This is Norway TiN
This is Norway TiN
17 жовтня 2008 р.
studying in oslo

So, I am spanish and I am planning to move to Oslo and study in Oslo university.I would really like to know more about the requirements to study a career there (titles, certificates, price etc).

Also I don't know for how long I could stay in Norway because normally its 90 days but I would like to do the whole degree and master in Norway. The websites of universities are in norsk and i can't understand it all but i badly want to know more information for foreign students like me. I've tried to contact some universities with no success and no clarity at all. I would appreciate any info or help since I find myself in a tough spot with very little time to make a decision! My plan B would be studying in Barcelona and I don't really want it...

Is it realistic to move there with my savings and just start a degree ? I don't know for how long can a student can stay in Norway, I am also afraid to risk my money in the trip if then I can't do it. But i am willing to do it ... What should I do? Who to contact ? How to get more clarity regarding a degree and living there ?

Does anybody stydy in Norway and can ask about the requirements for starting a degree for spanish students?
THANKS IN ADVANCE GUYS ! :steammocking: