
Anthem 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 11-20 項,共 24 項
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
8 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 6.4 小時 (評論時已進行 0.8 小時)
One Finger Death Punch 1: "Who are you?"
One Finger Death Punch 2: "I'm you, but stronger."
張貼於 2019 年 4 月 15 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 12.5 小時 (評論時已進行 4.6 小時)
I bought this game for full price... and then a sale happened... but I didn't refund it because Lucas Pope deserves it.
張貼於 2019 年 4 月 7 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 4 月 7 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 16.7 小時 (評論時已進行 7.2 小時)
Only buy if you have a controller.
The KB&M controls are poop.
張貼於 2018 年 8 月 10 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 6.7 小時
Recommended Input Device: Mouse and Keyboard


8/10. 2D stealth game with noir and comedic tones, with one of the best items in video game history. Spring powered pants that allow you jump through windows and survive any fall. Interested?

Long version:
Gunpoint. A 2D pixel art noir stealth-em-up. That makes sense? No? Who cares!? It’s neat.

The main gameplay is purely objective based. Get in, do a few objectives get out. It’s simple, but the execution is what makes it interesting. In the beginning, you have only some pants and some amazing hacking skills.

From there, you gain access to the Crosslink™. This is what I would call the main feature of the game. You use the power grid of the place you’re getting into against itself. This is done by linking different objects together. For example, you can link a light switch to a door and open the door. Simple. Then you can link a switch to a trap door. Now you see where you can cause so much chaos.

It can get overly complicated, but it only needs to gets. For example, you can take an elevator up to another floor. As soon at is arrives, it shuts down the power to all the floors, makes all of the light switches cause incapacitation, and open all doors. Or, you can take it one a

There are certain upgrades that can increase either you stealthing skill, like breaking glass silently, or increasing your more aggressive tactics, like giving you a gun or making you kick doors in. It’s rather open ended, and it’s glorious.

The story is told through mission briefings (and in a minor way through laptops). You, as a freelance spy, meet a bunch of characters. During the mission briefing you can respond to the characters you talk to. You can play it straight as an arrow, or be rather silly and question everything depending on how you respond in the story.

Annoyingly, I cannot say much more about the story without spoiling the game because the story is amazing.

None. You can download maps created by others from the Steam Workshop.

Very nice pixel art. Unfortunately, this requires you to play at a low resolution to make it look how it was intended. Not too big of an issue.

It’s good man. It’s. Good. Buy the soundtrack if you have more money than I do.

Eeeeeh. If you’re really entranced by the gameplay then you’ll find hours of fun with the level editor and other player created levels, but otherwise it’s kind of a one and done game.

Completionist bonus

Expected hours?
I was trying to Ghost every mission, so I went through slow. I basically did it in 3.5 hours and the remaining 30 minutes was quickly regaining the rest of the achievements. Expect around 2-4 hours.

Worth the price?
Due to how short it is, many people might complain about the price. If you don’t care how much money it costs if you love good story and solid gameplay, go for it. Wait for a sale if you’re errr’ing on the side of caution.

Bugs? What bugs?

Extras Pack 1 contains the game’s soundtrack, and in-game commentary on all levels.
Extras Pack 2 contains a video of the Making of Gunpoint, a Prototype pack where you can play early versions of Gunpoint, some exclusive music tracks, and a Secret Beta Access List.
I recommend these for anyone willing to pay more for their game to support this dev, but I only recommend the first pack just for the soundtrack.

Quick Conclusion
Quick Pros:
+Amazing writing
+Branching storylines
+Open-ended missions

Quick cons:
-No completion thing for making we want to A+ every level
-Gameplay gets same-y

Final Notes
Gunpoint is a lovely game which I didn’t expect to enjoy. This game has a lot of heart, but not a lot of extra substance. It goes in and out and doesn’t dilly-dally with extra stuff. If you want a great story, solid gameplay, and a few hearty laughs, do not hesitate with this one.

Gameplay: 7
Story: 9
Multiplayer: 0
Graphics: 7
Replayability: 2
Completion bonus: 0

Final result: 8
張貼於 2018 年 6 月 24 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 14.9 小時 (評論時已進行 13.5 小時)
Obligatory “I wish there was a mixed option”

Tomb Raider (2013 Reboot)
Recommended Input Device: Mouse and Keyboard

Wait... her name wasn’t Tomb Raider that whole time!?

6/10. Fun, but a story that flops half-way through and drags itself to the end with predictable arcs. Feels like it could have done a lot more gameplay-wise. Graphically impressive however.

Long version
The Tomb Raider Reboot. I initially disagreed with the concept of it back when it was announced, being a player of the originals on the PS1. I ignored it, and it eventually left my memory.

It was brought back into my mind during the Square Enix Publisher Sale, where I finally bought it for $7.11. A steal, I thought. An acquaintance of mine also mentioned it, saying it was ‘pretty good’ and that they wanted to buy the sequel ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider.’

But was it really a steal? And if it was, how much of a steal was it?

Most of the gameplay takes place in third person, with you controlling Lara. You’re either exploring, in combat, doing a puzzle, or in a cutscene QTE.

Exploring is quite fun. The level design is rather good, allowing for a wide range of movement like jumping over gaps, climbing up a rock face, squeezing through tight gaps. Your main point for exploring is just to get to the next story bit, but the world is filled with collectables, enemies and optional tombs for you to sink your teeth in. When Lara gets new weapons or gear, they often open up shortcuts or new areas which can only be accessed with the equipment, so backtracking and use of the fast travel system in encouraged.

Combat is quite good too, despite it being a cover-based system. You can take out enemies with stealth with your bow or take them on toe to toe with a pistol, rifle or shotgun. You can also dodge enemy fire and melee attacks, the latter of which can be upgraded for a counter attack. You’ll be flanked by enemies, motived out of cover or dynamited out of cover, meaning you have to move quite a fair bit.

Puzzles however are stupid, easy to solve and never required more than 5 minutes of your time. It either requires fire, using a crack, or weight manipulation. If you don’t get it within a few minutes, Lara or someone else will be like “Do this to solve the puzzle.”. It’s incredibly funny when I have solved the puzzle and are walking towards the chest when Lara suddenly blurts out that maybe she should use fire for the fire puzzle that I just solved.

And finally there’s the QTE cutscenes. Most of the time during a cutscene, you’ll have to push a few button in order for Lara to not instantly die. I’m on the fence about this to be honest, so I’m just going to say that if you enjoy it, good for you.
There was a bit early on which had Lara cold and shivering in a cave and she said “I need to find food.”. I thought this would lead into a light survival mechanic, but you kill one deer, gut it and Lara apparently never needs anything ever again.

I was playing the game on Hard all the way though, though, I have to say... it feels like I was playing on Easy. I barely ever died to enemy fire, and mostly died to jumping off a ledge. The game is too easy sometimes, with brain dead AI at some crucial moments.

The story is mediocre at best. The start wasn’t too bad. Lara’s ship hits a storm and she and her crew are separated. Lara then has to find her way back to them and after that happens, nothing ever goes right for them and Lara is basically sent out to be the cleanup crew. But the story feels... rushed? Yeah, that’s the word. Rushed. Character and story arcs are brought up, forgotten and resolved in microseconds. A lot of people in game say ‘Lara, trust your instincts.’ But Lara HAS been trusting her instincts for most of the game so why are you bringing it up now!? There’s also forced conflict with one of the group, which is resolved faster than a pedo climax outside of a kindergarten and serves nothing but to check a box.

Why did every bad guy want to bang Lara? It’s incredibly unsettling when every time she is captured, someone makes a comment about it. I found it to be stupid that they didn’t just kill her. Speaking of killing her...

Lara seems to get the ♥♥♥♥ beat out of her. When we first control her, she falls and skewers herself on a stick which she then rips out of herself. Her injuries happen so frequently and she just shrugs a lot of them off that it gets stupid. And then we have Lara’s idiot moments. Why does Lara have to be an idiot sometimes? She never seems to make a proper choice regarding the situation, which resolves in her getting knocked the hell out.

Which brings me to my final point. I didn’t care for almost any of the characters, including Lara. I only really cared about one character, Jonah, and that by default because everyone else in this game is kind of an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Not being able to care for the characters when they go through trials isn’t the best.

Basically dead, so I didn’t manage to play much, so I choose not to comment.

Still hold up well after 4 years. Pretty to look at and easy to pick enemies out from the environment most of the time.

I physically cannot remember any music from the game, and I just finished it an hour ago.

None. The story is mediocre enough to not relive.

Completionist bonus
Unlocking concept art is the only reward for completing the game, which is useless. Most of the achievements are multiplayer focused, which I have said, is kinda dead.

Expected hours?
I got 15 hours with 100% completion in Single Player. In Multiplayer you could probably get more hours.

Worth the price?
I bought it on sale which included all the DLC for $7.11. At this price, I can say that I got what I paid for, but the game is $25 bucks when not on sale ($43 bucks with DLC). Give it a miss until sale.

Quite a few that may affect your gameplay, forcing deaths, reloads of checkpoints or general annoyance.

I got the DLC with the game, but none of it is special. The only interesting thing is the downloadable tomb, but I did that at the start of the game in about five minutes. Ignore the DLC. None of it is needed.

Quick Conclusion
Quick Pros:
+Lovely graphics
+Decent combat
+Hard to pick between upgrades

Quick cons:
-Mediore Story
-Gameplay doesn’t do as much as it should and gets boring
-Lack of interesting puzzles

Final Notes
The Tomb Raider reboot is a game I can see why it is liked. However, I didn’t get into this game as much as others, and if I ever play it again, it will just be for achievement completion. If you want this game, then get it, otherwise ignore it completely.

Gameplay: 6
Story: 6
Multiplayer: 3 (possibly higher if I actually played it)
Graphics: 9
Replayability: 0
Completionist bonus: 1

Final result: 6/10
張貼於 2018 年 3 月 16 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 87.3 小時
Sleeping Dogs: Definite Edition
Recommend input device: Controller

When GTA, Saints Row, and Yazuka all decide to see what baby they would produce, but they also invited some Chinese hooker for extra measure.

TL;DR version
8/10. Open world sandbox rather similar to other open world sandboxes but set in Hong Kong with a surprisingly gripping story and a hand to hand combat ‘Arkham’ system where you can’t just hammer the counter button.

Long version
Sleeping Dogs. Not quite as popular as Saints Row or Grand Theft Auto, but what can you expect when you steal basically all of your gameplay from them, and your CQC combat from Arkham like every OTHER game? What do you bring Sleeping Dogs?

“The ability to doorslam someone’s head in, throw someone onto a swordfish to impale them, and drop an engine block on them.”

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SOLD!

Like other sandboxes you can drive or walk around the map. Driving is smooth with some nice handbrake drift possibilities. Running around introduces a light parkour mechanic where you push a button to vault smoothly over objects, or smash into them and climb over afterwards with a hint of shame.

No flying is present in Sleeping Dogs, but there sure are a metric ton of boats. Unlike other sandboxes though, you don’t really have guns at your disposal. This isn’t America, this is Hong Kong, which means less gun crime. Which means the main style of combat is hand to hand ‘Arkham’ based combat. Light attacks, heavy attacks, grapple, and counters, along with some melee weapon attacks. What’s more interesting is the obvious real life martial arts connection, making combos seem like something out of a Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan film (which the game does heavily parody in one set piece). It’s very fluid and fun to bash someone’s head in with a lovely 5 hit heavy combo.

Also, the spam counter mechanic is gone. If you mash the counter button when no one is attacking, Wei Shen will just look around like a lost puppy before some goon charges up a heavy attack and bashes your skull in, so props for making us have to press a button with timing now.

The main draw of Sleeping Dogs is in the environmental grapples. You can slam your opponents against walls, smash their heads on tables, you name it. There are also special grapples where an object is highlighted red. Drag someone into these and you can do a powerful and stylish one hit move which usually involves mortally wounding the other fighter in some horrible way. These balance out by only being a one time use per fight, so you can’t just environmental grapple your way to victory.

There are also different enemy types. There’s the usual guys, then the guys who block all normal attacks, then the guys who can’t be grappled, some guys who carry weapons, and some guys who counter. A lovely little bit of variety to keep you on your toes.

When you aren’t fighting hand to hand, you sometimes get a gun. Gun combat is weird with a controller, but it has an auto lock on which helps, but you’ll still miss half your shots. You can also do slow motion bullet time moments by aiming while vaulting over cover for example. This is extremely fun to do and will be the main way of killing everyone in a room.

There are also 3 types of experience points. Triad (basically being a stylish killer), Cop (driving safe and avoiding innocent casualties), and Face (your overall rep). Each of these unlocks a respective upgrade in that skill tree. For example, upgrading your Cop experience will make you be able to find guns in cop cars or steal cars without setting off an alarm. Annoyingly though, Triad experience for some reason is so hard to get near the end game that you might have to replay a few missions to get full Triad exp. There’s also other side stuff, like small cop jobs, karaoke, street races, fight clubs, and more.

You play as Wei Shen, an undercover cop who infiltrates the Hong Kong triads. Hilariously, the police force send you in almost right after their other undercover cop was found out, tortured for sport, and buried alive. A brilliant way to set-up what will happen to you if you get found out.

The story isn’t what I expected. It’s surprisingly gripping; emotional and full of little side bits that flesh out the world and I invite you to actually read the reports you receive. I also like how the game really actually cares about building a realistic world. For example, people speak both English and Cantonese which are the most popular languages in Hong Kong. Also, everytime you pass someone trying to sell you something, they yell out to you to attract your attention. It’s quite believable in a night market setting, where some guy trying to see you a pork bun judges your masculinity on sight to entice you.

You do certain actions (like how many thugs you can punch to death, or how much money can I get at once from the parking meters) and a little box pops up and shows you how good you are versus your other friends who have also done the same task. Interesting, but pointless. I would very much like to drive around Hong Kong with a friend. Looking at you, Sleeping Dogs 2.

The game is rather pretty and depicts Hong Kong nicely. Even on Low and Medium, the game still looks nice. I wish the blood was a little more visceral. When I curb stomp some guy’s head, I expect a puddle of blood on the footpath, not a tiny spray like a bleeding nose.

I beat the game twice, once a year ago where I barely paid attention, and once this week where I completed the whole game 100% including all the side mission stuff. It’s addicting really when you’re collecting stuff and filling out a checklist. But once everything’s done, there’s not much else unless you want to screw about in the sandbox, but without multiplayer, it kind of falls flat.

Completionist bonus:
Going through and finishing each individual collectable line will reward you with extra vehicles, extra powers, more health, etc with the final reward being a small box that rewards the 100% achievement. Kind of an anti-climax, but it’s more about the journey.

Expected hours?
It took me 35 hours to beat the story the first time through, doing a little bit of the side stuff. It took me 52 hours to, from the start of the game again, completely 100% the game including achievements and all the DLC side story stuff.
All in all, that 87 hours I sunk into this game in case you couldn’t read my hours played nimwit.

Worth the price?
I’d wait for the eventual sale.

Just like any sandbox open world game, the cracks in the design do start to show, but usually in a humorous way. Once I saw a man who was stuck in a couch in a karaoke bar. I sung him a few songs then left and came back, only to see him out of the couch and looking at me with a perplexed expression. Only one crash and that was when I set off several car explosions at once, so the game is stable.

All original DLC’s are already added. These include extra missions, costumes, vehicles and side stories. The side story DLC’s (Nightmare at North Point and Year of the Snake) are both short end-game fun that will take about 2 hours each to complete 100%.

Quick Conclusion
Quick pros
+ Fun open world game which takes the best bits from others that preceded it
+ Hand to hand combat is nice and fluid
+ World is immersive and story is engaging

Quick cons
- Weird voice acting at times
- Repetitive mission structure
- Getting stuck outside in the water without a boat is a painful experience

Final Notes
Sleeping Dogs isn’t exactly a clone but it’s not exactly original. However, it still provides a fun sandbox experience for any who decide to pick it up.

Gameplay: 8
Story: 8
Multiplayer: 1
Graphics: 8
Replayability: 6
Completion bonus: 7

Final result: 8.5/10
張貼於 2017 年 12 月 7 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 12 月 7 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 19.8 小時 (評論時已進行 19.5 小時)

The only review to not talk about the fanbase!
VERY minor spoilers

TL:DR version:

9.5/10. An RPG an RPG hater would probably enjoy. A game full of 'oh ♥♥♥♥ ' moments. One of the very few 'must-play' type games. Also possibly the best kickstarter fundraised game (because, you know, they actually completed it.)
NOTE: The game has the "Great Soundtrack" tag first for a reason.
NOTE2: Okay, so Undertale is best experienced blind. That's probably not possible because the internet spreads things like wildfire, but try and play it as blind as you can.

Long version:

Undertale. An RPG where choice matters. Where you can choose 'not to fight.' Where what you do has an effect, however minor, on others.

Well, not all choices REALLY matter. The big choices matter story-wise, and the little choices impact dialogue. For example, sparing monsters and being a complete pacifist, will earn you the Pacifist ending, while punching a dummy at the start of the game will make another dummy note that down and judge you for it.

It reminds me of the start of Chrono Trigger, where all your actions are monitored and then eventually, you have to answer for them.

This game is an RPG. You know what that means! Running around, finding items, and getting into random encounters! Entering shops, talking to NPC's, finding secrets and continuing the story!
The overworld gameplay isn't really all that interesting to be fair.

It's the battle gameplay which is a little more interesting. Instead of the usual 'Attack, Magic, Item.', there's 'Fight, Act, Item, Mercy.' 'Fight' is your generic physical attack, which has a slider in it to determine damage. Then there's 'Act', which is basically the whole premise behind Undertale. 'Act'ing in Undertale is basically doing actions to end the fight in a peaceful manner, like petting a dog. Doing the correct actions will allow you to 'Spare' them and end the fight. Each action is unique to each different monster, so it's always a treat to see what each action does. 'Item' is your generic item usage. 'Mercy' allows you to 'Spare' or run away from battles.

Battles are turn-based. You do whatever you do, and then the enemy attacks. SURPRISE! It's a bullet-hell! Gotta learn to use those arrow keys to dodge those white attacks. New mechanics are introduced, like blue and orange attacks, to keep things fresh.

There are two main endings (and many other neutral endings) to the game, each related to your actions, mostly in battle. The Pacifist and most of the neutral ends are kind of self-explantory in how to achieve them. The Genocide route is where you might need to consult a walkthrough to see how to get started.

All in all, battles is where the main gameplay of Undertale takes place. It's where you'll essentially choose the ending you'll get. The overworld walking is barely gameplay at all, and is more like an exposition dump...

Speaking of...

The gameplay is hardly the most interesting aspect. You can love RPG's and/or bullet-hells and get bored of Undertale. But that's not why it's good. Probably the main reason a lot of people like this game is the story. The characters. The effect you have on it all.

The writing is great, sometimes massively over-the-top, sometimes actually 'cannot breathe' laugh inducing, but one of the most emotional stories I've ever experienced. Every character has something to say. Whether it be funny, or serious, each character, however minor, adds something to the world and they all seem very real.

The game also loves to tell meta jokes. Like of course you can't sell items at a shop! Why would the owner just buy old sticks and things you found on the ground, dummy! Unfortunatly, it makes up a portion of the comedy and it might annoy you at times. While there are other jokes that aren't meta-based, if you don't like the game breaking the fourth wall, you might have a hard time laughing. At least there's no real 'date' to the jokes, meaning that the jokes will probably age well.

The game is also very heartful and emotional at its core, designed to make you shead those tears. Personally, I didn't tear up until the very final battle in the True Pacifist ending. The soundtrack also helps with this, literally blasting you with the emotion you should be feeling, like you're some kind of robot.


Mostly pixel graphics, but really NICE looking pixel graphics. There's also an effective use of color in a game also filled with black and white, so take note.

Yes. Multiple endings. A random value which determines different events. The game remembering your playthroughs. It's a blast to play over and over.

Completionist bonus?
Not really. The 'bonus' is really just seeing what else the character will say, but once the endings are done with, there's not much to come back to.

Expected hours?
Around 3-6 hours per game. The game is designed to be played multiple times, though, and it is a game that would have been ruined had the story stretched out longer.

Worth the price?
Personally, yes, AND the soundtrack DLC as well. But, it should be up to you. If you're on the fence, purely because of the price, then wait for a sale.

None that will directly inpact you in normal play.

Quick Conclusion
Quick Pros:
+ Great story
+ Interesting characters
+ AMAZING soundtrack (I literally do not have a favourite track, it's that hard to pick one)

Quick cons:
- Playing Pacifist gets boring eventually
- Jokes may fall flat
- Not much to come back to once all is said and done

Final Notes:
Undertale is a game which many will remember fondly as the years go by, mainly because of the story.
Buy this game, and be swept away into it, like so many others.

Gameplay: 7
Story: 10
Graphics: 8
Replayability: 6
Completion bonus: 3

Final result: 9.5/10

NOTE3: Gonna have to break the rule here. IGNORE THE FANDOM. When you play Portal, do you think about the fandom's reaction to GladOS? Or the companion cube? Or Wheatly? What happens outside the game is irrelevent. Just play the game, and ignore what the internet creates.
張貼於 2017 年 9 月 20 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 9 月 20 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
3 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 4.2 小時 (評論時已進行 3.5 小時)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Please note that I haven't played the Redux version, so this review will only focus on the original version.

TL:DR version:

8.5/10. A clustertruck of genres that works surprising well. Incredible atmosphere. Probably the best 'walking simulator' ever but with a rather predictable story.

Long version:

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter... I'm not quite sure how to place this game on what genre it is. Many call it a 'walking simulator' and if we're going by the main element then yes, it is a 'walking simulator'. But it's a little bit more... interesting than that. As YouTuber Caddicarus put it... "It's a exploration, walking, artsy, puzzle, ghost story, mystery, detective, atmospheric, culty game, I don't know?". It's a complete clustertruck of genres but it all meshes in rather interestingly.

You hold W and use the mouse to move around mainly. That's it really, until you get to the detective parts while start when you find someone's dead body. Clicking on points on interest will make words appear, symbolising what the character you are controlling is thinking. Other times you'll have to move your mouse around untill you hit a hotspot to reveal where a important plot item is. You then go fetch the item and replace it where it needs to go in order to continue the plot, which in this game mean finding out how they were killed.

After you have all the evidence, you find all the actions leading up to it and sort them into chronalogical order. Then the entire scene plays out, giving another hint to where Ethan Carter ran to next. Then more walking. Then there's a puzzle, then more walking, then another body. Repeat ad infintum. There's only really one minor shake up of the formula, and that is in a mine with a rather interesting other character. I won't spoil it, but to those who know what I'm talking about... you know exactly what I mean.

Since it's a 'walking simulator', the story has to be pretty good for us to keep playing. And good it is. It does get rather repeditive once you figure out the pattern however. The ending annoyed me however. To see it, you need to read 5 stories, and I missed the one right at the start of the game, so I had to backtrack all the way there and back to get my ending. But I never expected the twist at the end, and it isn't a twist for the sake of having a twist like other games. It completely makes sense in the context of the game. Again, no spoilers, but the story is an interesting treat.

This game is beautiful. Absolutely. Stunning. I've never seen anything quite like it before or since. You might as well get it, just to stare at the graphics and take some pretty screenshots. I think part of the enjoyment of the game is from the graphics in my opinion.

Basically none. This is meant to be played once and that's it.

Completionist bonus?
Nope. Just get all the achievements (1 is rather well hidden) and get out and boom, 100%.

Expected hours?
Around 2.5-4 hours to beat the game. The game isn't hard, and it's nearly impossible to die (yes you can die, but it never happens) but you might get lost in the amazing world at times.

Worth the price?
For the graphics and story alone, I almost can ignore the price. However, for the gameplay aspects... I must say get it when it's on sale. Also, it's a short game so consider that when purchasing it.

Only a few related to achievements but nothing game-breaking.

Final Notes:
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is probably the shortest game you will play with the longest title. It is soaked in atmosphere with an intreging story, interesting murder-mystery elements and those with a thirst to see how a walking simulator should be done should buy this immediately.

Gameplay: 6
Story: 9
Graphics: 10
Replayability: 0
Completion bonus: 3

Final result: 8.5/10
張貼於 2016 年 12 月 4 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 290.7 小時 (評論時已進行 258.7 小時)
So things have changed and I have to re-review the game.

While this game started out fun, it's turned into a whiny ♥♥♥♥-show. While before it was funny, it's now just annoying. I can no longer say this is a game that you should buy. Every problem with this game can be boiled down to two things.

1. The devs

Now, in all fairness, this game was REALLY fun for a first outing from a dev. And yes, I did think the devs were cool before. But, the devs have no focus and I think they don't know how to change anything without breaking it. It feels like the publisher is forcing them to make DLC quickly and push out changes without fully testing them.

There's a bug? Yeah, we might fix it, or we'll just push out a buggy DLC for $7. Something is underused? Okay, we'll buff it so it's TOO good. Something is overused, but not complained about? Okay, let's nerf it to the ground.

I do not think that a game can remain stable with no focus, and the devs are slowly moving away from that focus, trying to shake up the meta without knowing how.

2. Player Entilement

Yep, the toxic community I joked about is even more toxic now. To the point where I just don't want anything to do with it.

Gamers nowadays are way too entitled and whine at the devs to add stuff to a game or they feel like they can be complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ because they can. Dead by Daylight is just a massive example of this.

Killers are whiny ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Survivors are whiny ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. If you even do something mildly skillful, you're gonna get flamed/camped/sandbagged, because 'You're better than me, you're going to get camped and die."

The devs listen to all this. They READ the reddit posts and the steam fourms and see whiny post and whiny post and decide to change it based on that. I thought they did their own tests. Nope, I was wrong. They respond better to negativity.

So devs, listen to some of my negativity.

This game is failing. The community is making it fail. The devs lack of focus and direction are making it fail. By changing my review from Recommened to Not Recommended, I am telling others to STAY AWAY. Maybe I'll come back later and see if anything has changed for the better, or if you manage to create a patch without adding game-breaking bugs.

Dead by Daylight: NOT Recommened. (21/1/2017)

Original Review (ages back when I could still enjoy the game)

This community is pretty good.

Some of the playerbase: Hey, devs. You're game is ♥♥♥♥ because there's no Survive with friends option. Refunded.
Devs: We know. We're working on it.

When the (broken) Survive with Friends update was pushed:
Devs: Sorry guys. We're rolling back the update. Survive with Friends is bugged right now. We're going to fix it.
Some of the playerbase: WTF!? You add the option then instantly remove it!? ♥♥♥♥♥♥ devs.

When the Survive with Friends update actually came out: (practically nullifying lobby hopping)
Some of the playerbase: WHAT THE ACTUAL ♥♥♥♥ DEVS!? Now we can't kill survivors because they are working together and communicating! Can I get a refund for over 100 hours over gameplay for this broken game?!

Devs: drinking the tears of the salty players

Despite what people say, the devs are cool guys. They listen to player feedback and balance the game according with their own tests and data, and then deal with all the negativity that the salty players get from having OP things balanced.

Also, to the people who say that 'killer is OP' or 'survivor is OP', did you even READ the description. It's an asymetrical game, meaning that it's unbalanced on PURPOSE.

This game is great, and deserves at the very least a 'Very Positive' score.
張貼於 2016 年 7 月 15 日。 最後編輯於 2017 年 1 月 20 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
7 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 1,548.5 小時 (評論時已進行 671.5 小時)

If the cloaker doesn't kick you, the host will.

11/10 would get kicked again.

EDIT: Only updating this for the steam award thing teehee XD
EDIT2: Updating again for steam awards 2018
EDIT3: Updating again for steam awards 2019
EDIT4: Updating again for steam awards 2020
EDIT5: Updating again for steam awards 2021
EDIT6: Updating again for steam awards 2022
EDIT7: Updating again for steam awards 2023
張貼於 2016 年 3 月 27 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 11 月 22 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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