3pto5u Dodgeball PandemicDB
3pto5u Dodgeball PandemicDB
3 Desember 2013
Bhs. Inggris
Menampilkan21-30 dari 34 kiriman
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Mods - Rules and other stuff.
*MODS MUST READ* (Written by Offensive Farmer)

Recently the server seems pretty void of any staff presence, unfortunately we admins have quite heavy scheduals and aren't able to be on the server as much as we like. I work, Coffee codes, Callum picks potatoes, Babs rapes Chinese people on Dota, Dazzuh sacrifices lambs to god to try and be better at Dodgeball and George does webcam sex shows daily. Because of such scheduals we promoted players to the rank Mod to help us keep the server free of rule breakers but unfortunately like a failing business we seem to be missing staff, so, Mods, please try to be more active, currently we have maybe 2-3 active staff but a lot of the time we have absolutely no staff playing the server which isn't good for the server, everyone was promoted to the status of Mod on the grounds of being active and because of this we are going to have to start taking Mod away from those who are inactive and giving it to those who are.

Additionally i have noticed that staff seem to be misinterpreting some of the rules so im going to spell them out below.

Rule 1: "Dont be racist" This means any racism (unless its me being racist to deker) will get a warning, the next use will get a gag. In the case of someone with a racist word in their name warn them and if they do not change their name kick them with the reason being "Racist word in name" if they continue to reconnect without changing their name alert an admin who will temporarily ban them.

Rule 2: "No stealing" This one is pretty simple, steal 1 warn, steal 2 slay, steal 3 kick and steal 4 alert and admin and they will temporarily ban (You may instead skip the warning and go straight for the slay) also stealing is acceptable if the rocket was going to hit the person but is not acceptable if the person is purposely standing in the way of the rocket.

Rule 3: "No spamming in Mic or Chat" no tolerance for chat spam, instantly gag those who do. If someone is making random squeeks/screams in the chat you can mute them instantly also (with the exception of muting kine because its funny when she does it)

Rule 4: "Respect the staff" This is the problem one, this is the one being misinterpreted, this doesnt mean "be nice to the staff" it means do not give the staff a hard time for doing their job, if someone simply doesn't like you and voices their dislike for you then this isn't grounds to punish them, however if the person is giving you hassle solely for you simply doing your job then you can do whatever you want to them, kick, mute, gag, rename, slay. Literally anything because those people are cunts.

Rule 5: "English only on mic/chat" Non English on mic is instant mute, non English on chat is warn then gag.

Rule 6: "Dont impersonate staff" Simple, if you see someone on pretending to be staff kick them and tell an admin and we will perma ban.

Rule 7: "Don't be a cunt" This can range from arguing, purposely standing infront of rockets, blocking and much much more, if you think someone is breaking this rule follow the stealing process, warn, slay, kick and then call an admin to ban. (also if some prick keeps saying "easy" after each round tell me and i will come on and destroy them)

LASTLY if you are on the server with an admin and a player breaks a rule dont think "The admin will punish him, i don't need to do anything" you must still punish that player, the worst thing that will happen is you both punish the player (Which isn't a big deal for slay/kick since it can only happen once)

ACTUAL LASTLY if you are found to be abusing your Mod status/not doing your job/allowing friends to break rules you will be stripped of your Mod status immediately.
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