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Counter-Strike 2
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The ultimate guide to all Fire & Ice patterns for all Marble Fade knives
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:Heartyou:sv_cheats 1(开启作弊功能)
sv_infinite_ammo 1 (弹药及投掷物无限 )
sv_grenade_trajectory 1(显示投掷物轨迹)
sv_grenade_trajectory_dash 1(虚线投掷物轨迹)
sv_enablebunnyhopping 1(允许连跳)
sv_autobunnyhopping 1(自动连跳,默认为空格键)
mp_restartgame 1(1秒后刷新游戏)
mp_maxmoney 16000(最高金钱16000)
mp_roundtime 60(死亡竞赛的回合时间60分钟)
mp_buytime 15(开局购买时间15秒)
mp_startmoney 16000(出生金钱为16000)
mp_buy_anywhere 1(在任意地点都能购买武器)
mp_randomspawn 1(开启随机出生点)
mp_damage_headshot_only 1(开启爆头模式)
mp_friendlyfire 1(开启友军伤害)
mp_teammates_are_enemies 1(开启全体伤害)
mp_respawn_immunitytime 0(0秒复活时间)
mp_drop_knife_enable 1(可以扔掉匕首)
give weapon_XX(获得XX武器)
give weapon_hegrenade(获取一枚手雷 )
give weapon_flashbang(获取一枚闪光震撼弹 )
give weapon_smokegrenade(获取一枚烟雾弹 )
bind x +jumpduck(设置x为跳蹲)
alias +jumpduck “+duck; +jump”
alias -jumpduck “-duck; -jump”
bind z +jumpthrow(设置Z为跳扔)
alias +jumpthrow "+jump; -attack"
alias -jumpthrow -jump
bindtoggle c cl_righthand(设置c为左右手持枪)
bind shift "+speed; r_cleardecals"(设置shift为清除血迹)
impulse 102(在脚底下生成一个骷髅头)
healthshot_health 100(回血针数值为100)
vcollide_wireframe 0/1(关闭/开启显示建模线条)
mat_showlowresimage 1(地图变成MC画质模式)
r_showenvcubemap 1(第一视角变成显卡危机模式)
cl_ragdoll_gravity 0(被你击杀的人慢慢飘走)
cl_ragdoll_gravity -10000(被你击杀的人原地升天)
ent_fire chicken addoutput "modelscale 10"(小鸡模型变大十倍)
elf addoutput "rendermode 6"(变成隐形人,配合thirdperson)
cl_pitchup 360;cl_pitchdown 360(视角可以任意移动)
fov_cs_debug 160;thirdperson(变成一个很奇特的小人视角)
sv_holiday_mode 1;ent_create chicken(准心瞄准的地方生成长南瓜头的小鸡)
ent_create env_explosion; ent_fire env_explosion Explode(准心指着的地方生成一次爆炸)
ent_create env_fire; ent_fire env_Fire StartFire(准星指着的地方生成一团火花)
ent_create env_splash; ent_fire env_splash Splash(在你准心指着的地方生成一朵水花)
ent_fire !self color "255 0 0"(变色,后面255 0 0数字可以随便调,配合thirdperson)
ent_fire !self addoutput"modelscale -1"(-1可以改成任意数字,变成怪物,配合thirdperson)
alias"melon" "prop_physics_create \props_junk\watermelon01.mdl" bind "key" "melon;melon;melon"(把“key”替换成你想要的热键,按热键生成一排西瓜)
nt_fire weapon_awp addoutput "modelscale 10"(武器模型变的很大:weapon_“武器名字”)
ent_create planted_c4_training; ent_fire planted_c4_training ActivateSetTimerLength 10(在你准心指着的地方生成一个还有10秒就爆炸的C4)

alias +yaotou "m_yaw 10000";
alias -yaotou "m_yaw 0.022";
bind mouse4 +yaotou;

鼠标左键一边开火一边陀,可控制,建议大菠萝 单喷 AWP
alias +tuoluo "+attack;sensitivity 0.900015;m_yaw 2000";
alias -tuoluo "-attack;sensitivity 2.5;m_yaw 0.022";
bind mouse1 +tuoluo
bind mouse1 +attack
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EcAckerman 8 sept. à 18h47 
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