TTV CoolAce_
United States
szary 24 ก.ย. @ 10: 49am 
+rep amazing guy, extremely buff, crack shot
Shcoobertt 24 ก.ย. @ 8: 16am 
gg nice round of Trade: Showdown. Sorry you couldn't make it out
CrankMyHog69 1 ก.ย. @ 2: 13am 
lmao yet another wanna be twitch streamer buying old empty accounts to cheat
Rambunctious Gumptioneer 4 ส.ค. @ 3: 00am 
Lmao you need to calm down, you might live longer if you don't try to make suicide charges out on an open road.
D 16 ก.ค. @ 12: 20am 
GG, it was a long and fun battle sir! :steamthumbsup:
Scatterbine 20 มิ.ย. @ 6: 57am 
GG <3