Tropico Series Fan Group TropicoFan
Tropico Series Fan Group TropicoFan
Creat la
11 martie 2012
DESPRE Tropico Series Fan Group

The Tropico Series Fan Group | Le fan group de la série Tropico !

Welcome aboard, Presidente. I'm Penultimo, you're stupid assitant. If I could do anything for you, please let me know.

Bienvenue à bord, Presidente. Je suis Penultimo, votre stupide conseiller. Si je peux faire quoi que ce soit pour vous aider, faites-moi signe.
We are up and running!!!!
Tropico 5... very soon!
10 comentarii
Valeena 24 mai 2014 la 14:21 
Yeah, Tropico si here! I'm promising you guys I'm gonna try to be more active with the group! Not like my Tropico 3 or 4 group :x
JimmyWhite 22 mai 2014 la 23:26 
flash87654: When you have time? I can after release and on sunday.
nhwinters 22 mai 2014 la 13:32 
It's going to be a Tropico 5 Memorial day weekend!!!!
Flash 22 mai 2014 la 10:49 
Hi all, im now pre-order tropico 5 and cant waizt for multiplayer. I hope i find someone who will play with me :)
JimmyWhite 22 mai 2014 la 4:16 
Hallo to all, thanks Vellric for group. Tropico is awesome series, and multiplayer is in this time somewheat an addition for game "must to have". Ok some games is better without it, but I'll be nice to play with some fellow presidentes... So my Companieros, will be this grop active for multiplay? :)
oh i forgot one thing, what I'm looking forward too. Republic Tropico Trade Fleet (RTTF), i hope it will be added and be functionall lfor you like additional supply ships, when you must wait for another... Sometimes it was wery long and almost bankrupcy time...
Valeena 18 mai 2014 la 20:54 
Hey the Awesoem one! Yeah, the multiplayer of Tropico 5 looks so good. And it's a first multiplayer in Tropico history! I just pre-order the game, I'm waiting for the release <3!