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Análises recentes de AmsterdamHeavy

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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
75.4 horas registradas (11.1 horas no momento da análise)
Build a network of streets and highways, with bridges, tunnels, and roundabouts to allow houses of a color to reach business of the same color.

If you liked Mini Metro, you'll probably like this. Relaxing.
Publicada em 18 de agosto de 2021. Última edição em 25 de novembro de 2021.
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14 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
0.0 horas registradas
Trash DLC release. Trash map, trash killer, Cash grab. Avoid unless youre an RE simp.
Publicada em 15 de junho de 2021.
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7.5 horas registradas
Its a walker / visual novel, not a game. If thats your thing, then sure this is a vaguely engaging story, I guess. Its not terrible or terrible looking. They do stuff a bunch of "diversity" in your face. In and of itself it doesnt matter, but the blatant way its done story wise was a turn off. If you do buy it, NEVER pay full price.
Publicada em 29 de maio de 2021.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
45.9 horas registradas (36.9 horas no momento da análise)
Reboot of the GRID franchise. Looks great. A lot of things that, in my opinion, made GRID "GRID" have been removed. All in all it is a solid arcade racing title. Definitely DO NOT pay full price.
Publicada em 28 de abril de 2021.
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14.3 horas registradas (6.0 horas no momento da análise)
Good little game. Good music. Reminds me in some ways of 80s arcade titles. Never pay full price.
Publicada em 12 de abril de 2021.
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30.9 horas registradas (6.5 horas no momento da análise)
Board game. Party game. Fun with friends. The AI is actually pretty good.
Publicada em 27 de dezembro de 2020.
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80.6 horas registradas (12.0 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
One Man development "team". Rough Around the edges, extremely playable.

While there are some minor flaws, from reading up many of them are on the road map to be addressed. Personally the biggest "flaw" Ive found are the downhill flight physics; a disc can keep going for 1200 feet almost as if the disc is "falling down a hill" if that makes sense. Again, an early access title still in development.

I feel as if this game captures disc golf almost perfectly. I havent been able to play for a year and a half, when previously it was 3x a week, so this game is filling a hole for me.

Decent disc selection; disc need to be bought. Disc physics seem to be modeled very well; an Undertow does what youd expect; a super overstable (-0, +5) driver flies the same way it flies on the course.

Good course selection, with variety between them. The courses arent "all the same".

As you progress, you increase skills: driving power, driving accuracy, putting accuracy. As you get better, you need to adjust your game; that Undertow that only went 300 feet for you when you started may be going 425 now as your character improves. I feel this reflects real progression in disc golf very accurately.

This is a niche interest title, but it does play like may other gold games that have been released over the years. If youre not a disc golfer, you may enjoy it, buy it on sale.

If youre an avid disc golfer and a video game does interest you, this is the one I strongly suiggest you buy.
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2020.
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14 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
223.4 horas registradas (25.6 horas no momento da análise)
Quite a good tower defense game. Never played any of the other Bloon games, but yes, this one is worth buying.
Publicada em 23 de agosto de 2020.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
0.4 horas registradas
Played on free weekend. Currently have ~200 hours in Dead by Daylight.


This is a very hectic and frenzied 5:1 asymmetrical...with guns. Seems to heavily favor Classmates vs. Fiends.

Animations and graphics were not bad, but also nothing to be impressed with.

I wont recommend this; I wont recommend any asymmetrical at this point. The balance in these games seems to be too hard to find leading to very frustrating experiences.
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2020.
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13 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
3,679.8 horas registradas (8.9 horas no momento da análise)
Asymmetrical. Game is completely unbalanced in favor of survivors. Even though you play the role of a serial killer hunting down 4 people, there is a good chance that playing as a killer will put you in a game where you will become the bullied and harassed character.

No exaggeration, basically every single tactical or strategic advantage goes to the survivors. Any tactical or strategic advantages that Killers get can be EASILY nullified with team work, even from a mediocre survivor team.

Ive come up with 2 analogies to describe this mess. if either appeals to you, you will probably enjoy the game.

Imagine playing L4D Vs. mode, and being the only infected against a team. ya, its almost that bad.

The other analogy would be: This game is a horror movie in Bizarro World. The survivors get together and hunt down the killers to torment and harass them with broken pallet hitboxes, flashlights that require no skill, and endless kiting loops.

The devs are utterly incompetent when it comes to addressing balance issues. They play their own game and get abused by survivor groups, they get visibly frustrated in stream, and then have the balls to tell people that everything is fine and if they get frustrated they should go play Civilization.

The philosophy combined with the games producer recommending people play another game rather than playing as a killer says it all.

...add in a monthly grind and way too much over priced underpowered DLC on top of all of that.

I suggest everyone avoid this title unless the dev team undergoes some radical changes. They seem to think that the game is for survivors to play and for killers to simply be there as props, so that you can waste your time so other people can enjoy theirs.

Dont buy it, not even for $3. You will get so much annoyance that you will regret even the $3.
Publicada em 7 de janeiro de 2020. Última edição em 7 de janeiro de 2020.
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