Team Xanity XaniTy'
Team Xanity XaniTy'
14 april 2011
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Core 5
I had a lot of thinking about who you place into the core 5 team. so many decisions and thoughts about each players role and how they work with other people.
Picking 5 out of over 10 people who are all roughly on the same skill level is impossible so thats why its pretty easy to have one person play for another and still get good results, even 2-3 replacements.
So the team that i think will be most ideal, not playing favourites are

Viet(we all knew that one)
Piggz/Carrot(that slut can pull the crazy ♥♥♥♥ when its needed)
Select/Myself (we do one thing and one thing only)
Massi/Aero (yeah ill jsut put you guys in the same spot, it'll work out)
Latno/Zoma (its not a team without one of these guys)

really not playing favourites, just picking a grp that i think would work best. comment or w/e if you wanna talk about it more
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Geplaatst op: 20 okt 2012 om 4:14
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