Trans-tastic Games Transtastic
Trans-tastic Games Transtastic
Fundado em
17 de novembro de 2016
United States 
13 comentário(s)
Pobre de centro 22 de ago. às 12:54 
feel free to add me
Hannah 12 de jul. às 17:40 
Feel free to add me, I am a trans girl looking for new friends! Do not be a creep though, ty ty
Adexo 6 de jul. às 2:29 
Nomad 2 de jun. às 18:30 
Sisters, We must support another transgender nation.

Clap your hands!
dni 20 de mai. às 19:51 
same with me
i think i got kicked from all trans communities on Steam Community other than this one.. makes me wonder what is going on or if someone is going around telling the owners to kick me IDK but if anything weird happens plz let me know!
Benevolent Lesbian 27/jan./2023 às 8:17 
This place is relatively dead from what I can gather and I've been lurking here for a minute, just wanted to send some positivity to all the other trans folks in this group. We're always here for eachother :GraceSmug:
LoV ⁧⁧ˢʰᵉᐟʰᵉʳ 1/ago./2022 às 12:10 
Could never imagine such a based steam group
Donna Paulson 5/mai./2021 às 19:00 
trans = good
Dall of Cuty ⁧⁧ ⎝⧹KiTiTy⧸⎠ 27/abr./2021 às 12:35 
meow :CatEiko::CavemanBanana:
Joeyespresso 3/jan./2021 às 20:57 
I honestly can't believe I found this page! Thank you so very much for everything!
TheRoseyLama 10/nov./2020 às 13:21 
All I can say is thank you. It is hard to find games with good representation and I could not appreciate more as a trans woman. I see that this group is fairly inactive but i hope someone sees this. Thank you for your effort!
Razz The Roo 25/jun./2018 às 21:25 
Hey, I found you guys recently, but you haven't posted anything recently, I genuinely value the input on the trans persppective on games, as a trans lady :)