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Publicada el 6 MAR 2017 a las 2:15 p. m.
Actualizada el 6 MAR 2017 a las 2:16 p. m.

Deceit is a lying game.
You will feel cheated and backstabbed
You will also cheat and backstab in order to win
This game will have you trusting no one even IRL
To be good at the game you need to be good at manipulation, think Will Kirby wih an intent to kill

If you believe in Karma i would not play this game

WARNING: Do not play with 5 close friends, this game will break friendships

But all jokes aside, this game is amazing and fun.
Frustrating at times with bugs and the sorts.
It can also get on your nerves once you start to always get accused but playing different and learning how to interact over the mic is how you manipulate the crowd.

A video of my first experiences:
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