Jump Academy TF2 Jumping
Jump Academy TF2 Jumping
22 stycznia 2014
 Ten wątek został przypięty, więc pewnie jest ważny
VolKan 17 kwietnia 2020 o 3:43
Teacher Applications
These are the Requirements and Expectations for all JA Teachers. Read this page thoroughly before posting an application.

You must have at least 15 hours on JA servers in the previous month prior to posting an application. Exceptions may be made in certain situations.

If your application is unsuccessful, it will be deleted and you will not be able to reapply for 3 weeks. To keep applications as genuine as possible, we are unable to discuss the reasons they were declined.

Requirements to become a Teacher:
Age: Teachers should be at least 15 years old. Maturity isn't black and white, though - exceptions may be made.

Communication: You must be able to speak and/or type English at a conversational level.

Friendliness: Teachers should be approachable and polite when engaging in conversations.

Responsibility: Teachers must be responsible, fair, and justified when utilizing their powers. Any Teacher found abusing their powers will have their rank removed without warning.

Discord: As a staff member, you must be in our Discord server because a lot of important decisions that we make are discussed in it. It is a must to respond to relevant inquiries, topics, and discussions to show that you are still a contributing member of the team.

Presence: As a Teacher, you are expected to maintain an active, semi consistent presence on the servers, which means playing on the servers, but also teaching and helping out people who need it while doing so.

Bans: Teachers cannot have any legitimate trade-, source-, or VAC-bans on record. If you have comm blocks in JA servers or any bans, please explain why from your perspective.

You will have to pass a test directed by a Head Teacher. This test will be centered around your performance in various situations. Questions will be asked to really get to know you and to help us know that you’re up for the job.

You may be told to redo your run if what was shown wasn't enough for the Head Teacher to make a decision.

All parts of the teacher test must be completed under the following conditions:
  • Default server settings
  • No exploits (freezeglitching, taunts, etc.)
  • No "helping" commands except for bcheck (syncr, ammo/health regen, etc.)
  • No god mode
  • No items that can impact your movement (B.A.S.E. Jumper, Manntreads, etc.)
  • The same loadout must be used during a run. You will have to redo your run if you change your loadout.
You only need to complete one of the below tests to qualify for the teacher rank.

Soldier Speedruns
JA2 Easy courses: 8:30
JA2 Medium courses: Walls, Pogo, Sync, and Jurf: 11:30
Two random T3 Soldier jump maps

You will need to explain and perform these basic techniques:

  • Rocket jump (for distance/height)
  • Wallshot
  • Wallclimb
  • Strafe
  • Extended Wallshots
  • Pogo
  • Pogo to Wallclimb
  • Speedpogo
  • Sync
  • Triple sync
  • Speedshot
  • Skip
  • Rampslide
  • Jurf
  • Differences between the rocket launcher, original, and cow mangler
  • Other jump techniques as needed

These advanced techniques may be on the test:

  • Ctap
  • Bunnyhop
  • Bounce
  • Bouncehop
  • Powerbounce
  • Sync Speedshot
  • Edgebug
  • Wallbug
  • Doublecatch
  • Quint(+) sync

Beggar's Bazooka
Beggar's Bazooka Speedruns
JA2 Easy courses: 7:30
JA2 Medium Walls: 2:20
JA2 Medium Jurf: 3:30
jump_bb_initiate_b2: 9:00

Coached Freestyle Exercise Session (You will be asked to perform specific feats on PvP maps without regen or on freestyle jump maps)

Mock Teaching Exercise Session

You will need to explain and perform these basic techniques:

[Everything required in the normal soldier test will also be asked here]
  • Overload
  • Burst
  • Burst pogo
  • Burst speedpogo
  • Burst speedshot
  • Burst wallshot
  • Burst sync
  • Burst catch/bounce
  • Overload wall sync
  • Overload to pogo conversion

These advanced techniques may be on the test:

[Anything asked in the normal soldier test may also be asked here]
  • Overload ground sync
  • Preshot overload sync setup

These are terms that we use for certain jumps. If you do not immediately understand what is meant, a description will be given.

Demoman Speedruns
JA2 Medium Pogo: 2:30
JA2 Hard Pogo: 3:30
Two random T4 Demoman jump maps. You will complete these two maps under timed conditions. The required times will vary depending on the length of the map.

You will need to explain and perform these basic techniques:

  • Sticky Pogo
  • Wall Pogo
  • Pogo into Double
  • 1 pre / Single pre / Prefire
  • 2 pre / Double pre
  • 3 pre / Triple pre
  • Vertical Airpogo (crouched and uncrouched)

These advanced techniques may be on the test:

  • Horizontal Airpogo (crouched and uncrouched)
  • Air Doubles
  • Vertical Airpogo with turns
  • Tick triples

You may be asked to play other maps to demonstrate every technique.

Full Tempus Tierlist

To download maps for offline practice, go to and download the map from there, and place it in your tf/download/maps folder.

Application form:
Please complete this form. Use at least 100 words.
  • Username(s) used to identify yourself:
  • Age:
  • Class:
  • Which server(s) are you usually active on?:
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • What makes you a good teacher?:
  • When can you teach?:
  • Do you have a ban history across any TF2 communities?:
Ostatnio edytowany przez: old dutch; 20 września 2024 o 15:04
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VolKan 21 grudnia 2023 o 8:54 
Post your application in the comments here :)
offone 26 grudnia 2024 o 14:01 
Username(s) used to identify yourself: offone/Tadeas
Age: 18
Class: Soldier
Which server(s) are you usually active on?: dedicated JA2, classic and demo rotation
Tell us about yourself: i speak 3 languages (Czech, English and German), still study two (Latin and French) love games, chess, listening to music and sometimes reading books
What makes you a good teacher?: experience and trying my best to explain the technique as it should be
When can you teach?: due study i open the pc once in a while, but when i do i just can't stop
Do you have a ban history across any TF2 communities?: don't really remember a serious one
Username(s) used to identify yourself: nousora
Age: 21
Class: Soldier
Which server(s) are you usually active on?: JA2 dedicated server I-II-III EU, sometimes soldier rotation servers
Tell us about yourself: I spend most of my time playing fps and mmo games, listening to music or going out and doing some kind of sport, mostly basketball but I also like volleyball
What makes you a good teacher?: Knowing how hard it is to start jumping and that with help people can have a better time when starting this beautiful journey :)
When can you teach?: I'm usually active most days in the afternoon/evening
Do you have a ban history across any TF2 communities?: I don't recall getting banned from anywhere
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