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Скорошни рецензии на Alexis

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Even though you only hear them as snippets on takeoff, that's the perfect amount to set the tone for what you're going to do.
Публикувана 4 октомври 2024.
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5.7 изиграни часа (4.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
This game is a great way to introduce you to Python scripting.
So far it seems gentle but I suspect every budding programmer is going to hit a cliff at some point, when you do:
Try at least one of these things
  • Get away from the screen and touch grass
  • Make a hot drink
  • Get a cold drink
  • Talk to your rubber duckie, or any inanimate object you can describe your problem to
  • Go to the Python manuals and look up the function that's not working the way you expect
  • See if an amazing Indian person hasn't already explained this issue on YouTube
  • Check the Steam Guides for this game
  • Find someone knowledgeable and friendly to be a wall for you to talk to
  • Sleep on it

Personally my one is the sunflower puzzle, I know I probably want to make a list or dictionary but it'll take a minute to figure out how I want to do it.

What I would love to see
  • Multiple drones
  • More plant types
  • More terrain types
Публикувана 9 септември 2024.
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1.1 изиграни часа (0.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Negative review until the full game is out with a decent price
The previous game, Snowrunner, I reviewed neutrally and gave it a negative overall due to the overbearing DLC.

DLC ridden fest with reminders at every turn to buy more DLC.
Episodic DLC releases mean you either pay over the odds up front or wait a few years until they've stopped milking the game and pay the real price or some other method.
Game controls are oversimplified to prioritise the console controller, it's now harder to play on keyboard and mouse.
Still full of pro truck and pro russian propoganda,

Slightly smaller simpler levels and perhaps optimisation give slightly better frame rates.
Adding the Death Stranding ping system to Snowrunner is a good idea, nice.
Ability to skip tutorial, it's a very barebones and reduced tutorial with the bonus of shrinking the area down compared to Snowrunner so you have a chance to refund.

Game-ified version of Snowrunner may appeal to people who prefer less simulation-like and less narrative-like experience.
Публикувана 9 септември 2024. Последно редактирана 9 септември 2024.
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61.8 изиграни часа (37.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Why a negative review?
Because the game doesn't let you give a text review that is "neutral" you have to give a judgement.
This game gets a negative from me because the tutorial is designed to eat up your refund period and the game slaps DLC in your face constantly.
What about the rest of the review?
Read below
This is a niche movement puzzle game with heavy pro-truck and pro-russia propaganda built in.
It stems from a few people's exploration of terrain deformation technology and physics simulation but has turned into a DLC-ridden cash-cow that spams more DLCs in your face permanently.
In fact the Land Rover DLC in the game is so broken you have to download a mod by signing up for the mod browser to fix it.
And that's another annoying thing. You can end up signing into 3 accounts to play this game; Steam, PROS, and mod dot io in order to get access to all the functions of the game.

Pick up on a 90% off sale if you can, and it should be fun to play with friends (better than it's sequel, Expeditions), but I don't consider this a "must-have" for your library, instead consider Spintyres or Mudrunner for starters via a sale or other method and use that as a basic demo for this game.

I've had more success playing multiplayer than some others have had but we're all playing in the same house on various Linux distributions.
In the end we've ended up playing more because people want to solve the movement and physics puzzles in the game but like having the multiplayer ability to get help through tough sections, which you can do singleplayer but it's slower.
Публикувана 24 август 2024. Последно редактирана 9 септември 2024.
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3.5 изиграни часа
In lieu of Steam allowing Neutral reviews
I'm not sure what the attraction is but I can try. Asian-come-Korean aesthetic MMORPG with Rust/Ark survival elements + recent trend for paranormal SCP-type narratives (mystery in addition to trend of over-explaining every detail) with the thick layerings of "Let's go whaling, mobile game development" monetisation.

Very charitably you could look at it as if it were MMO Death Stranding, but the fact Once Human is live-service means any money you give them has a time-limited reward period.
Публикувана 22 август 2024. Последно редактирана 22 август 2024.
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16.0 изиграни часа (14.7 часа по време на рецензията)
It's a fun game where you play make-believe that a monarch gives a single toss about their subjects. Standard Final Fantasy fare with a dudes-rock road-trip layer on top.
To play on Linux you can have full everything but because of the game's memory leak you'll need to limit the texture memory to "Average" or "Low" and may want to set Fullscreen Mode to "Borderless" to stop it conflicting with the Steam overlay.
Публикувана 22 август 2024.
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56.2 изиграни часа (51.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Just get it
Fly a helo between the mountain crags, drop nukes on carriers, get your poop pushed in by arcade-game-levels of missile spam.

Updated review
I was concerned about how far this early access game would go, so many get abandoned or hit the minimum viable product and stop there.
I got in to NO pretty late all things considered and have been continuously impressed at how methodical the developers are at getting this thing ground out.
We're now at a stage where this isn't just some indie game that fills its own niche and is good enough for people that are "into that sort of thing". I'm looking at the way the game is today with the level of arcade-simulation and the degree that they've made the cockpit interface realistic yet friendly, that results in a game that's challenging but not impossible to learn.

You are going to be tested by this game
If your level of game combat awareness is Ace Combat or HAWX this is the game that let's you bridge the gap between this and harder simulators. And it features fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and VTOL aircraft with their own mechanics and assists. So if you want to go bush to bush in an attack helicopter, be an aerial gunship, or light the afterburners and engage this game caters to those desires.
You will get your butt kicked, even by the AI, but the layout of the game is such that you can learn as your aircraft explodes around you. You can see the lines on the radar that show where the missiles are coming from, you can see the models of the ground vehicles shooting at you, the scale is cartoony and friendly for the visuals then light sim for the game mechanics.

This early access game has potential
I hope the devs can stick it through as playing multiplayer against AI in co-op is deeply satisfying to me, but I can see room for improvement and the developers area clearly exploiting those areas.
Публикувана 17 август 2024. Последно редактирана 22 януари.
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0.6 изиграни часа
It's a pretty ok mecha game that when judged against the genre at large has an average storyline, average technicals for when it was released, and has average Japanese-adapted writing where they take Western terms and try to portmanteau them or obscure them poorly.
Still it's cheap and a blast from the past, pretty sure the multiplayer is dead so don't bother buying any multiplayer only DLC
Публикувана 16 юли 2024.
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23 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
0.2 изиграни часа
It's a free ancient game preserved by the community
What more could anyone ask for
Публикувана 14 юли 2024.
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2.5 изиграни часа (0.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Development on hiatus?
It's basically a good game and at the six dollar area it's appropriately priced. However whilst the developer regularly asks for feedback via their discord, they seldom appear to act on it?
It's a cool game with really nice thought, but doesn't stick the landing.
At least the roguelite elements reduce the pain overall
Публикувана 13 юли 2024.
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