Rupert Pupkin   California, United States
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Starbound Server Status
Server is Down. IM me if you want it to go live.
Mest sjældne præstationsfremvisning
KrazeCadet 1. feb. 2013 kl. 0:55 
Was watching you and Husky play Dota 2. Hes gotta get his computer working on that game =(
cL1cK2K1LL 18. sep. 2012 kl. 13:36 
Really enjoying watching you and your boys stream Borderlands 2, I would play with you if I wasn't poor ;_;
FOILED 31. jan. 2011 kl. 21:13 
Hells yes! PDX LAN 17 is only a few days away!
Psylacus 26. dec. 2010 kl. 14:44 
Mass effect 2. Freakin awesome.
TheDude 26. juni 2010 kl. 17:17 
Left 4 Dead 2 only $10 today