Skylords of Nyn BFSkylords
Skylords of Nyn BFSkylords
2013 年 1 月 12 日
Keksbendiger 2013 年 9 月 4 日 上午 8:04
We all don't want BattleForge to die..
Hay guys, I think we have enough developers, programmers, designers and all we need in the community to make our own RTS that works like BF.. maybe it would take some time until a version of this community-made project could be released, but if enough people want to help (and all of us CAN help in some way, if he/she wants), it is possible I say! Maybe we can make it a pay-only-one-time game, maybe on steam? :D
I would pay all the money I have for a great game like BattleForge!
And I think most of us would pay 50€ / $60 or more for it.. what do you think?

Or is anybody of you a realy rich person who can just go to EA "Shut up and take my money!" and host BF on its own? :)

Maybe the "we take the server down, you won't be able to play the game anymore" is just a psychological trick to get some company to buy the game? o.O conspiracy theory?^^

So please let's talk about the possibilities to keep the game alive or anything else we can do here <3
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目前顯示第 1-15 則留言,共 15
Ravenmaster [GB] 2013 年 9 月 13 日 上午 7:11 
the PvP was the greatest game i ever played. 44 years old, been gaming 30 years. this game should have been the most played game in the world. in my humble opinion the thing that killed it, the thing that stopped it being the phenomonum it should have been was psychological... 3 words... "collectible card-based ". if they had just not plugged that phrase. if they had called the cards "summoning stones" or something, change the representation of the cards to a rune-stone type shape, a stone tablet. the collectable cards angle was just offputting. almost stopped me ever trying it. theres something juvenile about collectings cards, something 10 year olds do. like collecting baseball cards.

any company could snap that game up, make those small changes, and turn the game around.
Keksbendiger 2013 年 9 月 13 日 上午 11:03 
yea that's right.. and I think it would be really cheap, because EA doesn't want it anymore.. so they may be happy about every dollar/euro/whatever they get^^ and the company who buys the license would be the luckiest company ever :D such a great game for cheap is the best thing that could ever happen, I think.. well no, the greatest thing to get is a unicorn ;P
Sneaky sneaky 2013 年 9 月 16 日 下午 7:59 
IF it can happen i pay more then 500$ for it was MY lovely game :D ! sry for bad english
ķ!ιιfЯος 2013 年 9 月 17 日 上午 6:24 
I think its will be rly cool if it possible that we could play this game offline on LAN or solo play

(Lokal Server Hosting like Private Server).

And other stuff of game the multiplayer and so should be a community thing (like open source programm ).
gallert 2013 年 9 月 17 日 上午 9:56 
i don't think that ea will give the game away. they'll let the game die and keep the source/software by themself. i know it's hard, but why should they do that? at first they have to develop a pc-version of the server software. who will do that? the community? for this u need the source and enough programmers. i've played bf in from the beginning and loved to play it, but i don't see any future for the game :(
...but of course i hope that we'll find a way :)
Keksbendiger 2013 年 9 月 17 日 上午 10:55 
there will definiteley be a concern that buys the license^^ it's just dumb not to buy that great game.. I think we all would have to start again from Lv1 with no cards, but what was the best time in the game?!? the time when we collected our stuff to make our decks like they are now, am I right?
ķ!ιιfЯος 2013 年 9 月 17 日 上午 11:58 
wo er recht hat hatt er recht es wird schwer und hat leider nur wenig aussieht auf erfolg .

little prospect of success, but the hope dies last ;)
Stendo_VR 2013 年 9 月 19 日 下午 5:02 
This is TheCapn here, asking everyone to come visit our facebook page at:

The old giant Battleforge has fallen. It's time for a new giant to arise! We need people with creative ability, and experience with coding, 3D modeling, concept rendering, software developing and anyone else who wants to help us create a new game in the same genre as Battleforge! I played Battleforge for three years, and in looking for a replacement, as many of you are now, I found that there are no other games in the genre of collectible card/ real time strategy. On facebook, Battleforge has 53,000 likes; there is obviously a fanbase for this type of game, and now is the time to build a new one. I want players from Battleforge specifically to help in the creation of this game, because only they will have the experience we want to capture with this title. Currently, there is a basework being done to create a story line for this new title, which has not yet been named, and I would like all of you to come be a part of it. Come visit projectnewgiant on facebook and post your suggestions, lore, artwork, concepts, and more.
Thank you for your time,
drakonz 2013 年 12 月 5 日 下午 12:01 
thecapn link is not working^^
ķ!ιιfЯος 2013 年 12 月 6 日 上午 1:41 
sounds good :)
AmsterDemon 2013 年 12 月 8 日 上午 9:38 
OMFG I miss battleforge so much ;(
I'v been gaming for 20 yeas but after i played Batleforge I just cant enjoy playing anyother game.
I really hope some day it will return.
Ps: Srew EA.
DarkFyre 2014 年 2 月 4 日 下午 6:33 
Heyyyyyy, 2 month late necro post for a group that never talks and a discussion board I never looked at. Ever thought of a kickstarter?
Keksbendiger 2014 年 2 月 5 日 上午 4:15 
I think all the ex BF-gamers repressed all that bf-is-down stuff and so nobody is motivated to do anything ;D
rtx 2014 年 2 月 8 日 下午 1:53 
Of course we thought of Kickstarter!
But it'd be illegal.
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