girlfriend and owner of TH_Mario   Antarctica
some words i like
skullduggery: underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; trickery

metempsychosis: the transmigration of the soul, especially its reincarnation after death, originating from greek philosophy

syzygy (astronomy): a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun

syzygy (gnosticism): male/female pairs of aeons (emanations of god)

defenestration: the act of throwing someone/something out of a window

phrontistery: a place for thinking or study

aboulomania: a mental disorder in which someone displays pathological indecisiveness

ecdemomania: abnormal compulsion for wandering

ist: a follower of a distinct practice, system, or philosophy

rhetoricaster: petty rhetorician

bedlam: a scene of uproar and confusion

byzantine: excessively complicated

autexousious: of, pertaining to, or exercising free will

ephydriad: a water nymph

foppotee: simpleton

pscipolnitsa: a slavic demon, means "lady midday"

theurgy: magical ritual practices intended to communicate with or summon divine beings

thaumaturgy: magic intended to change or effect the physical world

isness: the quality of being/existing
some letters/glyphs i like
ꙮ (multiocular O): a cyrillic (russian) glyph found in a single manuscript, used in a word describing a seraphim, a type of angel

ඞ (ṅa): a letter from sinhalese, a language spoken by the sinhalese people native to sri lanka

⁂ (asterism): used to divide text, or to convey an untitled work

Þ (thorn): a letter making a "th" sound found in old english, old norse, old swedish, and in modern icelandic alphabets

ȝ (yogh): a version of y found in middle english and middle scots, the language of scotland in the middle ages
[AU] TH_Mario há 14 horas 
TH_Jaden 16 de jan. às 21:06 
SISTER COMRADE KASS (SHE/HER) 11/dez./2024 às 17:52 
very cool :3
The Boyfailure69 1/dez./2024 às 15:48 
meow meow meow!
g 11/nov./2024 às 17:17 
Air 9/nov./2024 às 10:59 