What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty?
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.

Remember Reach.
3:44:30 AM CEST UTC +2 | 9/10/2021 | The End of Warhammer 40,000 Eternal Crusade.:ultramarines:

Atualmente offline
"The Codex Astartes is a set of rules. They guide us, shape us as Ultramarines, teach us to place duty and honour above all. But how we live with those rules is the true test of a Space Marine. And you, have failed."

"The Codex Astartes names this maneuver "Steel Rain". We will descend upon the foe, we will overwhelm them, we will leave none alive!"

"To each of us falls a task. And all the Emperor requires of us Guardsmen is that we stand the line and we die fighting. It is what we do best. We die standing."

"We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge. In the fealty of the God-Emperor and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I hereby sign the death warrant for this entire world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May the Imperial justice account in all balance. The Emperor protects."

"Admiral Spire, it is said that heresy is like a tree. It's roots lie in darkness while it's leaves wave in the sun. You can prune away its branches, even cut the tree to the ground but it will grow again, ever stronger. Such is the nature of heresy and why it is so difficult to destroy. Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls, but those who understand realize I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great; no treachery too small."

"It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy.
It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one's head and succumb.
Inevitably many will fault the hands upon the sword that felled Typhon, the Ordo Malleus.
But the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office.
To further fear them is redundant; to hate them, heretical."

"Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath."

"Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win."
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Monkas games 19 mai. 2022 às 11:43 
Voolie 18 mai. 2022 às 3:31 
Monkas games 7 mai. 2022 às 11:46 
No maidens?
Dark_slayer3000 26 mar. 2022 às 0:01 
Pretty epic
[IS][G]SzaxoDK 25 mar. 2022 às 10:24 
Awesome and great player! glad to meet your aquintance:mhfury:
Koda 19 fev. 2022 às 15:38 
10/10 player farms me every day of the week, based and :repill:ed