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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #17 <-- New review every Sunday

Danganronpa is probably the first game that got me hooked into the visual novel genre. It introduced me to publisher Spike Chunsoft, which then brought me to other fantastic mystery-thrillers such as Zero Time Dilemma and Zanki Zero (the latter of which I am still playing and enjoying very much).

Honestly, it might be a stretch to say this- but, all of SC's games that I have played have turned out tops. I tried the demo for AI Somnium on the Switch and that was an interesting take on a investigative-murder mystery!! So you can probably tell where I will be going with this review (heck I even have a pic of Danganronpa's mascot!!).... So I'll save you the time and effo- nah, imma go ahead and do the review anyways. BWAHAHAHAHAH.

"Court Is in Session~"

! AH-HAH! you've just been given spoilers- wait, WRONG PLACE AND TIMING!!

The Gist:
Take control of Makoto Naegi on his seemingly normal 1st day at Hope's Peak Academy (in hindsight, the name can mean one of two interpretations). The school in question is for individuals who are gifted one way or another in a given skill, trade or even field. However, the 'headmaster' has other plans to make use of these talents. Before you know it, someone gets murdered, not killed! Now, who among the 16 prodigies could be capable of such awful things..... *SNIFFLES*?

[+] PROS;

(a) Black-and-White
Now, I don't know about you all but I've never got caught for a crime (wink) so I have yet to participate in a real trial though I have visited the courthouse before. The chance to be in a mock trial albeit with deadly consequences and judged by a bear is truly a geek-out moment.

Speaking of which I know the Ace Attorney franchise also did this- in fact, I think they did it first. So I will definitely play that too one of these days.

(b) Justice Is Blind
I think the takeaway message behind the game is how it exposes the two-faced nature of people in general. There are sides people portray to others, whilst keeping hidden to themselves. However, prod and poke a little with threats and people resort to murder!!

In that sense, it is very believable. So I resonated deeply with it. Not to mention secrets from the past are heavily guarded and when at risk, we'll do anything possible to prevent them from ever seeing the light of day. And I mean- EVER!!

(c) Blame The Game, Not The Players
Gameplay-wise is pretty simple but well-developed. There are 3 phases.

First: "Normal" You get to spend time with the other students and this will result in useful skills for use in later trials~. Not to mention, the more you grow to like them, the harder it will hurt when your fave character betrays (OOOF) or dies (WAAAAHHH).

Second: "Investigation". Inspect the crime scene, interview person of interests or shady-ass individuals and gather their testimonies/eyewitness accounts.

Final: "Judgement" The crux of the game, which are the trials where you present evidence collected and rebut contradictions. There are also minigames that are basically your mind-mechanisms trying to work out the truth.

(d) The Truth Will Out
Now the characters, obviously you will not be fond of everyone. It's like life, there are strong personalities that will try to dominate over others. Neutral ones like the main character and finally the easily-rattled borderline hostile that are typically fodder for the murderers.

But not all will fall into these categories. Some are a mix; that is the refreshing part! The main star of the show that you'd love to hate and hate to love is of course, Monokuma! Iconic, parodying little sadist who is as self-aware as well.... the audience. I mean people. :')

[-] CONS;

(i) Forced Pleas
You'd think that being a trial. There would be more outcomes that just the one where the murderer is discovered. Apart from the game over screen when you pick someone wrong- the killer will most often be just the same one.

Therefore, there are limited choices even in what you say or do. Normally I would not even take this consideration but it does irritate me sometimes. For instance, having to put forth that 1 key evidence even though there are other exhibits that work just as well in narrowing down the suspects or proving a point.

(ii) True Despair
Predictable formula. This is not actually singling out the first game. It's actually targeted towards the later installments.

WAIT, hear me out! Okay, the way the game starts is always the same~ Amnesia, first day of school. It does get old very fast. Characters too, there's that 1 hidden wolf in sheep's clothing or the motives that drives the students to kill are also similar. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy the trilogy immensely because of the murders being executed differently. The mysteries never fail to captivate or intrigue me! I was just saying... is all. Heh~

"I'M Out of Order!?"

In summary, the verdict is... Guilty- of being a truly gripping whodunit that is. If you enjoy guessing, barking up the wrong tree on who the killer is and reliving courtroom dramas you've seen one too many times from your beloved TV series. This is for you, gavel down! No regrets and this BEARS repeating, Spike Chunsoft is now one of my all-time favorite game developers.


There's also an animation series. You know what- I wanna watch it now~
Julkaistu 18. huhtikuuta 2020 Viimeksi muokattu 5. tammikuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
13 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
2 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 6.8 tuntia
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #16<-- New review every Sunday

Tokyo Dark Is an equal mix of visual novel, point-and-click sidescroller- which already makes for an interesting combination. I think these games individually already have the potential to do some serious (healthy) damage to pique a gamer's interest, so imagine the combination! Honestly, I was drawn in because of the anime style but man oh man- was I not prepared for the hours of mysteries I got spiraled into!!

"Kept in The Dark~"

The Gist:
Play as Detective Ito in her search for her partner (personal and professional). Faced with a recurring case surrounding a mysterious mask, woman in red and of course- herself! What will YOU do to save the one you love!/

! Freeze, tell me what I need to know. Actually nevermind. I said NOOO!!

[+] PROS;

(a) Personality Test!
The game feels like a criminal profiling- except it's done on a detective which is actually you (unless you're actually a criminal, which is cool). Are you a curious individual? Someone who wants to see justice done and get on with the law! Or perhaps, you could care less and you just wanna have fun. Maybe you want numb the pain.. deep inside you.

A-a-anyways, choose how you want to play but be warned these have dire consequences and could lead to countless, undesirable endings.

(b) A Dark Secret
The gameplay is actually nothing too impressive. Oh god, someone slap me!!

But wait, I meant the story was the actual hook of the game. It certainly kept me going for close to 10 hours (warning it was 6.8 exaggerated). Being a detective, obviously there is a mystery to solve and I tried my best to piece it all together. It's fun, ominous and hair-raising I tell you!!

(c) 'Evil' Lurks Everywhere
According to the Kickstarter platform, locations around the game were inspired by- you guessed it! TOKYO. Personally I have never been but I would love to visit them cat cafes and shrines!

I thought this was a rather subtle move, indicating that more is going on than you'd think in everyday, busy places. It always pays to be careful! See? Something relatable and a teaching moment at that!! Who said games were bad infl-.

(d) Embrace The Darkness
This adventure has even more layered meanings. Forget the appealingly illustrated backgrounds and character designs first....

It's actually advocating about serious issues that warrants greater attention. Like mental illness, idol struggles, substance or sexual abuse. These were often either flat out shown, illustrated or heavily hinted upon. If I'm wrong, then it somehow yet reasonably pushed me to said conclusions.

Yes, crimes were committed but I think the takeaway here is second chances and that everyone is entitled to one. There is beauty behind these characters' baggage and of self-acceptance.

Anyhoo, back to the aesthetics. Two words, they lit!

[-] CONS;

(i) Inner Darkness
Yes, the characters are fun and genuine. But after going through so much. I felt as though I still do not know most of them. Ito is basically your avatar and since your actions shape her. It can be hard to love yourself.

Your fiance, besides being loving, caring and committed to the job... That's all I know. The only other person we learn a great deal about is R-lady and her troubled past. That just goes to show the underdevelopment of these likable yet bland characters.

Perhaps it has to do with the replayability and new game + since I only finished the game once or twice. But, that just should not be... more on that after this.

(ii) Pure Chaos.
This is more of a general con about games with multiple endings. I geddit you know- sometimes one linear path means that the sole ending you are given ain't the one you deserve. That sucks, definitely! But multiple endings and all of them supposedly canon just screams out indecisiveness on the part of the developers and inconsistency in character.

I can also understand that, to a certain degree. Because nothing is set in stone- the whole butterfly effect dealie.

THAT SAID! I think the best way to end a game is one true ending and maybe a secret ending that follows from that same end- to tie up lose ends and reveal the fates of certain beloved characters. I think Final Fantasy (also by Square Enix) did that best!!

"Unmasked. Put It Back on?"

So, in closing... Your personality type is.. Oh wait... If you love a game where you can visit Tokyo-ish (maybe decide whether to go one of these days) or explore the realms and limits of your sanity. All while witnessing a mystery that will have you glued onto it as it unfolds.. to slight well-paced payoff. Finally, cats and tons of them. If so, all of this is for you!! Go buy it and take a shot in the dark.


Adapt into an anime- WHAT, who said that?!
Julkaistu 22. tammikuuta 2020 Viimeksi muokattu 5. tammikuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
48 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
12 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 1,273.2 tuntia (1,048.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #15<-- New review every Sunday

Now... before we get into which hero-based shooter is a copy of which game OR exactly which one came first (better yet, let's not). Because that does not Matter. Paladins has its own roster of her- I mean champions. Yes, some have similar designs and abilities. Yeah, I'll give you that. However, it does enough to set itself apart from its counterparts of this increasingly hip genre. Without further ado, the standalone review of Paladins: Champions of The Realm. So, it begins~


! Seven in a row! That's ANOTHER SPOILER!!

"We Are The Champions~"

The Gist:
The Paladins and The Magistrate are in an eternal struggle for crystal-based weaponry and power across the realm. That's the best I can do (I'm sorrry). Because initially the game does not have much towards its plot. It was rather later that the lore and each Champion's backstories were added!

[+] PROS;

(a)Select Your Champion!
The first thing you'll notice is the assortment of characters available. Starting out- you will play as Viktor. An infantry type of champion or 'damage' class. Specializing in hitting them where it hurts!!

There are also the agile 'flank' class for creeping up behind the enemies to disrupt enemy formations and get away with it too. The 'frontline' absorbing and shielding fellow allies from meeting certain death and finally the poor 'support' class which will face a lot of backlash and hate... I wish I was kidding. But yes, ideally they're meant for healing and acting as oxygen for the team. Good luck with that logic.

(b)To Each His Own
I remember when I first laid eyes on this game, I was totally new yet instantly attracted to the game. It was strange, being a FPS (as I've played COD) but at the same time including the idea of abilities and ultimates. It was something amazing, I cannot really describe it.... Makes you think. *Sighs*

A-anyways, that warm feeling didn't end there. There were so many champions to choose from with their bright, vivid colors and interesting design choices. Selecting one to play as for the first time was equally, if not more nerve-wracking too. Brief mention, the champions (default skins) had personalities and charm. That and they were excellently voice-acted! Just listen to them in action using the VGS (Voice Guided System). But don't annoy your teammates. VVGQ!!

With practice, you will most definitely find one that really tickles your fancy. Mine is Makoa (if it's not apparent by now). He is just too adorable and deadly. Jauntily swinging his hook and barely recovering from each fire of the cannon's recoil.

(c) Endless Possibilities
The game is free-to-play, which sends serious chills to some players. Like why is it free, surely it must be bad or incomplete. Well.... not exactly! I'll get to the bad parts later. But it is certainly NOT pay-to-win.

In terms of content, there is no shortage of that. New champions, cosmetics, maps are released regularly. Especially since the addition of the battle passes (is there any game without those anymore). There's a free battle pass that everyone can get a partial taste of its cosmetic goodies. Then the paid version which promises exp boosts and rewards at every tier.

Personally, I can live without these things.. BUT the 50 crystals (in-game currency) they award for logging in daily- had to be invested somewhere right? I'm sad to say I actually fell prey to purchasing some crystals to top-up the amount needed for the battlepasses. So far- I have yet to miss one. HAHAHAHA. I need help. X_X

(d) Victory Fanfare
The in-game cards mechanic is addictive! Allowing you to tweak to a certain degree how long it takes for skills to cool-down, how much health you recover or increase your stats momentarily whether in terms of movement speed or defense. That OTHER game does not have that. Huhuhu.

I just wanna conclude the pros section by showering the original menu theme with praise and love! Truly iconic and it gets you in the mood for some battling! I'm listening to it as I am drafting this review!! It. Is. THat. GOOD.

[-] CONS;

(i) The Price of Freedom-
Anyways, free-to-play. A blessing as well as a curse. So, by offering this game free of charge. There's a catch, like duh. There are DLCs (season passes) the profits of which are used to keep the game and its legacy afloat.

So as of now, I and so many other players can testify to this. There are bugs. Lots of them, I'm talking infestation of pests even. CALL THE EXTERMINATOR.
I'm exaggerating, yes.... of course I am. But then again, hahahaha. That's what years of frustration will do to you. No doubt there were more when I played it in its BETA stages. Thankfully most were crushed but remnants of them still remain.

So some dishonorable mentions include; partying-up bugs, audio bugs, in-game graphic glitches and forced 'deserter' status. Perhaps the most terrifying is the inability (ironically) to use ABILITIES!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I better stop, I do not want the payload to explode, let's just put it that way. Did that sound dirty? I'm sorry, but I hope you captured my point. *Winks*

(ii) I-is That B-Blood?
Game modes. Okay, there's 'siege' where you capture the objective then escort it to enemy base. Then 'onslaught' and finally 'team deathmatch'. The latter two are more kill-based.

There used to be 'survival' which was short but fun and filled with suspense. Also, 'payload'.. Remember that? For a game that is so combat and gameplay-heavy. You would think there exists a plethora of game modes to choose from. But nope, deal with it!! Oh and 'ranked' doesn't count.

(iii) VVGT
Finally, a minor complaint. But with every new skin- I've mentioned this earlier. The characters lose their lovable nature and character quirks. Even being replaced by other voice actors completely (don't quote me on that but it does sound like it). They get cool outfits sure, but they're no longer the same character underneath that meat bag. It truly bothers me, but doesn't mean I will stop using them in battle. Some very funny deliveries and lines by their alternate skins.

As a whole, Paladins is just such a cathartic experience to me. It's no Overwatch (there I SAID IT) in the level of polish and quality. But it brings its own appeal in characters that are now somewhat iconic and addictive gameplay that hooks you in to the border of the map for an instant kill. Despite its irritability a.k.a. bugs and oh it's a real pest situation- you'll grow to adapt to or work around them. Barely noticing them anymore even. I had some great memorable times with My friends, playing in parties of five and I hope you do too~

"We'll Keep on Fighting, Till The End~"


So go ahead, install this game (DID I MENTION IT'S FREE) and git gud! You can do it, Champ!
Julkaistu 28. kesäkuuta 2019 Viimeksi muokattu 4. joulukuuta 2020.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
15 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 993.1 tuntia (425.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #14<-- New review every Sunday

Dead by Daylight is unlike anything I've ever played (Ok fine, that's not exactly true). Except maybe... The Last of Us' multiplayer which bore the closest resemblance. Like that- players are pitted into an arena to fight it out! It was a unique game at the time and a treat to horror fans because it plays out like a slasher movie (I get so excited... Just me?), except in this one- YOU are the one making foolish decisions and so the rage-curses typically aimed at the stupidity of the character onscreen.. is redirected back at yourself. Ha!


The Gist:
Take on the role of a survivor or killer in the Fog. Their respective objective is clear and concise; for the former, it is to escape or 'survive' and the latter- to hunt down, kill or 'sacrifice' said survivors to please the supernatural, "Entity" in charge of this twisted game of life and death.

! Here's A Spoiler for You- No One Escapes Death!

[+] PROS;

(a) Killin' It!
Starting out, you will be be frustrated as heck and dying a lot. But don't confuse that with 'not having fun'. The game just has a steep learning curve and the game actually rewards you for doing the Tutorial (which is entirely optional). Even then, the tutorial only teaches you the basic flow of the game; doing gens, finding exit gates and rescuing fellow teammates.

The game is pretty fun once you know how to avoid the killers, performing 'jukes' or tricks to evade the killer's gaze & attacks. This is where the thousands of guides on Youtube will help!

(b) Cameo to Die for.
Now, the crux of the fanboy/fangirl argument. Though the game does have killers and survivors of its own invention. What players generally anticipate are the licensed characters; for example Laurie Strode and Michael Myers from Halloween. New content is regularly added every three or so months.

So far, franchises such as Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street (remake), Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Still breathing? Ok, Left 4 Dead and The Evil Dead. The latest addition being Ghostface from Scream!!

Regardless of whether you play as survivor or killer. There will be two common elements. Firstly, customization of 'loadout' or basically your arsenal to help with your mission! The 'bloodweb' is like a skill tree generated at random, comprising of 50 levels with many nodes unlockable (for items, perks, offerings) through the earn as you play 'bloodpoints'- reaching the end will then unlock 'prestige' option (up to three times per character, so 150 levels).

I found there to be no incentive at all to unlock new characters except only for making available their 3 unique perks (when individually leveled up to 30, 35 and 40) to other survivors by purchasing them via the weekly-generated 'Shrine of Secrets' with the second earnable currency of 'Iridescent Shards'. Characters (non-licensed ones) can be purchased with these too at a hefty, tedious price of 9000 shards. Ughhh.

As of now, I still don't have Feng Min, Detective Tapp, Adam Francis but I have all their perks. Teehee... The only problem is, there will always be only 4 per week; 2 killer and 2 survivor perks. Therefore, this grinding method takes longer. So if you can wait, this is the cost-effective solution.

(d) Execution in Style.
This brings me to the second element of customization; cosmetics. So unlocking characters has no other point besides squeezing you of your dough! Through a third and FINAL currency, 'Auric Cells'. Prestiging characters also nab you 'bloodied' versions of your default clothes. So if you're into that, by all means.

Well, unless you really adore some of the characters' design and their ever-expanding wardrobe... Which I admit are very appealing sometimes and I'm sure most players love them. I am thankful that the devs even bothered to include these options. But I'll settle for just appreciating them from afar.

(e) Lost in The Fog....
The game being an asymmetrical horror game means that most of the objectives will be randomly-generated in this game. Additionally, placement of pallets, vaults and walls are also affected. Therefore, this can help add to the element of surprise- delay the onset of boredom and repetition. That said, after hundreds of matches, you will naturally come to predict where they spawn.

[-] CONS;

(i) Cliffhanger
Plot. Is there one? Yes and no. It is obvious that there is much we still do not know about the Entity. Mysterious sure, but what is the payoff? Would it all be worth it in the end?

The game tries to compensate through releasing tidbits of 'lore' alongside certain events. However it just does not tie in completely or well, for that matter. Each character has their self-contained backstories as to how they arrived in the Fog to be manipulated by the Entity.

Again, there is no coherent flow. Just isolated characters in an arena battling it out for no purpose other than to cling to their lives. They do not have much personality (perks, cosmetics don't count) either; just differing skins of meat This also calls into question the lifespan of this game... 3 years is an achievement- but surely it could run out eventually.

(ii) Why Are We Still Here? Just to Suf-
Full disclosure, this game is- wait for it...... BUGGY. Like for real, to this day. There are still bugs of clipping onto objects, characters floating when leaning against certain terrain. Problems of hitboxes being inconsistent for killers.

This is just a suggestion. but maybe spend less time adding newer content and instead focus on just squashing those bugs for now. I know they said they did and are still doing so- they give us the platform for voicing out and communicating problems to them either on their forums or in-game support.

Another topic would be balancing issues. Things like stats for certain perks needing tweaking or characters needing complete reworks (here's looking at ya Freddy!). This is glaringly much harder to do, hence, the need for PTB. I notice players are mad about this. I'm not.... so much at least. But maybe PTB stages should be longer then!?

(iii) No One Escapes Death
If you've played hundreds of hours or even less actually. The game experience becomes painstakingly bland and yep, you called it.. REPETITIVE. Fix, chase down, rescue open gate, escape or die. There are ways to help change things up and keep the game interesting.

1. Playing against tougher killers or survivors will help

2. You could also alter playstyles. Are you a gen-rush survivor, caring survivor, toxic survivor or disconnect (DC) survivor?!

3. Experiment with your perk builds!

However, it does not bother me. I consider every match a challenge and one can always improve themselves. I'm just saying some people could be annoyed.

(iv) Is Anyone T-there?
In-match character communication is limited as they do not even talk to one another. You can point at or signal to come over. But most of the time teabagging will get your point across. Isn't that just strange? Yeah, it makes the game more challenging so I guess that was the devs' intentions? Still weird though and players have requested the inclusion of a built-in voice chat as opposed to simply Discord.

"Praise The Entity"

In Short, DBD is alive and well.... for now. I don't play it as often or at all now but I still love it to death!! It just reached its 4th year and Silent Hill is its latest chapter (FINALLY). So at least the devs are always listening and trying to please us as we do the Entity. I know some people have a polar mob mentality; hate the game for slow matchmaking, neverending bugs and then love It when the game works in their favor. Appreciate what is there, working and that such a game exists!!

Julkaistu 20. kesäkuuta 2019 Viimeksi muokattu 7. huhtikuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
15 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 6.5 tuntia (5.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #13 <-- New review every Sunday

I've been delving more into the point-and-click genre lately and I can definitely see what I've been missing out on. It's a game that doesn't take up much of your time or effort as the controls are literally as the genre states and you can focus entirely on the story, putting two and two together. Developed by Spooky Doorway and insanely funny, well-received,


The Gist:
Assume the role of Francis McQueen manning the Darkside Division in the City of Twin Lakes. Stranger things have been happening and though affected- people are generally oblivious because why not? Armed with only basic knowledge of the occult, tons of pop trivia and quip. Mcqueen and his partner, Dooley are on the job!

! Francis: You gonna tell them or should?!
! Dooley: About what? The spoilers....? Oh right! How every-
[spoiler[ ! Francis: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/spoiler]

[+] PROS;

(a) Scary Mov- Game
It is clear that so much love and film-buffs' knowledge were inserted into the dialogue and plot. Including references alluding but not limited to the likes of Stephen King, H. P. Lovecraft and other beloved geniuses! Hello, Twin Peaks?!

You will most definitely recall movies and literary works from prior to the 2000s and they are almost always nostalgic as they are entertaining. Now watch as they get parodied!!

(b) Cracking The Case
There are a total of 9 cases (3 bonus ones unlockable at any time under Settings). Each will revolve around a main artifact or villain causing the paranormal happenings.

I had a lot of fun solving them (2 left for me)- some of which require constant backtracking to make available new conversation choices for interrogating suspects and witnesses. Scavenge for key items by interacting with the environment and also combine them! When a wrong one is selected there is dialogue that just poke fun at you!!

While I do not have like a favorite one per se. The most memorable for me would be the library scenario, the motel too....ooh not to forget the train and okay fine, ALL OF THEM!!

(c) The City's Finest
You would think that being highly attentive to detail would be a required skill to solving mysteries- which you know, is part of their actual job description? Although, they do seem to be better at making puns and criticizing common horror tropes and logic. Then again, they do get the job done. Maybe all cops should be this way? *GASP*

The same goes for level design. Nothing escapes unscathed without first being ridiculed or called out on and makes you reconsider some movies altogether. Bait's Motel? Come on... :O

(d) The Unusual Suspects?
Along the way, the duo will meet all sorts of other peculiar characters or famous supernatural beings even. It is a treat to see them in pixel bit-graphics and have I mentioned the art style is appealing!! Looks like a classic but it's obviously modern at the same time.

Some characters are recurring like the tech expert and majoring in the occult, Raxa who will help solve a few cases too. There's also the Brightside Division which I'm sure you already figured out- being the polar opposite in naming and all but I will let you discover them for yourselves.

(e) Did You Hear That?
The soundtrack is a blend of ominous and synth. Sporting an upbeat but never out of place tempo. Speaking of which, I just want to say there are no bugs whatsoever in the latest patch and it is just a delight to play through.

[-] CONS;

(i) To What End?
Ok, now onto more serious talk. Despite the game playing out in scenarios with their respective (often unsatisfactory) conclusions. One cannot help but ponder what is the 'Darkside'?

I suppose the team has learnt their lesson- since with the Kickstarter campaign for Season 2, they've promised to reveal more about this interesting phenomenon. I just hope it's not too late or falls flat by then.

(ii) All Fun and Games Until..
I know, I loved the jokes and references. However, if you shift the focus back to the characters- is there much personality or genuine character building left (if at all even)? This game generates and gets off on its laughs by basing perhaps half of the game on creations of others. Which is fair use but I'd rather be amused by their original take on the horror genre.

Still doesn't stop me from laughing at them so it has that going at least. Furthermore, every character comes off as funny that they just seem to be essentially ONE character with varying degrees of humor (stupidity now that I also think about it) depending on his/her mood.

In summary, The Darkside Detective is a charming addition to the Point-and-Click collection. Its greatest strength lies in the capitalizing and satirizing of horror as a leisure activity. While It does suffer from having samey characters or the need to crack loads of jokes within the span of seconds before letting the previous one land for full effect. I still enjoyed it significantly as it's good mindless entertainment although not really because of the many interesting puzzles.

"Never Too Late to Join The Darkside"


You can imagine my glee after playing the sleuth that I found out a Season 2 is underway!
Julkaistu 8. kesäkuuta 2019 Viimeksi muokattu 10. maaliskuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
19 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 15.9 tuntia (15.7 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #12 <-- New review every Sunday

Having been around for two decades, Corpse Party (2016) is obviously well-loved and has its dedicated cult following- which is a testament to the subject matter of the game. Released and remade, then finally ported to PC. There's even an anime (can't wait to watch that) but for first-timers like myself, I'd advise playing this version to get acquainted with and thoroughly enjoy what this strange, creepy title has to offer. With that, Let us begin the ritu- review.

"Death Is Only The Beginning..."

The Gist:
Take control of one of several friends and a teacher of Kisaragi Academy cleaning up after an event. One of their close members, Mayu is transferring and everyone is feeling down. Class representative, Ayumi suggests using a good luck charm to tie their friendship... forever! However, something quickly goes wrong as they do with things found online and get whisked away to Heavenly Host Elementary School, trapped by its rules and supernatural forces. Solve the mystery and save (or end) their souls!!

! Sachiko, we beg of you- no SPOI UGH!!

[+] PROS;

(a) Self-Fulfilling Prophecy-
The story is as intriguing as its name! Upon arrival, the nine classmates are separated into smaller groupings in differing dimensions of the same school. Within the confines of Heavenly Host, the protagonists' first instinct is to escape obviously but find that it is seemingly impossible.

Therefore, what was initially a matter of survival is gradually revealed to be deeper than that. Dating back to the origins of the 'Sachiko' ritual and how it then spiraled out of control. Far from the intention of binding together those involved in the procedure- they are subjected to gruesome murders and decline in sanity. All of which will destroy their bonds instead.

(b) Twists and Turns-
The adventure is linear (man, was I fooled) especially so in the beginning. Let me explain, you can select whichever chapter to start the game and you will notice varying number of stars in the title menu under each one. I thought they indicated difficulty level but rather the possible endings you could end up with!!

Only one outcome is the true end or 'bloodcovered' option which is canon as to how the plot should progress. The rest are 'wrong ends' or what-if endings that often does not end well for the protagonist currently being controlled. This means you are either murdered, a murderer or being driven crazy! There are exceptions to this later chapters. Having more than one bloodcovered outcomes and even alternate endings~

(c) Playing The Victim-
Lets talk characters... Firstly the main protagonists. Plural because I do not want to single any one of them as the starring role (rightly should be Satoshi) but they tend to have equal, integral roles to the story by way of gathering key items and interacting with antagonists, ultimately necessary to reach the truth!

The characters- though not inherently complex, do have their share of development and moments. We see Satoshi's caring relationship with younger sister Yuka. Witness friendship and possibly hidden affection between Naomi and Seiko. Speaking of which, there is A LOT of unrequited love (ahhh high school days) going on all revolving around Satoshi (you lucky dog).

A-anyways back to the characters. You can feel Yui Sensei's genuine concern over her students' welfare or also be understanding of Ayumi's worries over her future career path. Even Morishige's curiosity of the grotesque, surely we've all had that phase and I'm not referring to puberty. So relatable(?) to students! That said, they all eventually progress and come off one-dimensional and sadly do not mature into other areas.

(d) Lost Souls-
Kisaragi Academy is just the latest addition to the long running tragedy that Heavenly Host embodied. You are given straight-up dozens of corpses to inspect for finishing blows and which school they hailed from. Only now they are remembered only through their school nametags and whose souls wander endlessly... All of whom presumably just wanted to celebrate their friendships too! It is just too close to home.

[-] CONS;

(i) This Isn't What It Looks Like..
With all the sugarcoating out of the way. I have one gripe with the game.. The graphics! Okay, I may be over-exaggerating (you think!?) but seriously I was not scared even a little. If you can't tell, I am lying- Heck yeah I was terrified.... at first. Let me elaborate. Firstly the premise taking place in a school is terrifying already as I am a student too. Then the sound design. Every time I made a choice or picked up an item there is an ominous tone that plays.... without fail.

My God, at first, I thought I chose the wrong option (so I restarted) but really that's just to make players uncomfortable. So kudos! Finally, at times the game makes you feel claustrophobic and alone in the dark; restricting your vision. This just made me wonder.... If they were going to port the game why not the superior version of the remake or better yet move away from the pixel graphics and top-down view into a third-person one.Furthermore, corpses mostly look alike; just blurry skeletons and blood spatters. Those changes in perspectives would've certainly been more effective at keeping the horror fresh.

(ii) A Fate Worse Than Death!
This is somewhat unfair because all Corpse Party games or anime characters do this are guilty of this but... After replaying each chapter to get every outcome possible. Two things are painstakingly clear and unchangeable!

1. Certain characters have to DIE
This is obviously for dramatic effect. Imagine if everyone lived, HOW SCARY would that be, right? Still these select few have limited character arcs or screen time which is a bit of a letdown.

2. Character personalities shift from one extreme to the other (WITHIN SECONDS)
In a matter of seconds, the character (previously visibly fine and dandy) become dark and emotional just because specific conditions were fulfilled or missed. This probably stems from the technical limitations as properly pacing their shifts would require more minute facial expressions and not simply well-acted voice acting.

"To A Right End!"

In conclusion, Corpse Party is a simple, unsettling game with tons of replayability. Although not a mind-blowing plot by any means- the friendship and love elements were well-executed in terms of atmosphere and gameplay. There were perhaps a tad too much gore, becoming less tasteful and desensitized by it as you go on.

Characters have their own realistic personalities, teenage drama but for the sake of killing them creatively- often that gets disregarded. But you'll quickly realize that all this becomes the signature of the franchise and that's exactly what sets it apart from other visual novels.


Please excuse me, this book is fascinating. I'm brushing up on an ancient language~
Julkaistu 29. toukokuuta 2019 Viimeksi muokattu 10. maaliskuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
15 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 10.1 tuntia
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #11 <-- New review every Sunday

NightCry is supposedly a spiritual successor to the Clock Tower series (if you remember that). Having been directed by the original talent too. You know, those point-and-click survival horror games featuring a gigantic scissor-wielding enemy chasing 'defenseless' women, which I never played... busted! However, after having finished this, I am more eager than ever to try them!

"Making The Cut."

The Gist:
You start off as Monica Flores, a gorgeous typical blonde who's enjoying a party aboard a cruise ship alongside her classmates and professors. While searching for a friend, she feels that something is obviously amiss. Much to her regret- a ghastly apparition with a pair of gigantic scissors stalks her relentlessly and the mass murder begins.

! Max Caulfield; Trish! Just in case you were wondering.... Oh and spoilers!!

[+] PROS;

(a) Room Service
The controls are simple enough with the entire game playable through only a mouse as the genre implies. Click once to walk and interact with objects. Double-click to run. That and the space key which skips dialogues, cutscenes and door animations. It's that simple!!

(b) Cruising for A Bruising
The game is comprised of three main portions; the exploration, the chase and the QTE! Exploration has the character walk around, solve simple puzzles and comment (often hilariously) on everyday objects meant to give a sense of their personality.

Chases are intense at first but once you know not to deplete stamina and end up paralyzed- making for easy picking, it is fairly simple. If caught, successfully completing a QTE (also drains stamina) will stun the enemy for a few seconds. Only certain objects are interactive during this phase either to hide behind or use to fend off the Scissorwalker (SW).

It doesn't matter whether you are spotted or far away when you choose a hiding spot. Only the QTEs will decide your fate. There are not that many of these which is a shame because these were creative and what was most thrilling for me.

(c) Shady Characters
The main characters are modeled well (wish I could say the same for the rest) despite being very bland and poorly voiced (which you'll grow accustomed to). Personally, the best I think is Monica, Leonard and then Rooney... Which is ironic because this is the exact order in which you play them.

Their character development is severely restricted until the third act. Even then, only Monica and Rooney are explored, if not just a little. Monica acts all gold-digger-like because she has younger siblings to look after but she is actually surprisingly tough. Rooney is haunted by her past, an incident revolving her sister(?) as a child and people referred to her as suicidal...

(d) Moth Effect
The redeeming factor to this game is its choices mechanics. Certain items are optional (cough, easily missed) to pick up which are 'necessary' for the good or other endings. However, it is only after experiencing so many deaths and inspecting a timeline checklist that will slowly guide you to better, positive outcomes.

Not only that, there are 'horrors' scattered throughout the game which are basically mini hauntings; objects come to life, something passes by and etc. These were unpredictable yet really exciting when they do appear before your eyes.

[-] CONS;

(i) What in The Actual F
I tried so hard to make sense of the game's plot. I know there is a cult, ghosts, a mastermind but it all boils down to WHY?! It is apparent the effort that went into the story is minimal but concentrated (if you can even call it that) on gameplay. Perhaps, the story requires critical thinking in order to be deciphered.. TONS OF IT!!

It does not seem coherent at all. Even the cruise passengers do not seem to care much for a serial killer as they call it, on board until the SW is right in their faces... By then they're just shouting and milking the moment.

(ii) Crippling Fear?
I mentioned earlier the game is easy to play. Well, it would be if it had worked properly. The camera is uncooperative at times (mostly during chases) and often ends up glued to/blocked by the character. Making escape near impossible and so frustrating.

Furthermore, in Scene 3 onward- opening doors become so difficult and slow. The characters appear to have a stroke or ants on their bodies. Good luck with the SW constantly right behind you moving perfectly and at an unreasonable pace!! Just pray that his AI goes batshi* crazy and he just patrols endlessly, ignoring you (happened a few).

Then there are more bugs. The ones I can recall involve the place with containers, opening doors but still stuck in the room (AND KILLED). I just find some bizarre new ones whenever I chose to replay asScene. You'd think that the game devs address them by now... But I mean the game was a Kickstarter after all.

(iii) An Unfortunate Accident-
The game has only the default difficulty and even then is already quite tough. It takes time to master which I can appreciate. It also teaches the players to be careful what to interact with and use their 'common sense'. For instance, there was a section where Rooney receives a phone call from Jessica (who is supposed to be dead) about Eric and how you shouldn't trust him.

That point on- I did the exact opposite of whatever advice he gave and died over and over. So I do not, for the life of me understand if it is genuinely poor writing or deliberate attempts to stir mysteries... I guess it's the latter. The timeline is also questionable. Monica's and Rooney's start simultaneously. Then they intersect in the middle. That's fine... Throw in Leonard's however and the whole part just doesn't add up.

Jerome (Rooney's apparent love interest) was supposedly kidnapped and shirtless but suddenly gets fully clothed when Rooney finds him later on. I guess time is much faster for Rooney because her chapter ties everything together and that she is a discount Max Caulfield.

"Join The Online Forums"

To sum up, NightCry is a fun, if not unpolished title at worst. I know I come off as being annoyed (which I was) BUT I truly, wholeheartedly enjoyed the game as a mega fan of horror myself. With all these plot holes and unknown fates of certain individuals- perhaps there'll be a sequel or even whole franchises? I know a lot of people loved it (actually equal if not more hated its guts) too despite its glaring shortcomings.

[Buy it only during sales... You'll thank me]

Julkaistu 15. toukokuuta 2019 Viimeksi muokattu 10. maaliskuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
14 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 61.1 tuntia
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #10 <-- New review every Sunday

The Tales franchise often conjures up great imagery of fantasy and wonder but what struck this game to be so different is its depiction of actual problems. The emotions conveyed that people in reality could plausibly go through. To me, this Is what made the game so distinct and successful compared to its sequel and predecessors.

Don't get me wrong, obviously the story can get far-fetched with it being a JRPG. But, I couldn't help fall in love- become heavily invested in the tale it tells. Of course, It doesn't stop there. Did you really think it would?

"Spinning The Moral Compass."

The Gist:
The protagonist of this unforgettable coming of age tale is Velvet Crowe. Deeply betrayed by a loved one and practically losing everything that defined her happy rural life. She now has seemingly one purpose in life- vengeance and... lots of it. Alongside her personal issues to resolve, the world is also at stake from falling under the domination of a 'for the greater good' nut and his wielding of power from the empyrean Innominat.

! Bienfu: Lady Magilou! What's A Spoiler?!
! Magilou: Say Another Word And I'll Turn You Into Jam!

[+] PROS;

(a) The Dark Side!
The first impression I got (and I was fooled) was that 'wow, I'm one of the bad guys', but there's actually more to Velvet than at face value. As you progress, you will find that she perhaps has some humanity left in her. But it's an arduous journey until then.

(b) Band of Misfits
Joining Velvet on her journey are the equally evil- lets say that for now and nonetheless memorable cast. The stubborn demon Rokurou, innocent Laphicet, manipulative witch Magilou, grim pirate Eizen and hopeful exorcist Eleanor.

Luckily, Laphicet and Eleanor act as the mediator of good, thereby balancing the gang out when it comes to making a decision. All thanks, to their characters realitiscally brought to life by stellar voice choices and well-written albeit unavoidable cheesy dialogue.

(c) Comedy Troupe or Magilou's Menagerie?
Continuing the tradition of tales games' are the skits which are optional to trigger but well worth the time consumption. Sometimes you get a character backstory, special artworks or at the very most jokes to tickle your funnybones! The latter of which are in my opinion necessary to illustrate the strength of their bonds, regardless of times where they argue or disagree with the perspectives of one another.

(d) Odd Jobs
The game does have a main storyline to progress but you are also free to travel to previous dungeons or settlements to hunt down vicious enemies for some goodies! There are also minigames where one example is that you battle with a dummy for the highest damage possible. These can earn you Tales coins which can be exchanged for cosmetic items or materials for upgrading equipment.

The standout moments include those close between the halfway point and the end, you will find opportunities to either resolve each character's inner demons so that they may find peace or character-specific quests such as Eizen and searching for dolls, Magilous' standup career. However, for obvious reasons, in Velvet's case as well as certain characters- theirs will automatically advance as the main storyline gets uncovered to fit in to the context.

(e) Good at What They Do
Being villains, they supposedly should excel in battle and it shows in the combat system. Centred on the use of Blast Gauge (BG) in which they are expended to swap characters on the fly or initiate powerful mystic arts which are a bit tricky to pull off at first.

In terms of equipment, there are a number to choose from- weapons, character specific gear armor, accessories, footwear and titles that will boost varying stats. Going to the item vendors give you the chance to upgrade gear making their stats rise up and effectively more powerful. Any duplicates can be dismantled to gain precious resources back.

Skills are more accessible and can be fixed to a hot-key (PS4 controller for me) making them pretty much instantaneous if the BG is plentiful.

[-] CONS;

(i) A Great Big World
I don't have any major complaints about exploration. But I suppose it is more of a progression matter. At first, travelling may seem like a pain but in due time, you will unlock a form of transportation, fast travel which eases that problem. Like it never happened before!

(ii) A Moment of Weakness
I noticed in Tales of Zestiria as well as in this one... That the framerate takes a heavy hit particularly during moments of excessive effects such as 4 characters casting artes at the same time or when both enemies and party members are engaged in a busy battle. It was the same for console and PC. So it points to a flaw of the game engine used.

But it is pretty rare and you will get used to it. On the other hand, actually gives you time to think of what your next move will be.

Tales of Berseria is a tale of epic proportions. There was a very human quality that made me so attached to this game and it was my first and only Tales game to finish. Not Really because there's a New Game+ and greater levels of difficulty to conquer! I felt as if I learnt a lot despite not personally having experienced their perils. A tragic story of loss, morality and acceptance.

"Why Is It That You Think Birds Fly?"

Julkaistu 24. joulukuuta 2018 Viimeksi muokattu 10. maaliskuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
10 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 9.3 tuntia
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #9 <-- New review every Sunday

If you're thinking- "I love a lot of QTEs and Kinect-compatibility" Then this Is the game for you! If you didn't, then forget I said anything and just leave....some space in your head to give it a chance. It can't hurt right? Well, at least just for your fingers.

"D for Dope."

The Gist:
Take on the role of David Young whose wife 'Little' Peggy has been murdered in a series of ongoing drug-related crimes. Two years has passed since he left the Boston Police Department (BPD) and he is still pursuing it, despite suffering from a memory loss. Left to him by the missus as a clue were the final words 'look for D'. Hoping to change certain events in the present, David searches for 'mementos' alongside his newfound ability of 'diving into the past'.

! How I Wish I Could Spoil It for You!

[+] PROS;

(a)The Unusual Suspects.
It is the one (and only) season but I have already fallen in love with the characters! Their lovable, memorable personalities- though taken to the extreme in expression at times, catchphrases ("As Dr Johnson always says", "Avant Garde") and voice acting are very well done.

(a)Crime Scene Instigation
The game plays out like a crime thriller movie. A mystery begins, you inspect the environments, question witnesses and potential criminals. Finally, a chase ensues with bursts of action that are splendidly choreographed!

(b)Good Cop, Bad Cop
Point-and-click but third person at the same time. You traverse around David's apartment mostly with a growing number objects that you can interact with- cabinets, microwave and bookcases. Which makes the exploration varied and refreshing.

The same during investigation sequences of both past and present. Where after uncovering new leads, you can return back to David's apartment or the crime scene(s) to find unlocked further branching options of questioning.

(c)Life of A PI
In the midst of the main investigation, you can also undertake side-quests or 'extra cases' that usually take no more than 5 minutes to finish if you know where to look. They can be in the form of mini-games, fetch quests or simply engaging in a cutscene. These add on to the diversity of the gameplay and are very entertaining. I never felt like doing the same thing over and over (which can be difficult to achieve in a game).

(d)Down-time and Donuts
It can be stressful to be a cop. Difficulty in balancing between the professional and the personal. The collectibles in the heavily reflect that. There are letters by Peggy scattered in the apartment that gives exposition to her behavior as a wife and soon-to-be mother. You can also play dress-up by changing costumes, which is not just for the sake of cosmetics (though some are) as they do boost, replenish your stats to your Life, Vision and Stamina.

Moreover, there are magazines that can make for great light reading and the best part; fortune cookies that contain genuine advice and some much appreciated wisecracks. All of these give the short game a slight replay value as you might not be able to gather everything in your first run.

(e)Cue The Suspense Music
The tone of the investigation was set perfectly throughout. Although David is in a lot of pain and the memories of his wife haunt him. There retains a trace of his happy-go-lucky and serious yet sarcastic attitude. All of these emotions were tremendously complemented by the score.

[-] CONS;

(i) Cold Case
Despite the story being the greatest asset that carries the game. It felt as though the investigation ultimately led nowhere good as a payoff.

Firstly, the plot was a little challenging to grasp. Also yes, the cliffhanger of an ending and lack of follow-up episodes may have impaired my judgement I admit. I truly think the developer has set the bar so high for themselves that it is difficult to near impossible to top... But really as of now, nothing suggests otherwise. :'(

(ii) Sexual Harassment
David is not subtle in his inability to contain his loneliness. Olivia Jones is a victim to being stared by him, being the subject of his crude thoughts for her bearing a resemblance to his wife. So I get that he's not completely to blame?

That said, I feel like this leering behavior should not have been included or at least toned down, way down- personal preference. Though it does add to his quirky personality.

(iii) Alternatives to Crime
This is more of a suggestion of mine really and not a problem. There are penalties for failing QTEs and eventually game over. However, the outcome of the hot pursuits and action sequences are the same and the plot advances as normal. It would've been a nice addition for at least 2 or 3 variations in the final outcome.

(iv) Bureaucracy
You'd think that with his ability to 'change' the past- David would at least be able to somehow rewind and revisit the awesome, memorable action sequences that were perfectly and ambitiously choreographed. Unfortunately if you want to replay them at any time, you'll have to either be careful of when you saved via the telephone so you can reload the progress or play through each episode from start to finish.

This setback, I feel did dampen the overall smooth flow of gameplay. It is not entirely abysmal as the game is certainly fun for multiple playthroughs though the fun does wear off in time.

"Don't Dare Dream, DISCONTINUED."

D4 Delivered in the promise of a compelling plot- even though it invited more questions than answers. However, perhaps the most disappointing thing is that we would never know (at least for now, despite what the director claims) or see subsequent "seasons" and how they could've been. That said, don't let the project's big-fat abandonment ruin your playthrough of D4 and its surprisingly high replayability of side-missions, collectibles and mix of 3D point-and-click exploration.

Indeed the first impression it makes is so captivating that you allow yourself to get hurt, by the eventual (not-so amicable, yeah I'm bitter af) breakup. Just like David Young- you'll always remember the good times~

Julkaistu 19. heinäkuuta 2018 Viimeksi muokattu 10. maaliskuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
264 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
2 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 12.6 tuntia (12.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #8 <-- New review every Sunday

The first game that put novel developer 'Supergiant' on the gaming hall of fame. It's not surprising why. It easily distinguishes Itself in the RPG genre. If you've played Transistor, Pyre, Hades or you just happened to find out about all these aforementioned titles- Now's the ideal time to give this a whirl.

"One Step At A Time."

The Gist:
Post-apocalyptic premise known as the 'Calamity' has plagued. You play as a character known simply as 'The Kid', highlighting your helplessness and anonymity. On your search for survivors, you are to also locate pieces of fragments to restore the 'Bastion', a safe haven. You witness the remains of many that you've known... and those that you could've gotten to. He matures and takes on responsibility.

[+] PROS;
(a) A Simpler Time
The art style is breathtaking, despite exploring the after-effects of the tragedy that took so many lives. One cannot help, but envision a period when the places were crowded with people and not rubble.

Additionally I love how it seems as though The Kid is a newborn. What I mean by that is how the pathway falls into place and gradually unravels before our eyes when he navigates the field. Its a neat little feature, that shows his being distant and how everything has changed after the Calamity.

(b) Nothing Held Back
There's just so much diversity! Combat system, in real-time allows the flow of battle to be followed. Equipped with two weapons at a time. Choosing to deal quick attacks, special attacks, swapping between the two instantaneously and then rolling away, strategize on the go! The environmental hazards plays a large factor too.

Not to forget there are more than enough weapons to suit the differing playstyles. Be it, Long range- 'Dueling Pistols', 'Fang Repeater' and many more! A much necessary alternative, Close range- 'Cael's Hammer' and More!! Or the combination of the two- 'Brusher's Pike', 'War Machete' and MANY, MANY, MANY.... (Cuts Off)

(c) Growth Spurt
There are upgrades to the core of the Bastion that unlocks new structures, to tap into greater power. Each weapon can be further modified in either one of two options, three times- dealing more damage, critical rate up or better accuracy (some are weapon specific)

With cumulative experience points, The Kid gains a slot for an upgrade per level up. The in game currency 'Spirit' gives access to buying stats increasing items or parts/materials for weapon upgrades. It absolutely feels as though he as ageing, although not physically and the Player is the parent.

(d) Milestones
Apart from story levels, The Kid can undertake 'Proving Grounds' where he will be promisingly rewarded with 'Spirit', weapon materials and new weapons-exclusive arts. Each one is accommodated to a particular weapon, so you have to adapt accordingly. Varying tests of reflex, wits and brawn, the Proving Grounds have them all!! Not for the faint of heart.

Of course, there is the structure where you invoke 'Idols'. They are where buffs can be granted to the enemies in exchange for more XP, Spirit and all-round misery. If you love get-rich quick schemes but even faster deaths, you are welcome to have a taste.

At a certain point, The Kid will stumble onto 'Who Knows Where' A 20-Waves fight it all out, where additional backstory is narrated! Lets not forget New Game Plus, where the enemies will be tougher? (Though I have yet to actually do it....)

(e) More Than Words
So the game is filled with narration by an old, wise man. They're well implemented mostly, to correlate with every action that The Kid does, its given a nice touch of commentary (to draw on the pointlessness of the players' choices and to humor us). These can occur when falling off the map, doing repetitive things, dying or destroying certain objects multiple times.

The story itself is also heavily narrated, every key item that is found can be given to others for their thoughts (also narrated by the same old guy) which leaves us to sympathize (to a degree, empathize)

(f) Life
The plot felt complete. Nothing too long, probably able to finish in 5-6 hours. This game will force you to feel every emotion. It had some twists that plunged The Kid into moments of despair. There were some instances of hope where the sanctuary had survivors. But never overwhelming amounts.. At the end, it did tell its story. (and a story it was) (PLAY IT!!)

(g) In The Country
Sountrack was awesome for a first impression (Shout out to DARREN KORB!) It had a Folksy, acoustic tune with a modern vibe. There was a track featuring Ashley Barrett (LUV!!) and anything with lyrics, is always appreciated.

[-] CONS;
(i) Third Person
I know I said the narration was a good move. However, it also means that throughout the entire game, (we'll all be hearing an old voice) Not that there's anything wrong.. He can be believable at least, but monotonous at worst. Its like as some have pointed out, an aged sage telling a story.. Our attention does wander off right? After prolonged duration..

Furthermore, it ruins the immersion. I think since there are other characters... They should have their own voices when they speak/share their thoughts. Just to add characterization. Instead they are expositioned through narration, which becomes depersonalized. (But hey, its their project, I get it. Their vision, so I am not gonna b-word about that)

(ii) Survival of The Fittest
This is probably, definitely me being biased but it shouldn't have included a top rankings feature. The game does have a score attack mode... I feel that ruined it. You play the campaign to discover a fascinating story but you then go gung-ho to compete with others. Where's the drama gone? (I am still glad its included, because you got to please some people that aren't me)

(iii) Not in Stock
Since they've included all that weaponry, they could've gone one notch higher and give up the option to change some equipment (armor, accessories) altogether. Not a big issue, it's just that I'd prefer some cosmetic changes. (Also, where would they even find a supplier..)

"Somewhere Only We Know."

Bastion is one of my personal favorites. I cannot generalize this as one of the 'best' in the RPG genre, (reason being I have not played a whole lot...) But it's safe to say that It Is of the few that stand out. With more good than problems, it will surely take shelter In our memories as we go through apocalypses of our own~

Julkaistu 24. kesäkuuta 2017 Viimeksi muokattu 10. maaliskuuta 2021.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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