Steam Universe Steam U
Steam Universe Steam U
23 September 2013
Semua Diskusi > Diskusi Umum > Rincian Topik
Why does Steam video streaming ♥♥♥♥ so bad?
For years now, I have perpetually had issues with streaming just about any game trailer I've ever tried to watch on Steam. It will often stutter and pause to buffer, and I basically can't fullscreen the playback or it never finishes buffering. Yet somehow, Steam now sells streaming video content on their platform... how is this even possible and who is buying video content on Steam when their streaming playback is so terrible? Am I missing some magic setting that makes streaming video on Steam not a completely frustrating and annoying experience, or is this a common problem other people have and Steam is just delusional trying to sell streaming video services?
Diposting pertama kali oleh Romla:
This is the answer:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -tcp

As many others I was searching for solution for years and today I found it. It really works, even the pictures are loading extremely fast, I couldn't believe it. Original thread:
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Menampilkan 1-8 dari 8 komentar
No issue here. Must be some mice in you router.
Juraj 22 Apr 2018 @ 3:54am 
Seriously now, if my 4.4 GHz CPU cannot handle one video in a smooth way then something is wrong with the player. Why does it event need so much CPU? I thought all players are now accelerated by GPU, just like YouTube.
derevotyan 25 Apr 2018 @ 5:26am 
Also are you affected by net neutrality meme? Maybe your ISP doesn't like to traffic steam stuff.
VOX 3 Des 2019 @ 6:48am 
No... I have had the same problem for years.. all manner of PCs, all manner of internet connections... it has ALWAYS SUCKED. I don't know why or how this has been let to slip by for all this time. You're not alone. In fact it's so annoying that it causes me to google, "Why does Steam's video streaming ♥♥♥♥ so bad?" at least once a year to see if there is anyone with any clue or anything being done. Nothing, never, ever has ever changed, and I fear it never will. So I suggest to do like I do, youtube for the video on the game you're trying to preview. Cheers!:steamsad:
Pembuat utas ini telah menandai postingan ini sebagai jawaban untuk topik tersebut.
Romla 7 Des 2020 @ 7:06pm 
This is the answer:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -tcp

As many others I was searching for solution for years and today I found it. It really works, even the pictures are loading extremely fast, I couldn't believe it. Original thread:
Terakhir diedit oleh Romla; 7 Des 2020 @ 7:07pm
Holy crap this actually worked. Unbelievable!!! I posted this like over 3 years ago, and still had problems streaming video in Steam every single day since then. Adding just four characters to the executable path fixed it completely. Runs like a champ now, no video streaming problems whatsoever!

I can't fathom how this isn't more common knowledge for a seemingly common problem. I wonder why this isn't a default setting, or at least an option in the client settings that can be found more easily? At any rate, thanks for sharing this with me, it made my 2020!
After 7 years, it's still terrible. Not bad, but actually terrible. You'd imagine multi-billion dollars worth company would fix it but nope.
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