TATE Mode Group TATE Mode
TATE Mode Group TATE Mode
13 March, 2016
"Metis One" has a Tate mode option
Metis One

I've just this moment bought and tried it, and it works fine.

I tried to add a "Tate compatible" tag to help identify games with a Tate mode option.
It didn't show up yet. I guess such things are moderator approved.... else it's likely quite a few would be adding "Woke!" warning tags to many modern titles. Haha
Anyway, if the tag finally shows, I hope we can begin to utilise it.

ps. The reason I used "Tate compatible" instead of simply "Tate" is that it otherwise could imply that Tate is the default or exclusive orientation - which many Tate-supporting games are not.

btw, I'm not a fan of bullet hell shooters. I'm simply an old bastard whom has nostalgia for vertically oriented arcade gaming of his youth. I also always have one of my monitors in portrait orientation for web and document reading, and additionally for viewing many of my own photos.
Originally posted by Fudo Myo:
Hi U.S.S., thanks for the recommendation. Added to the list. I tend to favor sprites over this hand-drawn Unity-engine look, but that tune in the trailer is irresistible, so I'll nab this in a sale.

As for distinguishing types of tate support, yeah, I hear you, but when I started this I hadn't thought that far ahead, so I'm kind of stuck with the TATE tag (it STILL hasn't caught on, but I work in the industry, so I'll have a little word with Valve, maybe I can pull some strings and make it more official. I have no idea what the threshold is to make a tag official). In my review blurbs I always distinguish between 'real' tate vs 'fake' tate, so I've got us covered. There are still few enough games with tate mode support on Steam that making this a manual endeavor is a viable option, until a glorious future when we're suddenly flooded with thousands of vertically scrolling shmups all with native screen rotation...
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Fudo Myo 16 Sep, 2019 @ 12:50pm 
Hi U.S.S., thanks for the recommendation. Added to the list. I tend to favor sprites over this hand-drawn Unity-engine look, but that tune in the trailer is irresistible, so I'll nab this in a sale.

As for distinguishing types of tate support, yeah, I hear you, but when I started this I hadn't thought that far ahead, so I'm kind of stuck with the TATE tag (it STILL hasn't caught on, but I work in the industry, so I'll have a little word with Valve, maybe I can pull some strings and make it more official. I have no idea what the threshold is to make a tag official). In my review blurbs I always distinguish between 'real' tate vs 'fake' tate, so I've got us covered. There are still few enough games with tate mode support on Steam that making this a manual endeavor is a viable option, until a glorious future when we're suddenly flooded with thousands of vertically scrolling shmups all with native screen rotation...
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