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Diposting: 20 Mei 2023 @ 12:55pm

Horrifically Bad Game almost from the start of it's popularity to today. Nonexistent balancing and increasing monetisation issues and broken promises. Outright bizarre decisions like changing the damage model from using real world data to a proprietary damage algorithm that is closed from public documentation or even plain explanations as to how it works. Which leads to a damage model that is completely counter to reality and proper physics observations. Going from a purely WWII Aircraft and Tank Game to Early Cold War, Mid Cold War, Late Cold War, Post Cold War and then outright Modern equipment in a feature creep so blatant Games Workshop would say to tap the brakes. I honestly don't know what they expected when the Devs forcefully shoved down monetisation into every nook and cranny of the game in order to maintain profit out of paypigs that all buy the new premium releases for De Jure overpowered vehicle No. 93434593845345 that will never be balanced or even acknowledged as unbalanced by the Devs in 10,000 years. The community is also as pleasant to be around as a cloud of nerve gas and similarly useful in it's function. Equally tone deaf as the devs in acknowledging the many year old problems that continously break the game and even more problems are piled on top of that. Just consume product and get excited for next product in 3 months. The only people left playing this game are aforementioned paypigs that *have* to buy the next premium "To support their favourite game" or to buy more Golden Eagles so that they can unlock the next aircraft/tank/boat within the millennium, or YouTubers being paid by the Devs from the aforementioned Paypig's money to use Press Accounts that have everything unlocked and infinite resources bestowed by the devs onto it. Exactly nothing about this game is appealing or useful outside of ripping the admittedly well detailed models into other, more enjoyable games to be used in more hospitable enviornments. Do not go near this game, don't give it any attention that reading reviews, don't watch paid advertisement videos don't even think about this game. Don't.
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