Jump Academy TF2 Jumping
Jump Academy TF2 Jumping
Fondé le
22 janvier 2014
 Ce sujet a été épinglé, cela doit être important
Official Matches
About Matches

Anyone can challenge anyone to a match if I'm #2 for example, and my challenger is #6 and they win, they're the new #2 and everyone else moves down one place.
You can refuse a duel up to 3 times (i.e if you're busy at the time or something), If you get to 3 refusals and you are challenged again you must either fight the last person to challenge you or forfeit your place to that person.

This is to stop people from hanging onto ranks they don't deserve and rotating the Top 10 to active players, Note: if you refuse a match you will have a day or two breather period where no one can request a match against you, so I can't just ask someone three times to fight and then make them forfeit.

All official matches MUST BE SCHEDULED and supervised by staff or any referee.

How Matches Work

This only really applies for refs/staff but anyone who is interested is welcome to read this or ask questions:

- An MGA duel begins with a player on each of the smallest podiums under their spawn (as you are thrown out of the spawn point the first one directly under you).

- There will then be a countdown by the referee (if the ref is a Mod they may use the /timebomb command, or if they are not they can just shoot a rocket at a wall, and once it hits/explodes players may commence)

- The match scoring is the first person to dominate the opponent up to a maximum of 4 resets total (not per person)
i.e. If I have killed them twice in a row then they kill me, that is 1 reset.

- On the 4th reset the score is set to 0-0 and the score is not counting. The first to 4 kills
i.e. If I have killed them twice and they kill me once the score is 2-1

<Type of match>: <Ranked player> VS <Challenger> —- <Winner> wins via <counting/domination> <final score/4, amount of resets/4>. <<Winner> takes over <rank>/retains>

Dernière modification de Gentle Puppet; 6 juin 2021 à 22h25
Posté le 19 déc. 2018 à 13h41
Messages : 0

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