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121.5 timer totalt (51.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Right now...

Here's a BRIEF overview as to what I think is wrong with the game right now:

>Connection Issues: Constant loading loops, failure to connect, and hard freezes when trying to play Multiplayer and even Campaign. Always Online means you cannot play this game and will be booted back to lobby if you go offline. PROGRESS IS NOT SAVED (AS OF NOW) when doing anything offline.

>Limited Content: Campaign is lengthy enough and is VERY GOOD, however the multiplayer content is VERY LIMITED and you will be replaying the same 6 missions for increasingly slow progress towards cosmetics and weapon unlocks. Either that or you can TRY Multiplayer, but we'll get to the problem with that in a bit.

>Class Limits: Theoretically this does work to balance encounters and have the team's abilities spread out in PvE. However this is assuming there's only around 12-24 playtesters/streamers who have access to the game, not 100k+ players. You CANNOT and ARE-NOT allowed to play a class if someone already picks it, which leaves you at a P2W disadvantage against faster PCs and Networks. Not to mention you CANNOT MANUALLY HOST your own lobby and stay on said class.

In PvP Multiplayer this does work with class limits being 2 instead of 1. However DEPRIVING the player of the freedom of choice is how you breed toxicity with players being HARASSED to swap off or flat-out KICKED. Which leads to even MORE egregiously LONG loading times. Some people only want this game to play HEAVY, or SNIPER, etc.

>Gameplay/Difficulty Problems: You've heard enough about the game being "Clunky" I'm sure, but it's not that bad you just have to learn from others and get into a groove to be able to fight things efficiently. I learned from others the same exact way and can solo difficulty 3s with only a small migraine at the end.

The difficulty is another nightmare, it's hilarious to think someone is explaining how a "Gaunt" can take 3 punches from a (Purple Tier) Power-Fist on difficulty 2-3. I can handle swarms of enemies, I can parry the tsunami repeatedly and IT'S COOL WHEN IT WORKS. But Maaaaan, when you get swarmed by 8 Warriors that can take like 6 Gun strikes / 15 or-so hits from a Power-Fist / 5 Plasma Pistol Charged Shots, EACH... You really start to ask yourself, "How am I supposed to enjoy this?"

It's a weird situation because the Bosses and Minibosses like the CARNIFEX or the... ugh... NeUrOtHrOpE, are reasonably difficult and can be FUN to fight even when playing solo. But getting 10 Warriors dropped on you really sucks, and it isn't fun, and players worse-than-I probably feel terrible about wasting their money on this. You might be asking however, "But why don't you just get better Gear? Or level up?" Well, that's where we get to...

>Progression has a HUGE Flaw: Materials and Scaled-XP required to progress in a meaningful way to fight tougher enemies in Difficulty 3-4 are INGENIOUSLY locked to THOSE DIFFICULTIES. Which means an average player has to do 1 of 2 things. Either they get carried and have to hope they aren't kicked for slacking in order to get Purple/Gold Mats, or they frustratingly hope they can solo it... like me :) (Please help me...)

Unfortunately if you fail a mission you LOSE THE MATERIALS, and PvP does NOT help you here as you only get a meager amount of credits. So you HAVE to be carried, because of how UNREASONABLY STACKED the difficulty is against you with BULLET-SPONGE-HELL and constant chip-death from Gaunt ranged attacks. The ONLY CLASS that can sustain themselves without a META-PERK-BUILD is bulwark and he carries the team, so in search of AVOIDING A META the class limits have INTRODUCED ONE.

One would be tempted to say in rebuttle, "Just avoid combat and run to the objective, it's EASY." WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. What? You're serious? Avoid combat in a 40k game? THIS is the largest RED-FLAG that the combat has SOMETHING wrong with it, a game being difficult and therefore good is the MOST common mistake people take from the lessons Dark-Souls and Gears-Of-War taught us. A game has to be difficult but satisfying, and bullet-sponges are NOT.

>Chaos: They're fine, terminators are kinda scary but they're in an okay state actually. Aim for the head and they go down pretty easy... too easy. In FACT, wait a minute... THESE MFS DON'T EVEN HAVE AI!! Seriously, they just stand around and shoot, barely melee, and teleport. REAL ADVANCED GUYS...

They unironically had to include chaos-cultists just to make chaos challenging and use any semblance of ai, they're like d*mn jackal-snipers from Halo 3. That's it, even the dreadnought is unbelievably easy to fight. Bosses are awesome tho, good job Focus. :) (I'm probably a heretic but that's okay.)

TLDR Summary

>Need Connection Fixes
>Need Difficulty Tweaks
>Need Progression Tweaks
>Need Healing/Sustain Tweaks
>Need Class limits Removed

Publisert 6. september. Sist endret 13. september.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
20.5 timer totalt
Like Dark Souls? - Move on (Combat is Basic)
Like Star Wars? - Move on (Bare-bones story)
Like Video Games? - Move on (It's a movie with parkour game-play)

It's an interactive movie with formulaic combat that boils down to Parry > Strike > Combo > Dodge > Repeat
No incentive to play on Grand-Master difficulty and enemies are blatantly against the combat system, either you're one shotting enemies or you're playing parry-patty-cake with bosses and purge troopers, which all falls apart in groups.
Levels are interesting and beautiful at times but boil down to re-spawning enemies and really inane Zelda puzzles that make no sense and blend into the environment.
Force Powers are non-existent outside of the telekinetic standards, and are only useful for cheese.

All in all, it's very pretty but that's it. The game becomes unbearably droll once you fight the 9th sister and realize that's the peak of the combat.
Publisert 21. august.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3.4 timer totalt
It's a watered down "Brutal Doom" with a Warhammer coat of paint.

You can play GZDoom mods about as good as this for FREE. Not worth the money in my opinion, especially considering the padding it has. It's pretty easy even on hard, and feels okay until you stop caring and just want to finish the level because of how mundane the combat becomes.

This one's a pass for me, even for a Retro-Shooter it's pretty samey.
Publisert 30. mai.
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4.7 timer totalt
It's not for me. You're basically playing a short Elder-Scrolls story in a dungeon crawler with THIEF combat.
The magic system is pretty neat, but isn't integrated interestingly outside of a few "Key-in-socket" spells that solve obvious zelda-esk puzzles.

I... really can't recommend this to anyone who isn't die-hard into old-school RPGs. Because I LOVE deus ex, system shock, Fallout 1/2, BG 1-3, Arcanum, and many more! But this game just didn't really grab me into its world at all, nor does it make any attempt until about half-way in.

Maybe I'm just not in the right mindset for this game, maybe I just don't GET-IT, but I don't know... There's just something lifeless about it and the shoddy fantasy/metro aesthetic that kills my interest.
Publisert 8. mars.
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4.8 timer totalt
I could be watching Hentai,
I could be Playing Dark-Souls,
I could be suffering from frustration-induced seizures...

No see, why would I do any of that when this game is all 3 in a single, agonizing, pitifully constructed package that makes me question whether or not I should peel my skin off like some sort of nihilistic human banana.
Publisert 5. april 2022. Sist endret 6. april 2022.
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3,233.7 timer totalt (3,163.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
*Sigh* Alright, Valve.

This is what's gonna happen... You'll release your shoddy hero-shooter OW clone and maybe, JUST MAYBE, a few people will enjoy it. But like the rest of your games you'll leave it dead in the water, and the popularity will dwindle within months. You'll then notice the horde of CS2 and TF2 fans sitting in the pile of problems and neglect you left behind and abandoned...

Then you'll bicker amongst yourselves in the office about who was supposed to deal with all these issues, only to realize that there was nobody in the first place. That everyone in those party-lounge offices was deliberately procrastinating doing anything but their assigned project tasks because the world "passion" is anathema to the modern programmer's vocabulary.

Suddenly you'll start to wonder if we're at fault, and begin blaming us for wanting. Suddenly you'll start to wonder if all the recent failing were due to gamers being greedy and too expecting of developers. Then you'll alienate what's left of your old-world fanbase causing a PR-F*ck*p so bad that not even Half-Life 3 will save you.

In the end, you'll all come to cumulatively realize that all you had to do was listen to your players, instead of bumbling around in the dark about what you "Think" we want.

#SaveTF2 ...I guess, as if it even matters anymore. The hashtag is just used by lazy TF2tubers to content-farm on low-effort 10 minute videos yapping about how bad the situation has been without posing any ideas or making an EFFORT to fix anything... as if they hadn't been doing this for the last 5 f*ckin' years.
Publisert 3. september 2016. Sist endret 4. juni.
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