Star Wars Remastered Official SWRemastered
Star Wars Remastered Official SWRemastered
게임 중
2016년 8월 26일
Star Wars Remastered Official 정보

Official Star Wars Remastered Mod Steam Group Page

^ Jeez, that headline was huge.

Welcome, to the Official Star Wars Remastered Mod Steam Group Page!

*More will be coming soon, so be patient.


Development Team:

Artist/Technically the Lead person in this group: |TM| Franky

Marketing Manager/&OtherStuffs: |TM| Shadow Pixel Gaming

Coder: ---

Sound Designer: ---

Support Team:

Support Team Chief: ---
Support Team Member: edwin.gibson

Feel free to post suggestions here.
인기 토론글
최근 공지
On the hunt for coders & sound designers!
Public Announcement #1

Hello, Gamers! Do remember we can't start mod production unless we can find a few good mod coders! If you feel that you're a good mod coder and would love to contribute to the Star Wars Remastered mod, please either;

Email us at OR comment down below!

Please note that if you want to contribute to this mod, you will have to be dedicated.

Quoted from Franky;
"Dedicating yourself to this means little or no gaming time at all."


"We are trying to provide the public with a serious mod. There is no place for 'casual' people or 'just want to have fun' people in the development team. We are looking for 'dedicated' & 'hard working' people."

We are also looking for people that specialize in sound design too, so if you do, email us at OR comment down below.

That's all for now,
Shadow Pixel Gaming,
Star Wars Remastered Mod Development Team.


There will be changes in the mod, but before I announce the changes, everyone has the right to know the truth. Please note that all that I say is what I have heard.

As many of you know, the mod has not been working, or has been "dead". This has been revealed to be true, so you all can go pat yourself on your backs :) But the main reason that this mod has not been working on is that Lenny - the original owner of the mod has (from my knowledge) resigned from his position here within the mod community.

This is leaving Franky and I the only people that manage the mod. I got to say that I'm not the best coder in the world, but I am able to constribute to the mod by managing it and being the marketing executive. Franky on the other hand is the main artsman.

This is why Franky and I are reaching out to all the great coders out there! We need your help on bringing this mod BACK to life! If you feel that you will be dedicated enough to help the mod and to help the players, feel free to contact me (preferably not Franky because he get's spammed a lot) or email us at stating how good you are at coding and how dedicated you will be.

댓글 4
edwin gibson 2018년 4월 7일 오후 7시 41분 
The Mod Creater for the Original Home World Star Wars Mod. Picked back up his work and now has a Home World Remastered Mod of his own. around the time of that starting. all the members of this Vanished to the wind. :/ Here is the Current Home world Remastered Mod.
DaJackal 2018년 4월 7일 오후 2시 41분 
i dont think they work on it anymore
Zadicus 2017년 9월 24일 오후 12시 18분 
I hope so badly you guys continue with this.
Orbitan 2016년 9월 26일 오전 5시 09분 
The mod needs revived!
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4 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 8월 26일