Wave | Trade WaveTrade
Wave | Trade WaveTrade
2016 年 2 月 5 日
關於 Wave | Trade

Welcome to Wave | Trade!

General Info

The purpose of this group is to function as a common ground, much like a trading forum, where Steam users with interests in trading or marketing easily may meet and announce sales, post buy orders for a certain item and optimally trade eachother!

Consider this group an addition to TF2-/,, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, the Steam Community Market, among others, as we may all attend our trading interests in this community just like in any other of those sites. Also see it as a further oppurtunity for you to find a potential buyer of what you are looking to sell and vice versa.

In addition to the assortment and demand of the members of this group, don't hesitate to shoot me a trade offer!

Everyone is welcome to join! If you would like to help the group grow, you can invite any number of your friends to participate in the ongoing trading and thus making trading easier and better for all of us!

How you can help the group grow:
  • Add the tag "Wave | Trade" to your name.
  • List items for sale in a "trading section" (in "Discussions").
  • Invite your friends and encourage them to post some trades!
  • Donate (not needed but greatly appreciated)
  • Make this group your Primary Group/Favorite Group as showcase on your profile.

In conclusion, this group has just been born and I sincerely hope that it one day will have grown largely as I, with this group, wish to contribute to the trading community and ensure that it lives on.

Wave | Trade is under heavy maintenance and I am constantly trying to add more content and polish every single detail. If you have an idea for something that you would like to have in the group, like a section for certain items or certain links and so on, please leave a comment telling me about your request.

Thank you for trading! ~


Under Discussions you can find different sections for trading a certain type of item. For example the tab "TF2 Unique Cosmetics" concerns trading of miscellaneous Team Fortress 2 cosmetical apparel, while the section "CS:GO Weapon Skins" regard business of Counter Strike: Global Offensive weapon skins. Sections like these are meant to facilitate your quest in finding sellers/buyers of the item you are interested in.


Send St0rM4H4WkX a Trade Offer
Send Gyttret a Trade Offer
Send Ἷ ƹ> Pâté en Croûte a Trade Offer

St0rM4H4WkX's sales & prices - TF2Outpost[]
Be sure to check & check this video !
All aboard the wave!
5 則留言
Saffron 2016 年 3 月 25 日 上午 10:23 
Anyone interested in a Craft #62 Strange Mustacioed Mann? The Kind of New All Class Misc???
flam01 2016 年 2 月 16 日 上午 12:51 
Selling PayDay 2 Cards.
StormHawk 2016 年 2 月 13 日 上午 3:56 
Selling 2 Strange Professional Killstreak Australium Sniper Rifles . Looking for pure and item offers of around 60-70 Keys each. Hit me up if interested. Thanks!
masno dymo 2016 年 2 月 10 日 上午 10:40 
I have my AK-47 | Frontsite Misty for trade
Onlyfans in bio<3 2016 年 2 月 7 日 下午 11:56 
H - Tf2 inventory

W - csgo skins
1 位交談中
2016 年 2 月 5 日