Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars M&B: NW
Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars M&B: NW
8 juli 2012
OVER Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars

Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars

Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars is a multiplayer DLC pack for Mount & Blade: Warband featuring the last years of the Napoleonic Wars. You can side with one of the five supreme European powers from the era and choose from more than 220 unique units to play.

● Accurate early 19th century weapons, uniforms and environments.
● Massive multiplayer battles with up to 250 players.
● 5 nations with more than 220 unique units to choose from.
● A wide range of artillery pieces ranging from field cannons to mortars, capable of firing a variety of missiles such as canister, explosive shells and even rockets - all fully controllable by players.
● Destructible environments; players can use a range of artillery and explosives to destroy various buildings, bridges and other structures.
● Finely crafted game balance insuring skill and tactics is the hero of the battlefield, not the gun or the sword.
● Construct barricades, dig trenches and rig explosives with the multi-purpose engineer class.
● Special musician units with drums, fifes, bagpipes or trumpets, able to play historically accurate tunes; all recorded and played by award winning musicians.
● Lead squads of soldiers against each other in the new commander battle mode.
● More than 40 classical background music tracks.
● Improved shader graphics such as, plants moving with the wind, improved reflections, parallax mapping. etc.

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M&B: W - Napoleonic Wars Trailer![]
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1.006 opmerkingen
turkois 2 nov om 3:49 
napoleonic wars alayı arayan arkadaşlık atabilir

looking for NW regiment? send me request
RIC$ 21 okt om 0:06 
Téged is érdekelnek a Napóleoni Sorcsaták, és kipróbálnád magad egyben?
Vagy esetleg csak egy baráti és befogadó magyar közösséget keresel?

Van mind két kérdésre válasz.
Mi vagyunk az **Nr32 Eszterházy Ezred** egy Magyar Klán mely új tagokat keres, és hogy mit tudunk ajánlani?
A következőket:
-SZERDA: Mount & Blade II Bannerlord - Swords & Musket
-VASÁRNAP: Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars
-Tapasztalt Vezetőket
-Heti rendszerességű (nem kötelező) Csatákat
-Több éves tapasztalat Mount & Blade játékokban és más játékokban (pl: Holdfast: Nations at War, Battle Cry of Freedom, War of Rights stb...)
-Hetente változó játékkal megtartott közös játékestek
- Barátságos és befogadó közösség

Hogyha felkeltettük a kiváncsiságodat, csatlakozz hozzánk, Mert az Nr32 Eszterházy Ezrednek szüksége van rád!
Az alábbi Discord Linken megtalálsz minket.
Stefan 1 sep om 13:34 
Hallo Ich bin vom KBLR. Das Königlich Bayerisches Leib-Regiment rekrutiert mal wieder.
Das Regiment hat 3 Kompanien und ein Schadron, Jäger,Linie,Arty und Kav. Unsere Eventzeiten sind:
Dienstag als Kav beim HLI Event, Samstag als Linie,Kav und Arty und Sonntag ist unser Haupt Event
mit Jäger,Kav,Arty und Linie.
Wir benutzen Teamspeak 3 als Kommunikation und sind in der Community der Blades & Bullets Community
Falls ihr weitere Fragen habt, könnt ihr mich gerne adden und ich versuche euch tatkräftig
zu helfen.
Liebe Grüße!
turkois 14 jul om 1:43 
Napoleonic klanı arıyan ark atabilir
Y. S. 23 21 jun om 11:31 
Hey I wish to show you a project on FSE that I am working on. More information on this forum thread.
[HoV] Jägermeister 8 mrt om 1:27 
Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 162 :doicross: "Spiess Voran!" [T R]
Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 162; 24 Ağustos 2016 tarihinde, Herd of Vultures [HoV] oyuncu topluluğu tarafından kurulmuştur. Aktif Türk alayları arasında en eski alay olarak bulunan Nr162'de kişisel egolardan ve kasıntı tavırlardan uzak olarak tek amacımız eğlenmektir. Haftalık olarak (Cuma-Cumartesi-Pazar) hat savaşı etkinliklerine katılmaktayız. Ayrıca, sadece yakın dövüş liglerine ve maçlarına katılmayı planlayanlar için Groupfighting takımımız bulunmakta ve Marjixd tarafından yönetilmektedir.

Forum ve Detaylar:
8 juli 2012