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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #26a<-- New review every Sunday

This marks my first and only introduction to a series of much shorter, concise reviews I'll be doing of the DLCs for certain games. Comprising of a short summary, pros, cons and of course a score! These are not going to be as regular as my Sunday ones. I'll put them up, the minute I think to do so. Thanks and as always I hope you enjoy it!!

The Gist:
In the first of three extra chapters that coincides with the path of Six's, you assume control of "The Runaway" who has a nightmare about an underwater creature. Seeing several other children attempt a daring escape, he quickly follows behind.

[+] PROS;
:) Explores a different fear of water and what lies within the abyss.

:) Confirms some theories I had. Expands the narrative as well as ties-in with the main story.

:) Less than an hour long but especially worth it now with the sale of just $1

[-] CONS;
:( Backtracking through some levels from the main campaign (that's to be expected)

:( Puzzles involving water manipulation, though fun quickly becomes repetitive

:( The Runaway is for some reason more prone to clipping issues. Controls slightly worse than Six


Full game review-> DaRevieweD 26 <-- Don't forget to follow my curator page!
Публикувана 26 юни 2020. Последно редактирана 20 декември 2020.
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13.1 изиграни часа (5.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Curator page here-->DaRevieweD #26<-- New review every Sunday

I first played this horror gem on the PS4- preordered it in fact and I was blown away when I played it just a little past midnight. Created by Swedish-based team, Tarsier Studios whom you may remember from their collaborations on well known, innovative 2D platformer 'Little Big Planet' on the PS Vita (rest in piece) and the whimsical Tearaway Unfolded for PS4. This game marks a shift from their usual approach, instead delving into horror and primal fears from a child's point of view. Quite the departure it seems- blast, did I give it away!?

"Into The Deep End"

The Gist:
Stirred from a bad dream about a haunting figure that of a mysterious woman. Six regains consciousness after seemingly having stowed away aboard someplace called The Maw. Armed with nothing but a yellow raincoat as well as a lighter- she must brave through darkness, other creatures and most importantly her hunger.


[+] PROS;

(a) Fuzzy Memories
The player is shown outright a lot of things in Little Nightmares yet what those contents mean are never told straight to you. At least not in this game, but there's a mobile prequel and comic book to fill in the blanks. Those and the DLC "Secrets of The Maw " expansion pass which happened to go on sale the day I choose to review it!!

So for all you know, everything that unravels in the game was all you had to work with in coming up with an explanation of why things were as such. This is actually effective as it leaves room for theorizing and is a breath of fresh air from the constant talking to yourself or engaging in dialogue with other characters. I may be way off but here's what I could make out of the central message...

(b) Hardships of Adulthood
The plot can be divided into two parts. One revolves around the Maw, an amphibious/submarine vessel (from the swaying of the camera and multiple portholes you see) cruise of sorts that surfaces for its glutton patrons. Countless children have been kidnapped/lured and made to serve as potential labor for the ship's operations or absorbed by the owner, 'Lady' who has a problem with her appearance.

The story hints at trafficking and exploitation of children which are very real worries. The second part centered on Six's fight to survival, doing whatever it takes. There is another parallel where adults are depicted as vain, greedy and cruel beings whereas children innocent for the most part.

(c) Felt So Real
Praise must be given where they're due because the experience could only be delivered with the stellar lighting system. The lighter is your primary and only (for about 70% of the game) source of illumination. The flame is faint and easily gets put out by a gust of wind, but it's better than nothing. The dreamy nightmarish look of the setting and creatures. Grating, unnerving sound design that always seem to indicate something or someone is after you.

Noises play a vital role here because they can either help you lure enemies away or send them on a beeline for ya!! There's some memorable music including a Six's theme that's very 'Freddy's coming after you' humming, 'The Death Waltz" and several others that seem to come straight from a music box! There were some industrial sounds as well with "The Janitor" that's so Silent Hill. EEEEK.

(d) Small & Powerless
Million dollar question for a horror game- is it scary? DEFINITELY on all levels!! There are a lot of disturbing imagery hinted at; hanging legs for instance but you never or rather are unable to see them in full view try as you might because of your short height and the darkness surrounding you. Every enemy appear towering in height when contrasted with Six and they can easily close in after you in a chase regardless whether you have a head start.

Your only hope is to distract and run to the nearest hiding spot as quickly as possible when seen. The blind 'Janitor' with elongated arms and you know it's only a matter of time. The morbidly obese chefs but still want to cook you even if they struggle to run or bend down. The masked 'Lady' with a kimono with a few tricks up her sleeves and appears ghost-like. Nothing really gory is ever shown when you do get caught but it's heavily implied that it's nothing good as they all have their own self-indulges to satiate.

(e) Salvaged Hope
Candles and lamps act as the checkpoints, where every 'death' becomes a nightmare you simply gasp in terror from. They not only let you see better but you feel an air of relief every time you do. There are also collectibles scattered throughout- finding them adds to the backstory. One, the nomes Six meets,most likely former children that have turned.Evident from their instinct to escape and like you, also hide from the ship occupants. You can hug and befriend them to show you're on their side.

Two, the porcelain dolls modeled after the Lady which I think are somehow the works of those who come to worship her out of fear, which serve also as placeholders for maintaining her youth as they show traces of a spell when in pieces. Or maybe they're extensions of her vanity as she has one right in front of her dresser mirror. A neat bonus for completing the game a certain way will unlock a mask for Six to don (the rest are purchasable) which is a quirky addition and may hold more meaning as they each symbolize a quality or altogether shifting of the self, even though she doesn't.

[-] CONS;
(i) Not a Lucid Dream
I don't remember navigation being an issue on the PS4. But at times, Six's platforming controls; grabbing and interacting with objects became a chore. She clips onto items sometimes and her movements come off unresponsive or slight delay (at least that's how it felt) but it's something to get use to, this could be intentional probably because it's in line with her tiny frame.

The camera is well placed but occasionally you just lose sight of Six completely and you crouch endlessly towards a wall. This occurred mostly in the kitchen area and speaking of, there is also a certain glaring problem with the chefs detection' radius and line of sight. Proven by several instances of Six getting spotted despite being stationary behind cover.

(ii) Six Degrees of Separation
Lastly, a horror game should have a protagonist that is relatable. However, what does that make Six- think about it we don't see her face completely or hear her voice. Not only that, her story is pretty much unknown unless you go read the comic and play "Very Little Nightmares" (actual prequel title).

As for the ending, it's similar I would say to Miles' in Outlast, where the main character triumphs and endures so much only for a dark force to take over. BUT, we'll see more of her soon so there's that. Of course, I could have misinterpreted the final scene (could be symbolic of a completely different change) along with the darkness consuming her.

"Point of No Return"

To conclude, Little Nightmares is a horror adventure unlike any other that stays with you because of how it encapsulates on point the fears during one's childhood or maybe some even have yet to outgrow. Its mix of 2D-3D environments played out like you're in a children's picture storybook and rather grim one at that, illustrating the unregulated dark desires of adults. The impressive amount of attention to detail vividly shown in the beautifully crafted and lore-filled world. Platforming and navigation difficulties come off absurdly minor, barely leaving a scratch on the masterpiece created.


Little Nightmares II, announced last year expands upon Six's journey alongside a new friendly face and other giant antagonists
Публикувана 20 юни 2020. Последно редактирана 5 януари 2021.
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Curator page here-->DaRevieweD #25<-- New review every Sunday

Shiver Games from Finland has created one franchise to their gaming portfolio and that is Lucius. A cult classic in its own right most likely inspired by the Hitman (which you've guessed it, I've yet touched) series of stealth gameplay and creative assassinations. Except instead of a bald, highly trained professional- you're a bold but gullible six year old. Keep in mind, this is their first ever game so accid- mistakes are understandable. Is the game as scarring as the description? Yes, but in a good way!!

"House of Pain"

The Gist:
You are brought into the world as the eponymous Lucius to the Wagner household on a rather unfortunate date. On the night of your sixth birthday, Lucifer appears before you with some startling revelations and before you know it. Murder, bloody murder....

! For Satan worshippers only.... Just kidding, we don't discriminate!

[+] PROS;

(a) The .....'s Playground
The core gameplay and mechanics are actually pretty fun. Exploration-wise, you start off in very linear missions with a lot of locked doors. Before you know it, the entire mansion is yours to venture. Finding certain items ahead of having yet needing them (as you are expected to) will save you plenty of time and the need to backtrack is removed, how neat!! Though each target is dealt with in a linear manner, it felt like an accomplishment because getting there is not very straightforward. If you're stuck midway, residents of the Manor will provide clues as they pass by Lucius. With every kill order that Lucius executes, his abilities grow stronger into telekinesis, mind manipulation and playing with fire. With each one, daddy dearest will visit him in his fiery dreams to educate him the how-tos.

(b) One Spoiled Brat
Fortunately there are things to keep Lucius occupied, namely in the form of chores. Some completely optional but you would do well to undertake them to be given rewards for 'good behavior'. These include mundane tasks of taking out the trash, teeth brushing (which I've made Lucius do as part of his daily routine) and seeking out lost items. You know, other typical child household tasks.

These will aid you in your bloodbath such as giving vague hints through a ouija board or a music box with finite use that literally shows you what to do next. There's even a tricycle you can ride 'The Shining' style just for fun and it's slightly faster, I think? Hahaha, it gives me chills and nostalgia every time Lucius rides it!! There's an extra score attack mode where you set ablaze samey priests. So..... yay?? :'O

(c) Don't Deal with The .....
The plot is simple but reminds us (in case we forgot) to never strike a bargain with otherworldly beings, especially ones much powerful than us. From what I understand that's exactly what Lucius' "grandfather" Fabius did many years ago when he err.... ran a mafia?! Wow. Anyways, he promised to give anything in return one day and wouldn't you guess it. Lucifer is one thirsty, slithering snake- with horns and a cape (so I'm told). Needless to say it doesn't end well for the staff and relatives alike. :'(

(d) May God Have Mercy
As for the 'horror' aspect. I have to say, despite its shortcomings in design- you cannot deny that this kid is creepy as hell (HEY XD). The fact that that nobody ever suspects the kid, making for one hel- sorry... effective smokescreen is truly terrifying. It definitely made me think twice to ever let my future kid wander around unsupervised.

Speaking of which, the game actually makes me sick to my stomach as it probes deep into the relationship between a child and the parents. Is the whole murder spree just a case of coercion, being taken advantage of by an adult? Is he afraid to disappoint his father?? If it's the latter case, gosh I can relate. No matter how you think about it, the player is the one perpetrating these murders. OMG, he actually likes it doesn't he!!?

(e) Been Ages Since My Last Confession
Say what you will about the VA. But man, some of the greatest horror classics of PS1; RE1, SH1 to name a few had questionable but ultimately passable and memorable performances to date!! That's exactly the case here, this game actually pulls off with its not inherently terrible line delivery, just mediocre. It could be the writing too, now that I think about it. It's not easy to describe it, something you have to listen yourself! I thought Charles and McGuffin (mhmm) were the best performers. Tell you what, it's a good thing Lucius is mute, I shudder and actually low-key want to picture as to how he'd sound like.

[-] CONS;

(i) Tough Love
This game hands out a surprising amount of help; tutorials, loading screen tips and the bonus in-game gifts I mentioned. However, there is still a severe lack of clear hints when it comes to the objectives. I'm not going to lie, I had to look up what to do next probably for half of the kill list (even though the solution was right in my face, nine out of ten times). It could be a missing indicator (that reveals only when near AND right item at hand) or an object that's designed way too bland. Perhaps it's just me. This could be a plus, because it challenges you to think outside the box and maybe even power through that migraine!!

The controls also feel lackluster especially the camera in narrow and confined spaces. You can zoom out to remedy this, but there's no avoiding his janky movements. It does make for some hilarious backwards running though~ Moving levitated objects is also near impossible as they never go where you want them to the first time. A certain mission with a hairdryer was insufferable!!

(ii) Comedy = Tragedy + Time
Not sure if it was unintentional but there were a couple of moments that just reasserted me back into reality. In the few starter chapters, a number of people tirelessly ran into walls and doors. Most likely because they were programmed to constantly patrol the whole house but since the doors are locked early on...

Then there was the dialogue that plays out with either messed up timing (lips don't match words) or out of context situations. For instance, Lucius' mum being mildly terrified but then proceeds to tell me to do laundry in her normal tone. Countless instances of that. Finally the rag doll physics which just obliterate the realism at times of death. Just try firing a gun at anyone (which is an instant game over)

(iii) Death's Design
The game design itself seems to be poorly done at times; firstly, objects inconsistency. When fiddling with Lucius' telekinesis, some everyday items can be broken and some can't. It's a minor matter, but shows lack of attention to detail. Furthermore, inventory items keep getting moved around, again so nit-picky of me but it's an eyesore. Bigger ones include issues with saving. Granted, each chapter is basically very short but without a proper saving system, you have to pretty much replay them (everything you did resets except for items collected) say if you stopped during a cutscene when the chapter concludes.

"Now, Worship Me."

Verdict? Lucius has done a considerably well effort at subverting the horror genre by making you- primary cause of the mayhem. There are some bugs That are simply hilarious and flawed designs that leave players wondering what could've been. Its most gigantic issue lies in the frustration you'll get traipsing what seems like purgatory until the next target/kill. After reaching a certain body count, you may have a breakdown and have an existential crisis. But then you replay those awesome kill sequences with all the blood and slow-mo. But was it all the suffering justified? HELL TO THE YEAH!!


Got the DEMAKE and the sequels. But I don't know if I can...
Публикувана 13 юни 2020. Последно редактирана 5 януари 2021.
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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #24 <-- New review every Sunday

With already a plethora of reboots, remakes and spin-offs to their name Team Gris Gris has done it again! That said, there's only 4 main games in the Corpse Party lore; that's the original 'Corpse Party', 'Book of Shadows', 'Blood Drive' and now the episodic 'Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient'. Full disclosure I have not finished either of the direct sequels- but I still enjoyed this sequel and found it even helps when you're blind to the story to fully appreciate the premise~

"Who's Next?!"

The Gist:
Ayame wakes up with excruciating pain in an unfamiliar hospital operating room. To make matters worse, she suffers from memory loss as well. There are flesh eating zombies and other supernatural beings.. What could explain everything? It is a virus or another ritual gone wrong??!

! Tell Me Doctor, Is It Good News or Bad... You Know What, I Don't Wanna Know!

[+] PROS;

(a) Personal Details
The Corpse Party narrative has always been about a ritual and related occult elements. So it was certainly a breath of fresh air, if there was any in lieu of the lockdown and dead bodies. There's still the closed-environment concept but this time set in a hospital and possibly dealing with a quarantine type situation. It certainly is quite relatable with the COVID-19 situation and all.

(b) Next of Kin?
Ayumi's character is showing a lot of promise in spite of the singular chapter. I concede that at first I thought she was just the anime 'waifu' types- clumsy and lewd (no better way to describe it) voice. That is just a first impression however, as she develops a strong, caring and empathetic personality. I for one, admire that about her. Keep in mind, this is a Corpse Party title- so mood swings and manic attitudes are always implied and expected.

(c) Eyesight Test
You never play this franchise for the impeccable graphics. They've never bothered me, period. But it was nice that the freelance developers took the time and effort to update the graphics (from the earlier 8-bit lookalike we're used to). Book of Shadows did 1st-person and visual novel mix but it was just too slow paced for me, regardless of how detailed and well-modeled the environments were. This one is more like the one in Blood Drive- which is arguably the normal standard of graphics now for Corpse Party.

(d) Munchausen Syndrome
How scary is this? Well, to be fair the game has always relied more on gore and blatant, unforgiving torture. But there is nevertheless a persistent theme of psychological disturbance in areas of love, trust and friendship. Like I said, it's hard to say being the one and only chapter to date but there was a good use of darkness and unnerving sounds. Speaking of which, also returning is the intentional blaring of nostalgic sound effects and music when picking up items or when presented with a choice. Those never get old... Only I do.

(e) Symptoms of Success
If you're like me, by that I mean someone who hasn't completed any of the sequels, don't worry it does a pretty good job of making it seem as if it's a standalone title. Apart from returning characters in the very first brief opening scene and again in the chapter 1 extra, the events are for all you know- unrelated and knowledge of the lore is not needed so you can save yourself a trip to the psyche ward. How the developers choose to eventually tie in the lore, however, is still unknown (waiting for news night and day). In the meantime, enjoy theorizing how all this wretched quarantine (both in real life and in-game) came about.

[-] CONS;

(i) Service Complaint
Just a few minor bugs but once you see them, they invade your nightmares! I've noticed some haphazard shadows casted from Ayame. Then there's the clipping with objects issue. I was in the middle of running away when I ran into an object and that's the end of it.

(ii) Gone Mad
There were certain issues that totally severed the immersion they were going for. Firstly, AI of the enemies- who constantly run into objects because they've been programmed to just go in a beeline after you. They also have a limited line of sight as running does not alert them in any way.

Moreover, the design of the game really downplayed the already minimal level of scares that hinges on the atmosphere and plot alone. One, why is there a 'joined your party' thing typical of that in RPGs where your companions line up and follow behind you? In past titles, you just know that which of your friends are following you without them constantly hounding you in real time. This time when say you're being chased by zombies and ghosties, anyone accompanying you just watches you and doesn't do anything to help you nor do they get hurt.

Last few things, there was a section in the game where a blackout happened; it was shown really early on the creatures do not like light. Even when Ritsuko shines a flashlight directly at the enemies (because she's just watching you get hurt)- they do not bat an eyelash. Even in well-lit environments they still come after you... So it's just an inconsequential fact that really does not help the player in any way. Except in the boss battles- they're cool and all, but repetitive and the 'afraid of light' thing manifests wholly for this!! On second thought, the baby rattle also suffers a drastically similar problem- as it doesn't attract normal enemies instead just bosses but the empty can does... The logic is skewed!

(iii) Price of Admission Alone
For a 1-2 hour chapter (extra scenario chapter included) the price is already quite steep- I would advise buying it exclusively during sales or when the next chapter releases (if ever).

"An Impatient Patient"

Verdict? It's a new disaster and environment for Corpse Party fans. Although what could have been another solid survival horror is instead bogged down by tiny glitches and other baffling game design. Is it a worthy sequel to Blood Drive? Jury's still out on that because it's in a beat up state and/or limbo. Which is just a letdown as it's of to a phenomenal start!! Hopefully the upcoming chapters get release dates soon- preferably before the world ends~


Still waiting for Chapter 2. No doctor can help me with that... :'(
Публикувана 6 юни 2020. Последно редактирана 5 януари 2021.
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13.5 изиграни часа
Curator page right here--> DaRevieweD #23 <-- New review every Sunday
This will be a 'shorter' review than usual. This is because I'm reviewing Song of Horror, an episodic horror game by Protocol Studios!! Starting with of course, Episode 1: The Husher Mansion. With such a long development phase, I was taken aback when it finally came out last Halloween.. The biggest surprise release of the year, especially in the horror genre.

"First Listen."

The Gist:
Acclaimed writer Sebastian P. Husher, and client of Wake Publishing goes radio silence and so Daniel, as an assistant gets ordered to investigate the mansion where he resides with his family. The door is open but there is nobody... at least there shouldn't be.

! Listen until the end, nothing bad will happen!

[+] PROS;

(a) Instant Classic
The first few minutes alone will have you scratching your head because of how much it REminds you of a certain horror game or rather games from the golden age of gaming era. A mixture of fixed-camera angles and dark, claustrophobic areas. It feels like an old game with modern presentation. The story is like your typical cursed object dealie but have fun knowing what it does or is capable of~

This is mirrored in its gameplay as well. With its myriad of puzzles to occupy and wreck your mind. There is no singular threat because the main antagonist (the music box/Presence) will conjure up unimaginable threats after you. Ones you cannot really kill but can only hide and fend off temporarily. Prior to starting out, you can choose one of four characters with varying attributes e.g. speed, strength. Whoever you choose affects his/her survival chances, description of items checked, reactions and voice-acting. It's just shows an incredible attention to detail and I found it incredibly neat!!

(b) You Just Have to be There
The atmosphere is the game's vital and powerful aspect. As you do not really see the Presence in its true form, you can detect traces of its malevolence in the environment through unnerving groans and sounds. There are many minor (jump)scares littered throughout; unpredictable but just often enough to speed up those heartbeats.

The sound design probably accounts for half of the game's magnetic yet repulsive tone. They will make you take a second to reflect whether you should proceed into god knows what or turn back altogether! Often times the visuals and audio will gang up on you by throwing you into one of their concocted panic-inducing situations that fire up your senses and only grow to intensify. During which, your primal instincts will kick in- telling you something is coming, and it's coming fast!

(c) Up Goes The Body Count
If you don't pay attention, you will die in one of various creative ways. From failing to succumb to the OCD-ridden pressing of the ears against doors to reveal the Presence lurking behind or other seemingly mundane situations where you are presented with a choice which unknowingly could hasten your doom.

It could be a missing scaffolding at the wrong place or an obvious danger zone (darkness and banging of the door), but you open it anyways. I found it best to doubt yourself and inspect every area of the house before making a decision. However, take too long or make too much noise (running) and the Presence will envelope the house in black.

[-] CONS;
(i) Getting Caught Up
Yes, the character selection affecting the game is pretty rad and I have not seen this kind of thing since RE1, RE2. BUT! It brings up a problem I cannot overlook. Okay, so one time I made it to almost the end with Sophie... then I died (wow, cool story). Then I used Etienne, who was seemingly unfazed with all the horrors that has taken place. To top it all off, within minutes- he had to adapt to the Presence rather quickly and like a pro.

Thus, there is a progression incongruency especially if you made it really far with just one character. It's not that obvious or glaring if you perished partway in though so at least there's that. But meeting dead characters (that I didn't cause btw) is strangely amazing... they're trapped as part of the Presence now.

(ii) An Unforgiving Threat
I know this problem is sort of remedied now with the latest patch concurrent with the release of episode 5. But I'll mention it anyways because players had to live with that for months~

So, if you check the Steam discussion boards there will be a conversation about how to overcome the "heartbeat" puzzles when the Presence full on attacks with all that it has!! The sides are divided about 90% agree it's way too difficult and 10% (if they're honest) are just dumbfounded as to why because it's so easy. Guess which one I was. I've died many times, 95% was because of this minigame where ironically you had to stay calm. XD

"Just A Taste..."

To sum up, Episode 1 signifies a remarkably strong debut to Song of Horror. It certainly kept me interested and on the edge of my seat. Hopefully it builds up to the crescendo it deserves or would it slack off in its performance- the longer the music plays up to the point where you want to stuff whatever you can find to block out the noise!!?


Might finally beat Episode 2- That is, if I switch to an easier difficulty.... But my ego. :'(
Публикувана 31 май 2020. Последно редактирана 8 януари 2021.
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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #22 <-- New review every Sunday

Perception is one of those games that will infuriate and disorient you. It's like when you turn off the lights to your bedroom for the first time- you feel restricted and anxious, sure. BUT your eyes will adjust with time! For a Kickstarter title that raised a little over $150,000. It is certainly a feat of accomplishment and it shows in the experience! Especially so, since it changed my outlook of first person horror games as a whole!!

"How Could I've Been So..."

The Gist:
Step into the shoes of Cassie, a woman blinded since her childhood who is plagued by recurring nightmares of a house and some incoherent symbolism. She goes to the house in hopes of resolving whatever it is that led her there but it's far from simple as she could be another victim instead.

! Avert your eyes! What you don't see may haunt you!

[+] PROS;

I'm sure everyone who started the game was totally questioning Cassie's decision to step into an unknown house and saying how stupid she is. I admit- I did too, but at some point I thought there must be a reason and luckily.... there was eventually near the end. Along the way you learn about the past inhabitants of the accursed house and the insufferable fates they've endured. Yes, a haunted house is not the most original but it was put to great use here. One of the main selling point is the story and the empowering message it has for people who are handicapped or flawed in some way.

Now the other hook of the game is the navigating while blind via echolocation to perceive the distance and outline shapes of objects whenever there is a sound. You can also tap your cane in any direction to cause a pulse that will- in a circular pattern reveal for a short duration about 3-4 seconds.

Doors, hiding spots and other 'items of interest' are automatically marked in green which is super useful btw. Seems simple right but the twist is that too many strokes of the cane rather quickly and 'The Presence' will be alerted to your location, come hovering to kill you. Frankly I've never felt the need to tap THAT amount of times therefore I've never died this way..

With a lot of emphasis on the visual aspect, there is no noticeable accompanying background music playing except for oldie songs or audio recordings played through objects in the environment. This is not problematic because it certainly kept me attuned to what the atmosphere had to offer me. Sounds thus become extensions to sight since they also translate to lighting Cass' way in the dark (figuratively, it may be lit up like a Christmas tree in there). A doorknob rattling, oh god... floorboards creaking are burned into my mind and they're just a few examples.

Characters are overall well written and voice acted. Cassie is obviously the best performer and it will shock you that she actually voices most if not all of the female characters as well!! Most of the time, it's like she steals the words I'd say at that exact second.

She's also empathetic of the characters whose fates have been sealed and puts on a tough gal facade. The story is just as much hers as it is about the past residents of the Echo Bluff house but the spotlight is shone on the latter for about 85% of the time. It is a shame we actually do not learn much about Cassie and her boyfriend who we never meet- Serge (except for a few voicemails and their conversations about turning back from the house).

Cassie has to brave through several versions of the same house from different time periods. It is truly an assault of her senses, being blind and all. Having to find her way around in a constantly changing place is a friggin scary picture. Though never seen in their entirety, the locations are well designed and never feel alike. I personally like the first two chapters; the first being closest to an actual house and the second for being so... theatrical.

[-] CONS;

I was surprised how for a game that is sort of old now- I still encountered multiple bugs in earlier chapters. There's the usual being clipped to objects during exploration thankfully never during the few chases. To plot-halting glitches where the door to the next area (chapter 2) was locked because I turned on a speaker. Speaking of, I could interact with objects THROUGH walls (am I a ghost too?). Opening/closing a door, or play audio tapes. Now THAT is spooky...

There were some troubles concerning the game design itself. One unforgiving issue has to do with saving progress. Say you reach a checkpoint and the 'game saved' message is displayed. Phew, I quit the game and come back tomorrow. WHAT DO I SEE? Nothing cause still blind.... anyways markers I made on doors, hiding places were gone and I am further back than where I stopped. Sometimes even returning to the previous chapter! This coupled with the game breaking bug I mentioned meant I was stuck in purgatory.

Is it scary? I would go for immersive and creepy. Encounters with The Presence (who just looks like death) are mostly scripted contrary to what the trailer showed. Though littered with a variety of hiding places, I only ever had to use one or two. You can literally just breeze through plus at times you're totally invincible when you get a 'The house is no longer listening' so I just tap away!!

There was one section in the graveyard, where it was just so off from the rest of the game. Got ambushed and chased around (while the screen stayed blue when it should have turned red). I'm beginning to think it was a bug and Cassie did not even react at all... So weird!! Kinda like the Nemesis in RE3R (lmao). My other point, the game and its scares becomes very linear by chapter 3, 4 and the charm of the setting wear off. I guess it was made for a one-time play only. Makes sense, since you learn the main portions of the story by the end even without picking up the optional collectibles of lore.

- Justice Is Blind
Finally, some parts of the story that are still mind-boggling. If you're like me- I bet you were hung up on why would a completely unknown girl visit a totally foreign place from her nightmares a.k.a. Silent Hill *coughs*. Halfway through or even earlier than that, I figured out the twist~ In my opinion, I thought the game's 'horror' took a plunge to the mediocre when it became tied to elements of the supernatural.

Cassie constantly questions whether it was due to the house or the inhabitants losing their minds. I thought for a game that was heavily inspired by Stephen King's 'The Shining' that they should've went with the isolation and the detrimental effects it has for the human condition. They definitely got the setting and feel down, psychic characters... It's a shame it never went beyond that.

"It Was Right There All Along"

To conclude, the echolocation perspective and unbelievable story proves this game is one of the most fresh experiences and exception to the formulaic first-person horror subgenre. A strong character- in personality and performance by someone who's just as confused to the situation. Though it can be problematic by way of being a little disorienting (intended?) and the bugs that could leave you literally stumbling in the dark. It does not add anything new or offer a paradigm shift. Yet, it all points to the feeling that it did.. And I can't shake it!


I'd love to see this turned into a VR title somehow. It be freaky af XD
Публикувана 23 май 2020. Последно редактирана 3 май 2022.
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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #21<-- New review every Sunday

There are probably hundreds of first-person horror games that play out like walking-simulators. Most with characters that have no feet (depends), lack personality and any development of plot or lore are through notes (SO MUCH time and stationery) cluttered in the environment.

I do not dislike them per se for they are atmospheric and creepy nine times out of ten. Take Outlast, one of my top favorite horror game of all time, btdubs- which ticked all the boxes I just mentioned above. Nevertheless it broke free- distinguishing itself effortlessly through the setting, how it ventured the thought of a possibly seedy and horrific nature going on within mental asylums. How does Layers of Fear fare in this already oversaturated sub genre??

"A Picture Paints A Thousand Words"

The Gist:
Take control of an unnamed painter who returns home to finish his supposed culmination of his life's work. Plagued by repressed memories- can he finish what he set out to do?

! RATS, I forgot how it ends! But yes, this was inspired by P.T.

[+] PROS;

(a) Working From Home
I think the story is probably the game's most memorable feature. It is centered on the usual, desensitized issues of alcoholism and mental disorders. However, the biggest conflict arose from career pressure and household problems. Being a painter who has to manage his time between making progress on his art pieces and spending time with the family is no easy feat. Which you can imagine would annoy pretty much anyone should the two overlap. Neglect, stress are very silent dangers and it is just heartbreaking to have to see things unfold the way they did.

(b) Exhibition of Fear
I have never experienced a horror game where the setup of the jump scares were so playful and imaginative (they were going for that right?). Usually, they revolve around you directing the camera around to reveal a new path or surprise. It isn't a stretch then to say that a lot of time and effort went into the design of the setpieces. Which ranged from small, confined corridors and rooms to the occasional grander spaces. You can never predict what the creative minds will think of next to throw in your face, like mini works of art in themselves. I was impressed, fascinated even; more so than scared to be honest.... That's not a good sign is it?

(c) An Itch You Can't Scratch
If you're a fan of puzzles, there are tons of them! Some are optional, others are necessary to advance the plot. One of which involves a phonograph and a bedroom changing states. The difficulty is inconsistent but I think it mirrors the protagonist's twisted mind and condition whereby every little puzzle is irritating. All of which just might push him over the edge or what's left of it.

(d) D-did You Hear That?
Having been treated to a healthy dose of visuals that's enough to get a 'huh' kind of awe. The same can be said towards the sound design. A clap of thunder, the thud an object makes or banging on a door. At least one of these got the jump on me, as they will you. I also am partial to the soundtrack. The main piano theme will stay with you, it's beautiful but somber at the same time. It really illustrates the protagonist as a victim. But we know what he is. Wait isn't his wife a pianist?! OWH~

(e) A Blank Canvas
Another saving grace is the multiple endings; which usually I would condemn because it reeks of indecisiveness on the part of the creators but in this case it makes sense. Think about it, the family is unnamed (it took me a while to realize but I tried to remember their names) therefore they act like an avatar of a dysfunctional family-guy.

What happened prior to the beginning of the game can no longer be changed but what happens next is up to you; how do YOU decide to move on? Sure, how each ending is reached is a little murky and I think I got the 'vain' ending. Apparently, in all the endings they do not really end well for the main character.

[-] CONS;

(i) Paint by Numbers
The game quickly gets stale, predictable very fast- at least in terms of gameplay. Get from point A to point B, boo! Satisfy your OCD, witness an occasional apparition, boooo! Finally, collect the 'art supplies'. Repeat. B.O.O.

Not saying there should be a hide-and-seek element but why not make it so all those above are achieved through one encounter or two at most? It's appalling enough to find out that the protagonist is not a decent man but then to collect not one, but SIX (if I am not mistaken) of something grotesque!? The shock wears off...

(ii) Still Needs A Muse
The game is labelled a psychological horror and there are traces of that. But the game is far from scary, it's disturbing at best and awkward in its worst. Some of the scares fall flat and just act as fillers in the art spookhouse. The nightmare is that of a painter's after all, therefore it can be very trippy and baffling... Maybe you have to be someone who appreciates art to understand the direction taken in the scares?

Speaking of which, you cannot die. It's intentionally so because of the painter's guilt and remorse (hopefully) because he is more or less the cause of the wife's death. You will learn very swiftly that there are no repercussions to death except maybe for permanently determining the ending. We also see a lot of someone's burnt body, in closeups and frankly I just wanna leave some things to the imagination.

(iii) Subjectivity
The game in all honesty, is not awful. Far from it, perhaps I am perceiving it in this way is because it's something I am not used to in the horror genre. Maybe that's even a good thing. I'll tell you what's bad; not being able to crouch and having to stand the whole time even when trying to pick up low objects on the floor.

"Everyone's A Critic..."

All in all, Layers of Fear was a welcome surprise albeit with the usual cliches of a haunted house. I very much still enjoyed the ride it took me mostly for the "life imitates art but with a twist" tragedies that befell the family and eye-catching installations. Horror-wise a.k.a how it's marketed by the developers, I'd advise trying elsewhere as it's on the rather light side...all things considered with its countless jumpscares and them throwing as many unusual scenes that leave you in awe. This game is layered with many emotions but fear is just not one of them~


Never did I expect that a sequel would happen. This time in another sector of the entertainment industry. FILM!!
Публикувана 16 май 2020. Последно редактирана 5 юни 2022.
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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #20<-- New review every Sunday

Directed by the brains behind Resident Evil, there was no surprise as to the eventual nostalgia I'd get. The Evil Within was a game that I had a love-hate relationship with when I first bought it. I remember buying it all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. But then after having finished only the 1st chapter and maybe a few minutes of chapter 2, I wanted to return it the very next day....

Thank god I didn't, because it shaped me to be the horror buff I am today. The experience was just immensely jarring to me and I attributed the nausea, distress I felt as bad game design- in actuality, it was fear plain and simple. That along with purposeful game mechanics that make you just able to defend yourself...

"Descent Into Madness."

The Gist:
Play as Detective Sebastian Castellanos, a Krimson City police officer who receives a distress call to Beacon Mental Hospital. Accompanying him are longtime partner on the force, Joseph Oda and Junior Detective Juli Kidman who appears unfazed. Upon arrival, the air is pungent of a familiar odor especially in their line of work. The trio get blindsided, awakening in a nightmarish reality molded by the host's desires.

! SPOILERS below. Come on, you knew this was coming. Don't lose your head over it!

[+] PROS;

(a) Roots of Horror
Like I said, it felt dirty, cheap and poorly made. But I realized the genius behind it. Its emulation of the survival horror titles from the early PS1 and PS2 era. Aiming felt clunky and the stamina bar unreasonably quick to be winded. All of this was deliberate- I might be highly delusional but that's certainly how it felt to me.

A lot of reviewers, players have noted this issue and I just don't believe the quality assurance team could not have picked up on this unless it was their original intent. Mainstream audience are used to games holding your hands so when they let go once- everyone becomes uncomfortabek and lashes out!! Trust me when I say, the controls and gameplay are something you'll get used to in due time.

(b) A Tale of Torture
The plot highly resembles Inception, or rather the idea behind STEM at least. It is difficult to piece together at first glance (in fact, I myself have found some inconsistencies- more on that later). However, with Ruvik's projections of his past trauma you'll start to see a little better.

No doubt,Ruvik was a disturbed child who did not fully act on his compulsions of sadism laced with curiosity until the unruly death of his sister, Laura. The incident which inexplicably pushed him off the edge and onto murder- including his own parents. I know how it may seem right now, but even then Ruvik is a victim in all this. Because ultimately he was being strung along too.

(c) Symbolic Hell
Going in, you will notice a few panic-inducing but iconic monsters. Given that the antagonist Ruvik is the primary influence and controller of STEM; it therefore makes sense that these creatures would be heavily linked to him in appearance and characteristics.

Sadist- obviously to inflict as much pain as possible. Laura- a twisted version of his sister who will protect him at any cost and is difficult to get rid of except by the thing that killed her when she was still alive.The set pieces are also very appealing as you never really go through any location twice.

(d) Tailor-Made Nightmare
The green gel upgrading system is very helpful as you would most certainly not be able to finish the game without at least dabbling in an upgrade or two. Sebastian's personal attributes can be enhanced or his arsenal of weaponry pimped. Personally I think this little mechanism and Tatiana's guidance do not really make sense unless it actually implies that Sebastian also has a minor influence on STEM and what it can manifests. After all, a RPG did just pop out of nowhere in the final showdown. It really makes you wonder. But who cares- it works wonders after all! That's what matters at the end. :D

(e) The Truth Will Set You Free
DLCs; The Assignment & The Consequence are worthy additions to the lore of The Evil Within. Retaining the same tense atmosphere through darkness and cramped spaces. Kidman is also powerless. I don't usually support or promote DLCs...

BUT there are also new creatures with more interesting representations and designs. The standout is "Shade" a feminine mannequin-like being armed with teeth and a spotlight on its head who is relentlessly pursuing something or someone.

[-] CONS;

(i) ...But It Comes at A Price
DLCs should've been included from the get-go. But I suppose there was no way to know for sure if the game would have been a hit. So they had to go with this more profitable method.
The game would be in its 6th year of release (that long huh...?) this year and you can get it for so very cheap nowadays. For me, I got it during the PS3 era (then again on the PS4... and on PC.... I have a problem I know) so I'm still a little pissy about that.

(ii) Hole in The Brain
Back to the plot. There are inherent gaps as to how the group ends up within the STEM system or how the latter even works. Not so much for Kidman, because it's explained that she's prepped for the operation, being an agent of Mobius and we see her being strapped into the machine as well.

But in the case of Sebastian and Joseph (or rather everyone present in Ruvik's mind)- how were they hooked onto the machine to begin with? Was it upon their arrival at the crime scene after they were attacked by Ruvik.... in the real world?? Or perhaps even before the opening cutscene where they were already kidnapped off screen and plugged into the device
. I guess theorizing is fun but without a clear answer- it can cause quite the headache and gradually we'll all be LOSING OUR MINDS. LOSI-

RE4 on the other hand was overtly generous- providing extra game modes and mini games at an all-inclusive price. The Evil Within only gives you model viewer (which btw, is incomplete because DLCs have their own model viewers). Speaking of which, where is the cutscene viewer? Weren't those a thing too?? Whew...I feel better letting it out.

(iii) It Could Have Been Anyone
The Evil Within 2 tries to make Sebastian more interesting and relevant to the story by talking about his daughter; bringing her into the scuttlebutt about STEM. There's no denying that in the first game, he's a big dull dud with some emotional baggage... The same goes for Joseph who's only defining trait is his intelligence and vulnerability to being possessed. Or Kidman, for that matter.

SO, if you think about it, Sebastian being there at Beacon was just a big coincidence. Unless that was the point. :O [spoiler[Not necessarily even cops simply anyone can stand-in for them[/spoiler]. BUT I'm willing to overlook these issues because it actually goes smoothly and the workings of STEM, for all we know is still a giant mystery.

"It's All in Your Head."

Overall, The Evil Within marked Shinji Mikami's much anticipated "reemergence" to the survival horror library. Leaving another terrifying and lasting legacy among fans of this killer genre, besides Resident Evil that is. The sheer volume of detail put in the atmosphere, enemy designs and heck insane plot is testament enough to the brains & team behind it. It's safe to assume another experience like this will not come again at least not for another decade. The Evil Within 2 certainly proved that much despite being a direct sequel.


Play the sequel because it is still entertaining (and let's hope for a third) but don't compare them; they are night & day
Публикувана 9 май 2020. Последно редактирана 10 март 2021.
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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #19<-- New review every Sunday

Horror appear to us in many sizes and forms. Red Candle Games' interpretation with Detention, a 2D side-scroller was to incorporate a real-life setting and tragic period of Taiwanese history alongside facing teenage seemingly typical melodrama but one that harbors severe consequences. There are very few horror games bold enough to conceive of such concept and even fewer dare to attempt this. Detention is most definitely one of the best in the genre of 2017. Here's why....

"A Time to Remember"

The Gist:
You play as Wei, who falls asleep in class just as your teacher gets summoned by the authorities to be questioned for apparently having done something illegal. After waking up, you try to find your way home in highly uncertain circumstances.

! Technically this, like um happened in the past but.... SPOILERS incoming!!

[+] PROS;

(a) Don't Breathe
There are no weapons for you to fend off the otherworldly beings. You can only run and avoid from having your presence detected by drawing your breath in as if it was your last!! Time it right and you could just slip pass the restless wanderers. Just pray your body and spirit are strong to endure the disturbances thrown at you.

(b) All That Remain
Yes, I am Chinese (lol, who even asked) but that don't mean I know all the Taiwanese references and afterlife beliefs (seriously nobody assumed that). What I am trying to say is that it was a genuine treat to educate myself about those actual folklore and culture. Whether you choose to believe in those is another matter entirely but it is clear that Ray does since these manifest in her path.

(c) Close to Home
I have touched on this in the beginning but what truly resonated was how the scenario posed by the game was plausible. Without pointing out specifically; issues of teacher-student relations, depression and martial law oppression subsequently conflict were explored.

Though initially unrelated, these were eventually linked full circle and illustrates how the seemingly mundane activities life could have such drastic bearings on the fate of others. That is what scares me the most, more than any of the apparitions that tried to consume me.

My grandfather, on my mother's side was from Taiwan and migrated away just around that time. The thought that he could have been swept in all of this, despite the very slim chances is surreal nonetheless. It was a very long period of distrust, injustice and terror.

(d) A Haunting Nightmare
Having discussed the plot which has a scare factor on its own- the uneasiness of the game owed much to the distinctive art style, Look at any screenshot of the game and there is a constant oozing of dread within the choice of dull color palettes.

The soundtrack is creepy throughout accompanied by ceremonial sounds and instruments. Interesting set pieces mirror the war-torn environments and hopeless perspective as seen through the eyes of the protagonist.

[-] CONS;

(i) Boring Lecture
How many times now where you have a horror game (or movie for that matter) where surprise, surprise... you doze off and wake up alone!! This really triggers me somehow. Is there no better way to show and transition the fact that they are entering somewhere foreign separate from reality?

(ii) No Wei to Go
Firstly, I am sorry for the pun. But seriously, you start the game off in sort of a brief-tutorial as Wei then like 5 min later- switch to Ray. Was this a deliberate shift of perspective? Why couldn't the game start with Ray straightaway?? Since she is the main character after all.

Wei does not play a big role (depending on which ending you get that is) but ultimately is just another cog in the machine who was affected by the political turmoil. I guess what I'm trying to say is there was probably a better way to include Wei and not "off" him though I do get the symbolism in doing so.

(iii) What Could Have Been
The game in its current state does pull of being artistic and creepy in its depiction of trauma. However, I just can't help but wonder had there been voices added to the characters (but I guess that's what the film is for XD). I'm sure many would disagree with me (even I regret writing this) but I'm just curious.

"The Truth Hurts."

Overall, the game is a tribute to a difficult, unpleasant time in Taiwan's history. But I am not gonna discount their suffering or act like I lived through it- this game has gone ahead and done that. In fact, it actually puts you through a literal detention- hence the name, for you or rather, Ray to reflect on her actions.

I thought having two endings was genius, because after all sometimes people regret their mistakes and other times just refuse to admit it. I am sure Red Candle Games' second entry 'Devotion' which deals more on religion will be both equally riveting and foreboding in its approach. If anything is to be learnt from their grand, effective debut with Detention.


Now a moment of silence for Red Candle's second title "Devotion" where a controversy was fanned out of proportion
Публикувана 2 май 2020. Последно редактирана 5 януари 2021.
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Curator page here--> DaRevieweD #18<-- New review every Sunday

Remothered: Tormented Fathers is a real treat that most players have not heard of (still!!?)! It could be because of the less well known talents behind its production. Heck, even I wouldn't know about this game had it not shown up on my Twitter feed promoted by the visionary himself, Chris Darril!!

You know I think many people underestimate the potential that lies when there are hints of a small budget or unknown name. Well, this game as well as 2019's DARQ (which I have played and wow) have won a bunch of accolades and loyalty by worldwide fans, thereby completely proving that mindset wrong!

"Forgive Me Father~"

The Gist:
Assume the role of Rosemary Reed- a doctor hell bent on finding a child who has disappeared from the Felton Mansion. After a health questioning gone sideways, she is called out on her behavior and intentions. It seems there is more to her identity than initially thought much like the secrets buried within the premises and behind its walls.

! Mother! Oh god, Mother! Spoilers! SPOILERS! AHHHH!!

[+] PROS;

(a) We All Go A Little Mad...
Anyone else sometime have a nightmare of being chased but at the same time, low key loved it? No... just me?? :O The stalkers in this game are reminiscent of games like Haunting Ground (I would say Clock Tower but I never got the chance). Each one is distinctive and creepy enough that every time you see them or get spotted- it's like you are already caught by them...... Only a matter of time.

I thought the story was confusing at first (as was the intent) but then I grew empathetic of the antagonists, not as much with Rosemary surprisingly. That said her caring side, determined personality are real components that make up a strong female lead. Her voice actress' husky, frightened performance also fits right in with the overall mood of the game. It is just such a shame that everyday people can turn grotesque or have such ugly sides when nobody is looking.

(b) Cat-and-Mouse
The gameplay is nothing new but I was frigging panicking. Thankfully, you have weapons but then you don't. Here are your options;

1. Simply don't make noise a.k.a stealth your way through the game.
2. Choose to fight head on and have the stalkers on your tail
3. Run like hell and hope you lose them! :P

There are different defense items that can be used to free yourself from the stalker's grasps. 'Throwables', 'placeables' and 'diversion' items. They are named after their functions but I will let you have fun experimenting!

(c) You Never Forget
As you play through the game, you will perhaps feel something crawl under your skin or have goosebumps all over. This was what happened to me when I noticed a bunch of horror film and game references either in terms of the plot themselves or just nods to their infamous symbols. Often times I admittedly felt more nostalgia rather than terror but hey, it works!!

I won't spoil much, but you'll know it when you see it. Hopefully not during a chase or one of the many tense sections... but not guaranteeing that. BWAHAHAHA!

(d) A True Instrument of Fear
I did not pay much attention to the soundtrack itself except for the infamous phonograph bit and the one in the ending. This is because of two things; one I have an awful appreciation of music. Two, I was instead fixated on the sound cues instead; footsteps, mutterings and..... Actually that's it.

Oh and the 'discovered' music. That just sends shivers down my spine as I just haul ass without much thought into where I was going. Speaking of which, if you were not afraid of a bunch of things- say darkness, being chased or tight spaces. Lets hope it remains that way. The cellar is my most favorite intense section, no matter how short it was. Let me know what yours was!!

[-] CONS;

(i) Cuts Like A Knife
I actually have no vices with quick-time-events. Every game does them, right?! I understand if it is during gameplay itself. But there was that one time it happened upon a cutscene that something deadly fell and luckily I reacted!

It makes for a good old fashioned scare but not the right kind!! It has TICKED me off ever since... :') Even RE3 remake did this recently, like why bother! But what do I know, right?

(ii) It Is What It is.
This is simply a minor critique. There were some wonderful set pieces but that is exactly it- keyword being "some". There's the mansion that you explore top to bottom.

Then, the street and playground in the beginning.... That's it. Don't get me wrong, the game did very well with so little. But I just felt there should have been more places, or more accurately more time to explore said places. Perhaps this was an artistic choice! In which case, I am sorry to question it!!

(iii) No Harm, No Foul
I recently just found out that the game was subject to controversy for a certain character portrayal and backstory. But come on, there's a fine line between slander and depiction of trauma. Without spoiling much, basically the antagonist was not who he said he is.

Come on, this is ridiculous- believe me if the creator wanted to intentionally discriminate, it would have been done with more tact no doubt. I think the whole "calling out" movement in this age will not always cause social change. Not to mention this is a work of fiction and the reveal served only as shock value. I felt sympathetic to the character rather than having time to make fun. :'(

(iv) Red Herring
Another small complaint but one game mechanic that brought me out of the experience only after I completed the game was the upgrade mechanic. As I recall (and I may be incorrect) there were just maybe one acid barrel and wire spool scattered in the whole game that have limited uses to increase the damage or durability of your weapon at hand.

Though the upgrade system was helpful, it felt off because it seems like an aspect from other more action oriented titles. In fact, I thought without it- game would have been even scarier (not that it needs to be). It does show Rosemary's knack for improvisation.

"For I Have Not Sinned~"

In conclusion, Tormented Fathers marks a terrifying entry Into what I assume will be a horror trilogy. This game hit me hard and I was shaken up physically, emotionally....!! My biggest fear now is whether the sequel will live up to the standards of the first. Who knows, maybe this review will give some motivation (one can dream) to the developers. Whatever the outcome, only time will tell.


~ Better keep one eye open for the sequel~.
Публикувана 25 април 2020. Последно редактирана 10 март 2021.
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