Bazooka Blyat
Who cares   Palestinian Territory, Occupied

Fat japanese people running
Vetrina degli screenshot
all of my friends
Skibidi Glizz 2 nov 2015, ore 1:32 
I may or may not have seen what you typed
fia 18 ott 2015, ore 12:31 
there is a 50/50 chance i typed this
i posted that comment 1 year ago ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
CreaTioNbaNgz 18 ott 2015, ore 9:53 
schrodinger's comment
Bazooka Blyat 18 ott 2015, ore 1:59 
I typed this and did not type this
CreaTioNbaNgz 17 ott 2015, ore 19:09 
i either typed this or did not type this
fia 31 ott 2014, ore 11:30 
i typed this
i think