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1 pelikielto merkitty | Tietoa
2639 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Mina 3.12.2018 klo 9.20 
🚙 ☂ 💗 A musician of more ambition than talent composed an elegy at
🐟 ☂ 🐝 the death of composer Edward MacDowell. She played the elegy for the
👽 ☂ 🐠 pianist Josef Hoffman, then asked his opinion. "Well, it's quite
🍇 ☂ 🚕 nice," he replied, but don't you think it would be better if..."
🔋 ☂ 🐳 "If what?" asked the composer.
🌋 ☂ 🌽 "If ... if you had died and MacDowell had written the elegy?" 📒💎📕
Scorpion 6.9.2017 klo 6.02 
suck the vac!:csgox:
KP 23.8.2017 klo 22.21 
legit hacker
Tank 22.7.2017 klo 17.55 
cheez 27.5.2017 klo 16.53 
I am???
Bo Jack 23.5.2017 klo 17.24 
btw watched the replay you are such a cheater lmao