[BBG] Big Bang Theory
Winston-salem, North Carolina, United States
Rời mạng
Hiện đang bị cấm trao đổi
Important Information
Please read everything below to be sure you are not trading with an impersonator!

Check my URL to be sure it is: http://gtm.you1.cn/id/BigBangGamersOnline/


I will not Middleman for:

- Users with Scammer or Caution tags
- Users with Private/Friends Only Profiles or Backpacks
- Cdkey, Real World Items, Gift Card Codes
- Cross Game Trades (I.E. TF2 Items for Runescape Gold)
- Anything I deem fraudulent or deceptive

I can not help you if:

-Your profile level is below level 10
-Your account is less than 1 year old
-Your account has a trade probation

I reserve the right to decline MiddleMan Services to any user for any reason.


- My Profile will NEVER be private.
- I am the owner of {ĐƯỜNG DẪN BỊ XÓA}
- SteamRep [{ĐƯỜNG DẪN BỊ XÓA}]

There will be no doubt you are trading with me when / if you do.
This will not be a rushed process, as I am very careful with whom I trade.

Please join {ĐƯỜNG DẪN BỊ XÓA} and PM me to request Middleman help. Do not post in comment section below.

p.s. be aware that you open yourself up for an impersonator contacting you if you posted here requesting MM help, so check and recheck the person you are trading with!

Also, this is a helpful video you should watch before requesting a MiddleMan