My name is Yernur_chik. I am ∞ years old. My house is located in the western part of Uralsk, where many apartments are located. I am single. I come home no later than 8 pm. I don't smoke, but sometimes I drink. I go to bed at 2 am and make sure I get exactly eight hours of sleep no matter what. After drinking a glass of warm milk and stretching for twenty minutes before bedtime, I usually sleep without problems until the morning. Like a child, I wake up in the morning without any fatigue or stress. At my last check-up, I was told that I had no health problems. I try to convey that I am an ordinary person who wants to live a calm life. I take care not to bother myself with any enemies - victories and defeats that might disturb my sleep. This is how I relate to society, and I know that it brings me happiness. Although, if I had to fight, I would not lose to anyone.:andy::steambored:
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РСТАМПИ 6 Dec @ 1:56pm 
BabyyDoll💕 2 Nov, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
really nice player
Mayf1s 20 Jun, 2021 @ 5:05pm 