Baz   Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
It's like Boo!- Streets of Rage 2 Stage 4

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One of tri-Ace's games that im so glad that got ported to PC, as i played the original on the xbox360 to the point that i got 100% achievements on it, it was a joy to play through this JRPG again.

The first thing that is really a nice little aspect is the interaction between the 3 main characters: Zephyr, Leanne and Vashyron. There are some funny moments in between the serious parts of the story as well as the actual banter between them not just through cutscenes but in the battle segments aswell which always made me smile.

Quickly also customising your appearance with clothes,shoes, hair dye, contact lenses, glasses even belts and holsters for your guns is a nice feature, including that it shows up in cutscenes aswell is a nice little touch.

The combat system in Resonance of Fate, while in the beginning maybe a little bit confusing but once you mastered it and learned all the different parts of it can result in a fun experience. As you level up depending on what you use (Handguns, SMGs or grenades) you will learn different skills related to those weapons you use aswell being able to hold more charge before you shoot resulting in more attack power aswell as having some of the skills applied to the attack.

With two types of damage in the game (Scratch Damage which builds quickly but doesnt actually hurt the enemy, Direct Damage which converts scratch damage into actual damage) aswell as different status affects from grenades and ammunition, you got a variety of tools you can use. You can also perform smackdowns and bonus shots aswell giving more rewards.

Levelling up your characters results in more HP aswell being able to carry more weight, this is important as equipping guns and equipment aswell as customising your guns results in more weight that will need to be carried. You can even get to the point if you can carry enough weight you can dual wield handguns and SMG's.

A main aspect of the game is the 'Hero Gauge and Resonance points' systems, by using a part of the Hero Gauge you perform a Hero action along a straight path you set which allows you to pull some slick moves on the ground or in the air. If you cross the path between the other 2 characters you will get a resonance point, these will allow you to perfrom a tri-attack in which the 3 characters will run to where one of the characters was standing using 1 resonance point. Build enough resonance points to unleash a large charge attack with the 3 characters. By defeating bosses and exploring Basel you can find Bezel shards which can increase your hero gauge resulting in more hero actions to perform.

Another main aspect of the game is being able to customise your guns from parts such as sights, grips, ammo capacity and barrels. This results in improving different stats such as Charge Speed or Rate of fire helping you out in those fights.

Exploring Basel is done through using hex tiles that you find by defeating enemies or finding them. As you uncover hex tiles on the map will find chests which has a variety of stuff from clothes to healing items across multiple levels.

The story itself is interesting and wraps up nicely at the end. The beginning part sets up the world and characters and then moves forward from there into the story. Aswell as side quests giving a variety of rewards.

As from the length of the review and not writing many reviews in general (plus a little bit of nostalga), i feel Resonance of Fate deserves it. A niche JRPG which has its fans but may have gone unnoticed during the ps3/360 days. If your a JRPG fan its worth giving this game a go, in terms of the port it worked fine for me even before the patch.

As many others have said in their reviews a game that i would love to see a sequel (or even a prequel) for.
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Created by - karinms
153 ratings
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mats 20 May, 2013 @ 9:06am 
Meff 3 Mar, 2012 @ 7:24am 
Kagura. :>
*Zutter | Fnxy 8 Feb, 2012 @ 5:07am 
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