
член яндекс люфтваффе
Artwork Showcase
Abandoned TIE Fighter
213 14 6
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234 hrs on record
last played on 28 Dec
123 hrs on record
last played on 26 Dec
1.5 hrs on record
last played on 24 Dec
ted 22 Nov @ 9:01pm 
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me 😊... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl 😊 like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again 😊 hehe...toodles!!!!!
love and waffles,
~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*
AfiousCordiak 30 Oct @ 10:44pm 
DikFrik 25 Sep @ 3:52pm 
hello am 48 year man from siberia. sorry for my bed engdland. i selled my wife for internet connection for play "helldiver 2" and i want to become the goodest player like you i play with 700 ping on kazhakh server and i am super private 2. pls no copy pasterino my story
James Montgomery 20 Sep @ 9:54pm 
haw tuah! :demoneye:
DikFrik 10 Sep @ 9:38am 
Girl: Do you think I'm pretty?
Boy: No
Girl: Do want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No
She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I dont like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...
*Tonight at midnight your true love will realize she/he loves u
*Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
*Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
*Get ready for the shock of your life!
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have bad luck in relationships for the next 10 years
James Montgomery 9 Sep @ 10:00pm 
hello am 48 year man from siberia. sorry for my bed engdland. i selled my wife for internet connection for play "helldiver 2" and i want to become the goodest player like you i play with 700 ping on kazhakh server and i am super private 2. pls no copy pasterino my story