31 March, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Float 6 Apr, 2015 @ 2:14pm
Improvements, complaints, and updates for X-wings and expansions.
To reiterate what Nim the Netrunner posted a couple hours ago. Use thie discussion to give ideas or let the devs/others know of some issues with the models, or tokens (or anything really) that are currently effecting playability in game. Along with that idea, including the folks that have already released mods, anyone that is working on this game are more than welcome to leave a comment here pointing us to their workshop items!
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
Gremlyn 6 Apr, 2015 @ 3:11pm 
I've gotten the chance to sink a large amount of time into the mod by now and I would love to make a few quality of life suggestions.

First off, I end up turning the gridsnap off everytime I launch the mod, I dont really think it serves a purpose in the mod.

The only other concern that I have is that the play mats, although nice to look at, aren't that easy to play on. There are too many things to look at on the mats or you can no see the shadows at all, which helps with placement while playing. Furthermore I often chance the table picture as well to a gray background. This one actually:*-HsoWaqXwNEnmLsLxe1DAG00rjZcmhU9knWTLL4U0d/iStockgraymatter.jpg

Then I draw and outline around a scaled up play mat and just chuck the play mats. I would love the table image to just be a gray color, maybe even to the one I linked for more flair, with a 36x36 outline in the middle.

Other than that the only thing that I would love to see added would be the Movement reference cards for the ships that were just added.
Gambler423 6 Apr, 2015 @ 7:57pm 
I might have some feedback for you:

Grid Snap - It seems to be off by default on my end and yes it should be off when playing, but either way I like to use the grid when building squads, like things to be neatly spaced out :P

Play mats - I hear you on the play mats being too busy, especially the bottom one, will give that feedback to Col. Jack and see if we can't get better images on there. I like your idea of the table texture including the play mat area...

From what I gather from online resources is that a small ship base is 4cm/1.58" long, large ship 8cm/3.1", and a recommended/tournament play mat is 3'x3' or 91.4cm x 91.4cm, so a play mat at 92cm = 23 ship lengths @4cm ea.

Here's two table backgrounds i've made for you to try out, just paste the below link in-game:

Flat grey with outline -
Space bck with outline -

From what I can see on my end the scaling of the outline looks to be ~23 ship lengths- taken into account that there is an ever so slight lenght difference between the old ship bases, new bases, the movement templates and a stretched table texture image, so lets call it 'close enough', for now.

If these work for you guys, then i'll find a bunch of different backgrounds, make them table ready and ask Col. Jack to put the links in the mod's description/notepad.

Ship maneuver reference cards - Yeah that's my bad, I've been away/busy the last few days. I'll do those cards and get them added asap, probably in the next day or two.

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming guys, we'll try our best to make this mod as good as it can be for everyone!
Float 6 Apr, 2015 @ 8:51pm 
Thanks for all this Gambler. One thing we noticed tonight, was that the combat range ruler is not to scale compared to the zone is supposed to be 2.5 small ship bases, the ingame one is only 2.25. Also, having the combat ruler rotate from the middle instead of the end would be a huge help for all of us.
Gambler423 7 Apr, 2015 @ 10:44am 
Thanks for the feedback, will pass it on to Nim so we can get those rulers sorted out.
Nim 7 Apr, 2015 @ 11:09am 
Do you want the maneuver templates to rotate from the center as well?
Gambler423 7 Apr, 2015 @ 11:18am 
~ĢĿµ∑~, according to what I can see, the rulers seem to be scaled properly?

That's from the Complete Collection mod, just to make sure are you using these rulers, or the old ones from the Core Mod? Also, which ship bases did you measure them up to?
Float 7 Apr, 2015 @ 11:30am 
We measured them up to the xwing bases. I'm not sure exactly which mod we had open. i wasn't the host so I'm not sure. Nim, rotating from the center would be awesome. Since the minumum rotate angle is 15 degrees when it rotates from one end the 15 is a drastic move on the other end....I'm not sure how to explain it. I belive rotating from the middle would make each end go 7.5 degrees...... right?..........or maybe I'm dumb....I dunno. Anyways thanks for the follow up. the group is getting bigger by the day and everyone appreciates yous guys work!
Last edited by Float; 7 Apr, 2015 @ 11:30am
Gambler423 7 Apr, 2015 @ 11:34am 
Ah yes I see now, the x-wing's still have the old bases which are larger than they should be:

Thanks for the observation, it should be sorted out once Jack gets the x-wings overhauled with the new bases.
Float 7 Apr, 2015 @ 11:35am 
ah ok, I dont think any of us noticed that
Gambler423 7 Apr, 2015 @ 12:15pm 
Gremlyn, my maneuver reference deck has been updated with B-wing, Z-95 Headhunter and TIE Phantom cards in the stand-alone mod, will be added to the Complete Collection soon.
Gremlyn 7 Apr, 2015 @ 8:12pm 
Thank you so much Gambler! Also I made a play mat! It's designed for the Group in mind :P Is there a way to copy images from a play mat in the game? Like to have a selection to choose from without having to go on the internet?
Nim 7 Apr, 2015 @ 9:35pm 
Looks pretty good; best practice is probably to use the large custom table, which prefers a resolution of 4400x2600. Right now there's no way to preload multiple images for the table; if you want to chance the image you have to know the url for the image you want to switch to.
Nim 7 Apr, 2015 @ 9:37pm 
If on the other hand you decide to use board objects, you can definitely import a bunch of them and just chuck them in a bag or something. Uniformity of resolutions is once again advisable.
Nim 7 Apr, 2015 @ 9:39pm 
Templates have been updated with center-of-mass origins and the range-ruler texture was corrected slightly. It wasn't off by that much but I decided to make it "perfect" so you guys don't get butt-hurt when so-and-so is at range 3 and cannot use his ability but oh wait the ruler is jacked so the real asshole is Nim.
StarWorf 8 Apr, 2015 @ 7:53am 
h folks, i can see how the dark game mats are not ideal for gameplay, i just included them as a suqqestions after a quick pic google....
@gambler or nim: pls feel free to add/replace any images here with some you find more suited.

concerning grid snap: i find it pretty helpful while arranging all the items on the table....i simply forget to turn it of befor uploading a new version of the mod....I'll try to remember that in the future :)
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