (Lollipop Chainsaw, Let It Die and you can decide for yourself). It's difficult to like this title without hating most of what makes it up. Lets just bare it all out...... Don't judge me.

"A Contract to Kill."

[+] PROS;

(a) Hack and Slash
The action is done well, considering since I played on a PC but it should benefit from a controller. There's variety too; Shooting projectiles, closing in with the katana, dodging and the combination of combos in between.

(b) Tools of The Trade
You can spend in-game currency on upgrades that will and in most cases greatly assist you in battle. They could for instance deal more damage, unlock new moves and other stats increases. In addition, access to sub-weapons include the standard rapid fire one, the charged powerful beam, the one that slows em down and of course a sharp, pointy drill!

(c) Dressed to Kill
This is an utterly thin argument but I (along with certain others I'm sure) am biased by the inclusion of outfits (some through DLC) and others by fulfilling special conditions, available afterwards for wallet loosening. Sure, the women get more scantily-dressed and revealing... but hey some of us like that! No judgement here~

(d) To the Moon and Back
I do like the concept of the story. An evil mastermind pulling the strings relating to the 'Dark Side of The Moon'. Interestingly (bizarre in other words) constructed and that defines it as a Suda51 game.

(e) The Whole Gang
The Agency crew members especially resuscitate the game. Vivienne Squall's accent and voice is the highlight performance. (in my opinion) However as a whole still generally lack character development and thus nobody stands out.

(f) Smooth Like Mondo
Some fourth wall-breaking statements occasionally; they're the only instances of hooking your cheekbones so savor them because the rest of the dialogue are as cheesy as a B-movie.

(g) Not Just A Suit
The difficulty in this game is adequate and has a curve typical to that of any hack and slash games. Although the main question is whether or not you can conquer Scarlett's Challenges, then I applaud You for doing so! Also, implementation of 'Nightmare Mode' (Actually just 'Hard' would do...) which really ramps up the adrenaline!!

[-] CONS;

(i) Famous Last Words
Maybe its the English translation or the voice actors' conveyance but my god such off putting vibe. I expected more from Mondo and Mika being the stars of the game.... but dang it I was counting on EVERYONE in fact. A third option could have been the script itself which was doomed to fail but nobody caught wind of it during table reads.

(ii) Dead Man Humor
The game is covered with a serious yet comical tone. The latter making up 85% being the original intent I'm sure. That said, I did not laugh out loud.... AT ALL. And let me tell you it was most certainly NOT because of my lacking in a sense of humor.

(iii) QTEs
A lot of button mashing, which can hurt and frustrate at times. Seriously please either no more QTEs.. or lessen them.

(iv) Femme Fatalities
First time mentioning this in a review but I cannot overlook this. The fine ladies here were objectified and oversexualized beyond belief. Fine, maybe I'm overreacting... This brings up 'Giggolo Mode', a dating simulator (except simplified to solely the crude parts) which was supposed to relieve stress but felt flat and out of place. Although, Mondo was probably assuming his promiscuous, bar-pickup stud stereotype. SO I guess there is that....cool (not cool)

(v)Was That All?
Too short (despite coming with DLC). I'm sure consumers would've loved it more if the agency had more contracts to execute and clients to entertain & payments to not receive.... a running gag I have grown to love.

"The Next Target!"

It might look bad and in fact majority most likely to condemn it. But it's still a fun, scandalously unusual experience. I did not beat myself up buying this game... well not much. Though I do strongly recommend only picking it up when its price has slashed. You're welcome.

โพสต์ 28 เมษายน 2017 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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8 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
20.1 ชม. ในบันทึก
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #6 <-- New review every Sunday

Transistor is an amazing game that proves you do not need to have topnotch graphics, open world elements or a cast of A-list celebrities doing the characters' voices. Much like 'Bastion', narration is just as important and well-implemented, with yet another silent protagonist but one with a compelling reason~ :) :D

"Fresh Input. Genius Output."

The Gist;
You take control as Red, a songstress who lost her voice in a post apocalyptic world. Automated threats known as the 'Process' run amok and your only way of combating them, a talking sword called 'Transistor'. With traces of other survivors and a group referred to as 'Camerata', seemingly behind the whole catastrophe. She takes centre stage.....

[+] PROS;
(a) Digital Wonderland
The way it looks is truly wonderful. It's not by any means realistic but there's no need for all that mo-cap dealie. Yes, I get that they're fantastic, realistic and I'm getting sidetracked... David Cage! The vivid colors, high tech and dystopian feel is gorgeous, relatively speaking.

(b) Anti Virus
Combat against the 'Process' requires ounces of planning and on the spot-reflexes!! The latter not so much, as there is a feature of halting time. Enabling you to trial and error your plan of attack.

(c) One Tough Software
When you throw in the 'Limiters' or unlock the option to recurse through the story upon witnessing the end. For difficulty chasers- you're in for a real threat. I'm talking new enemy placements, greater in number and their cunning just unmatched. Apart from that, the 'Sandbox Tests'; performance, agency etc, are pleasant free-will side quests and great for honing your skills.

(d) One Woman Show
Is a well-paced feat and achievement within video games (perhaps films too) for others to follow through. With its Techno beats and infectious rhythm, they are all very much welcomed in our ears. Respect to composer Darren Korb and vocalist, Ashley Barrett (HEART!)

(e) Housekeeping
Tinkering with 'Active', 'Passive' Functions; Although rather restricted. Every different combination transforms each battle into a novel and exciting experience.Not to forget during New Game +, when you can have multiple numbers of the same Functions.... It becomes overwhelming (in a good way) as you're are still not (never) too powerful, but more confident with the loadout.

(f) Thoughtful Programming
Transistor and Red have a solid bond. Writing behind the main characters (Camerata included) are memorable. The storyline was out-of-the-box and entertaining. There are terminals that provide exposition and distractions to the hectic battles. Objects to examine, all the while commentated by none other than Transistor itself.

[-] CONS;

(i) A Singer Not A Fighter
The negligence of an inventory system removed a huge chunk out of an RPG (but hey, it works!!). Equipment is non-existent besides the one sword a.k.a Transistor. Turning this game unique and after all, it's relevant to the plot after all.

(ii) Uploading
Unfortunately, the game Is relatively short (I can understand why, since the gameplay is not that broad). On that note, had the developers gone any longer the story would have been less impactful.

Still Processing,
>>>>>> ERROR >>>>>>


โพสต์ 28 กรกฎาคม 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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6 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
10.2 ชม. ในบันทึก
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #5 <-- New review every Sunday

While not a true sequel to 'Alan Wake' as it's merely a spin-off but it's no doubt the lesser of two evils. It shines in areas where the original couldn't. That's merely scratching the surface, as you have to play both Alan Wake titles to really appreciate the full effect! Here's what I loved and then not-so liked....

"The Dark Hour."

The Gist;
The writer Alan Wake is still in search of his wife Alice. Only this time, he deals with a doppelganger of himself, 'Mr Scratch'. He constantly traps Alan in a time loop, so until he resolves it, he will face defeat over and over. There are also others in the same predicament as Alan, whom also had encounters one way or another with the mystery villain. Will he break or prevail?

[+] PROS;

(a) The Plot Thickens
Story's just as mind blowing, despite it being cliched and borrowing (<coughs> robbing) inspiration from other works (name one that doesn't!).

(b) Typecasted
This time around, there are more interesting individuals- 'Emma the Hippie', 'Dr Meadows the Skeptic' and 'Serena the Tripping Chick'. Its funny to witness their reaction to the time loop. Voice acting was comparable, if not better than its predecessor's. But WHERE'S BARRY?! Oh there he is. Not to forget Alan's wardrobe change to a casual, laid-back lad!

Poor Alan however is even a bigger dull dud than before, so he's just your action man now who freelance writes instead of the other way around.

(c) Face of Evil
Graphics look a tad improved. Most certainly due to the smaller scale of the environment. I have no complaints here. Yes, you repeat and cycle between them a lot, but it's done with intent ;)

I felt the soundtrack really brought out the intensity, more action-packed gameplay and carried the glory. What with all the heavy rock-and-roll tracks~

(d) Sinister Makeover
HUD primarily and the way manuscripts are presented are sufficient to repackage the experience anew. Like an e-book!! Manuscripts, radio shows, TV recordings never fail to provide interesting backstory and entertainment.

(e) Grayed Out
Tweaks to add challenge to those 'difficulty chasers' such as yours truly. Pointing the flashlight on enemies without focusing won't deplete their darkness anymore. The number of flares, flashbangs have a tinier quota so you cannot stockpile them anymore.

The game features 'NORMAL' as its chillest and 'NIGHTMARE' its toughest. No 'EASY' because, the experience is made to reflect that of reality's. (Nice move). There is an arcade wave-base mode which is a brilliant touch, kinda like 'The Mercenaries' from the Resident Evil series. Fight, dodge and run.. Then repeat.

[-] CONS;
(i) Light-Hearted Puzzles
Although well-designed- 'Manuscripts to Match The Scene'. Not much effort was required of the players and were very scarce to even count as 'puzzles'.

((ii) No Longer Black
The game is a teensy bit difficult but the changes they made to the gameplay; regenerating ammo boxes, Alan being able to sprint nearly three times as long (did he practice for marathons?!) than his counterpart in the previous game, manuscripts being pinpointed on the map as'?' (Yes, they can be turned off) really made guessing where they were while getting lost in the darkness a cakewalk.

This was not the case in the first installment (which was truly SADISTIC when put side-by-side to this) I only died once or twice in the whole duration of the game.

(iii) Horror Genre... Or???
There was a big creative decision here to shift to a more action-packed approach. Hence, the pathetically weak scares and the darkness didn't seem as distressing, now just light shades here and there. Whereas in the previous game, it was permeating and suffocating most of the time; with no hint of daylight except for the beginning portions.

(iv)Monsters... All of You!
The spiders were ludicrous. The bird-man and deformed circular saw wielding hillbilly were the main attraction, if put to better and flattering circumstances)

"Time Waits for No Man...Or Woman"

That said, It's enjoyable and it is most certainly worth the price. It's sad that it's no longer sold on Steam... This game really speaks to me and pushes my buttons... In a way I'm not too fond of but at the end just relieved. Therefore, it's the best, closest thing to an actual 'sequel' (seriously if we can even call it that) and it leaves a faint hope for that one day.

โพสต์ 5 กรกฎาคม 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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10 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
27.9 ชม. ในบันทึก
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #4 <-- New review every Sunday

(Alan Wake Made Me Self-Conscious When Writing This Review... But I'll Push Through)


A great survival horror title along with psychological elements that shake the fragile fourth wall that is reality. I was frightened of the dark for a good while, but then it struck me that that I had been waiting YEARS to get it, since I do not own an Xbox. Then finally I discovered it on Steam, so was it worth the wait? Lets find out.....After I finish this review half-assedly~

"Trust No One In The Dark."

The Gist:
His name is Alan Wake, he's a writer... with performance anxiety. So his wife Alice decides to take him on holiday to try to work it out. There he realizes that part of what he has written, becomes true. His wife is kidnapped, dark beings are out to get him and he'll never publish another novel..... So he writes a new chapter and he's fighting with all his might. Will it be a happy ending?

[+] PROS;

(a) Blinded By Light
Graphics were pleasing to the eyes, even at the second lowest setting (how heavy my PC could support)

(b) Setting: Exterior
Refreshing set pieces; Bridges, tunnels, abandoned buildings, creepy town and so on......

(c) Combat System
Intuitive. Added points for cinematic (slow-motion) evades. That and the episodic format made it into a TV Series (An ongoing trend that I wished would stop altogether or die down. Have it only once in a while)

(d) Characters
Didn't appear subdued and I genuinely cared for them. Protagonists and antagonists alike. Of course, the star is still ALAN, the eponymous writer.

(e) Alone In The Dark
A difficult game that needs some getting use to (I played on 'Normal'). I remember being back at checkpoints several times, over and over.... and over.

(f) Keeping Busy
Plenty of collectibles to evolve the game into an intense hide-and-seek. Oh and in the midst of avoiding enemies that endlessly respawn from the darkness.

(g) A Novel in Itself
Manuscripts add to the replay value. Needless to say, make for intriguing brisk reading.

[-] CONS;

(i) Darker Than Black
Multitudes of glitches (although fixable once I retry checkpoint or restarted the game) The hint as to the trigger is to find the game NOT displaying 'Checkpoint Reached' when basking under a lifesaving streetlamp.

(ii) Writer's Block
Lacking imagination or features that would normally define a 'puzzle'; which typically requires some thought or takes a while to surpass. They mostly involve tugging on switches to lower or bring higher platforms. The sole aspect that will pass any time would be the enemies to outrun or fend off.

(iii) Outgrown
Not the best quality of horror. Aside from some creepy enemies initially- whose distorted voices quickly wore out. But its effort at attempting to emulate 'Silent Hill' in terms of atmosphere was admirable at best. The end result being an unsettling, pessimistic narrative.

"Without A Shadow Of A Doubt"

Though this may be biased.... (just a pinch) ;)

โพสต์ 28 มิถุนายน 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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11 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
10.5 ชม. ในบันทึก (10.4 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #3 <-- New review every Sunday

Before I begin, I would like to say, this game is very ambiguous with its story. One can only grasp at straws in deciphering meaning. There's nothing wrong with that. I mean you could look up the plot online and the theories are just as mindblowing!! Even then, that doesn't automatically mean they'd be 100% correct. Thus, it is very much open-ended. I like that word~

"Facing One's Demons."

The Gist; (At Least In My Opinion)
Something terrible has happened. You may or not be..... Well, its not good. Alas, you must press forward! Believe in your search for familiar faces, that you still have a purpose in Limbo. At the end, perhaps its fate. A blessing in disguise? Perhaps what life has to offer will always be beyond us.

[+] PROS;
(a) Nothing Is As It Seems
Minimalistic, but artistic nonetheless. Less is more, as they say...

(b) Solace in Death
Controls were easy to learn and master.

(c) Life's Greatest Riddle
Physics-based puzzles can be absolutely thought-provoking. Most require timing and a large deal of trial & error. A challenge Is that you try not to look up solutions :P (I dare ya). I just very recently conquered the game (cheat-free) cue the eyerolls.

(d) I Can't See[/b]
Right blend of darkness and or monochromatic color palette (in fact 98% of the game). The hostility of the environment and well-mixed sound effects further pull you in. Lastly, a fair warning for arachnophobes and claustrophobes, beware!!

[-] CONS;

(i) Speechless
Whimsical, however it can be tough to dismantle out the story elements. Which I guess is the main point? I don't think there has been a definitive answer as to what lies beyond this life.

(ii) Life's Too Short
The overall story is minimal. With the puzzles being the only thing that stalls for time (thus the selling point) and once it is done- it's over. Well up to a point, because you still have to figure out the ending. THEN it is truly over... not.

"Through Hell and Back,"

To conclude, nobody knows what to expect after death and this game illustrates one popular religious interpretation. I found myself wandering directionless way too many times because of the increasingly challenging puzzles that required quite a bit of backtracking. It incurred feelings of rage, sadness and at times triumph- which I think perfectly describes Limbo. There's no place I'd rather be. Not that I'm asking for it~

โพสต์ 22 มิถุนายน 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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8 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
15.6 ชม. ในบันทึก (15.5 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #2 <-- New review every Sunday

My first RPG on Steam to speak my mind about!! Ok, here goes. Now, I am experienced with a plethora of RPGs; Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Persona, you name it. but I won't lie, they have become quite overwhelming for me as they usually take up a large chunk of time to complete and are just not made for the faint of heart. Therefore, this game which has hypnotized me with its Shakespearean vibe and captivating looks, marks my debut back into the genre.

"A Tale of Greatness."

[+] PROS;

(a) A Work of Art
Gorgeous in its distinct way. Detailed, water paint-like and never distracting.

(b) Addictive
With only two characters playable in the party and the need for constant switching. One can't help but be dependent.

(c) Goody Two Shoes
Side quests; Easy to get lost in. Some were pretty overwhelming (in a need to micromanage kind of way)

(d) The More The Merrier
If you play 2-player coop; the other controls Igniculus during field exploration and combat. However I just solo it. But still, it's just so wholesome to know the option exists.

(e)Bard Wonders
Soundtrack gives one the feels; Ranging from accompanying the journey to save Aurora's Kingdom all the more triumphant to desperate lows of being held captive.

(f)Royal Mistreatment
The difficulty curve is interesting- Might I add, smothering!

[h1[-] CONS;[/h1]

(i) Routine
The battles do grow tedious very quickly. Exception being boss encounters, little devils done right.

(ii) Snoozefest
The old-fashioned, timey English language does cast one to slumber (I'm sorry to say) Although, if patiently sat through, one's vocabulary would certainly prevail!

(iii) Lacking A Certain Magic
Unlike other RPGs; You cannot change equipment (excluding gems to raise character stats. On the contrary, utilising a skill tree softens the blow significantly.

"I Enchant To This?"

โพสต์ 27 พฤษภาคม 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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3 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
53.9 ชม. ในบันทึก (48.1 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #1 <-- New review every Sunday

Let's be honest, I've never played the rest of the Saints Row installments. However, it's been proven to be a worthy purchase, one that I didn't regret at all. Here's hoping Saints Row V is in development :)

"Politics of It All."

[+] PROS;

(a) Gold Comedy
You just really need to intensify your hearing.

(b) A Blast from The Past
References here and there to other beloved titles; Metal Gear and etc. Think of it as the Scary Movie of video games.

(c) Plot
Nonsensical in one word, although it made me want to play the other games of the same franchise. Just to contrast.

(d) Over The Top
Gunplay is pretty standard. But expanding your arsenal is always fun! Pistols, shotguns, launchers... Superpowers! Have your pick!! Another game where you can mess up and not pay up.

(e) Life of The Party
Chances are you've already slept with anything that moved in your crew but this bears repeating- the interactions you have with your crew can be quite fun! There are additional minigames that are fun little time killers and for you to practice your many kickass abilities. Challenging, rewarding and call for different types of approaches as well be it time-attack, endurance or strategy-oriented~

[-] CONS;

(i) ADHD
In terms of combat and exploration. There's only so many headshots and takedowns that you can do before it goes stale.

(ii) Cut Down in Its Prime
Uninspired architecture as to the so-called 'Open World'. Also nothing worth pointing out that is graphically spectacular.

(iii) Candy from A Baby
An easy game to beat. Despite the superpowers saving the day, they simply make other mechanics obsolete. The many movement manoeuvres, for instance turn vehicles into 'meh'.

"The Votes are In!"
Despite not having played any of the other Saints Row games- the plot was very easy to follow which I imagine was due to its wacky writing and eccentric characters.

โพสต์ 14 พฤษภาคม 2016 แก้ไขล่าสุด 10 มีนาคม 2021
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