
Bablo Brabbins の最近のレビュー

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Nemesis is the only dude that actively seeks me out.
投稿日 2020年4月3日.
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総プレイ時間:7.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.5時間)
Yes, it is prevalent with cases that include a multitude of people bombing reviews, and spamming BS all around to get a game negative reviews and to ruin images. That always isn't the case though, and in this case it's fairly certain it's NOT. This game came out not that long ago, barely a week, and it's already getting poor reviews. A game, this early really can't just get review bombed. Review bombing is saved more for like Battlefront 2-esque style of games to show the creators that the consumer, US, is not happy with their product. Not every single game that gets 'review bombed', a statement I feel is starting to share an identical feeling to the dead word, 'Toxic', deserves to be stated as just that. If a group of people are literally looking at a game, that went from not just 1, but 2, of the most modern Wolfenstein's, to this... RPG, loot and shoot style, then that is the community doing as it should. It's giving FEEDBACK, it is doing the part that a consumer should do.

This isn't the discussion for previous Wolfensteins, because it's not THOSE, it is THIS game, it is Youngblood, not New Order, not Old Colossus, but Young.Blood. To bring in the opinions, and reviews on an older game, to this newer release, just doesn't fully work. Each game has got to have it's differences, or else it's just the same game over and over again. It's like reviewing cold water to lukewarm water, it's identical but not the same because of some changes, and most of the time those small time changes are what people don't like. (Analogies are atrocious, but I hope the point is gotten across). If you go into any livestream, youtube video review, or otherwise, (this statement has already been made in other reviews as well), you'll see PLENTY of people giving the game an honest shot, and immediately, just as I have, turned around and said this game just isn't what we needed in this series, at all.

This game is getting honest reviews from people that bought this game, didn't enjoy it at all, refunded and left a review as to WHY they didn't like it. A review is ABOUT picking the game apart, what they did like, what they didn't like, what could be done better, the problems in either story line, the characters you play as, the combat, level progression, possible multiplayer aspects that could of been done better.

I.E. To sit there, and complain, just to say that,'Oh, woe-wee's me, a game is just getting review bombed because of [Insert statement about Women's rights, and the obligation to include powerful women, POC, or otherwise] just isn't a good statement. I agree, there should be more representation of such in games, just as movies and all other sources of media, etc. Etc. But it doesn't matter WHO you play as, it's what's being played and HOW, and that's the matter of the problem in this game. How it's played for the majority of consumers just isn't what they are looking for, just period. Therefor, a not worthwhile product, will get negative reviews. It's not bombing, it's just feedback.
投稿日 2019年7月29日.
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総プレイ時間:165.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:105.2時間)
投稿日 2019年7月6日.
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総プレイ時間:6,026.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:308.8時間)
One of the best. Not to be passed up.
投稿日 2012年11月12日.
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