-=[Kustom Kettle]=- Kettle Reg
-=[Kustom Kettle]=- Kettle Reg
21 juli 2008
OM -=[Kustom Kettle]=-

The Worlds Greatest Custom Map Servers

History / The Kettle Story

The Kustom Kettle was created in 2000, under the name Kaiser Kettle, and was run by long-time community leader Swordzkof. Back then, only running standard maps was the priority on the original BETA version of Day of Defeat. In 2001, the custom map community began to grow around DoD, sparking the birth of the Kustom Kettle. It wasn't a clan but was more of a meeting point for DoD custom map enthusiasts from all over the world.

The community exploded with popularity around 2002-2003, when SpetzNaz came on board as Chief Administrator (and remains in this position today). The Kustom Kettle typically ran 2 servers, both running a rotation of 10 custom maps, totaling the top 20 custom maps in the world (as voted on by our membership). Within a year, the Kettle servers became some of the most popular servers on the planet, remaining full 24/7 and selling dozens of reserved slots per month.

The extraordinary success of these 2 servers was the result of an excellent community, enjoyable forums, and top-notch server management (many of whom are still with us today). The Kettle server ran the best custom maps in Day of Defeat.

With the introduction of Day of Defeat: Source, the Kettle community split apart and went elsewhere. However, in the summer of 2007, the Kettle servers were reborn and soon merged with the Edge Gamers Organization. After a year of partnership with Edge Gamers, the Kustom Kettle parted ways. That brings us to where we are today—a nice, fresh, clean start.

Much of the original Kettle leadership team, such as SpetzNaz, COLE505, Colonel, FranktheTank, C-WHIT, BTRY, and many more, have returned to the Kettle and proudly play with us today.

The Kettle Administrators

Since Kustom Kettle had started back in DoD 1.3, you can probably understand that the most original Kettle members are DoD veterans and can surely look back on many years of DoD experience with thousands of gaming hours.

Regulars on the Kustom Kettle servers (and especially the admin staff) are well known in the DoD scene, and the -=KA=- and -=SKA=- tags have always been symbols of pride and respect.
SE ALLA (136)
Join us at: on dod_tunisia, 27 people playing!
Kettle Kustom maps with FF: back online: - 27 playing
4 kommentarer
Necris Legion 23 mar, 2014 @ 21:34 
Looks like DOD is still alive and well
COLE505 7 jan, 2010 @ 18:02 
We don't need no stinkin pants!!
H34dShot 27 maj, 2009 @ 20:53 
Papa Urinal 20 apr, 2009 @ 14:17 
I hearby claim to be the best.
SE ALLA (172)
Gå med i chattrum
21 juli 2008