Brescia, Lombardia, Italy
Hello, I am a 28 year old male serving in the military. I play alot of videogames during my time off, unfortunately I dont feel that today's gaming scene is healthy or innovative as it once was. I also enjoy a share volume of 80's and 90's industrial and Goth music and pretty much anything that falls in between, the era is gone but it lives in our hearts and minds.
Alternatively, here are some of my favorite movies. please note that this list could be very extensive but for the sake of keeping simple here are some :

☠The Matrix
☠Mad Max: Fury Road
☠Sleepy Hollow (1998)
☠Interview with the Vampire
☠StarShip Troopers
☠SLC Punk!
☠Clockwork Orange

Smoke/Drink: No/No
Now that you have suffice information about me, ♥♥♥♥ off!