ImproveYourGame R5.QF
ImproveYourGame R5.QF
26 July, 2017
CeQu 26 Apr, 2018 @ 1:14pm 
ElmaR 24 Feb, 2018 @ 9:39am 
hello new people, anyone up for a game?? [mge]
TakenZ 24 Feb, 2018 @ 6:51am 
Anyone up for a game?
ZevVec 23 Feb, 2018 @ 1:39pm 
hey im looking for a team/ few players that wanna play together my main rank is guardian elite 1 i can talk dutch and english hit me up if you want to play !:D
Sighcotiic 20 Feb, 2018 @ 6:49am 
Hey, Looking for a team or people to start a team with.
My current rank is MasterGuardianElite(MGE).
If anyone is interested feel free to add me up.

(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
***************'S BATTLEGROUNDS 16 Feb, 2018 @ 1:00am 
Infinity 15 Feb, 2018 @ 3:53pm 
any silvers or gn wanna make a team for faceit tourneys?
NewfieAlb 15 Feb, 2018 @ 1:23pm 
NA Team with 128 TICK server looking for mature teams to scrim with. add for scrim
sahns 14 Feb, 2018 @ 7:18am 
Was AK rank but got deranked cause my friend left the first match, and we lost it :/
over 1000 hours on this acc, have several others with over 200 each.
looking for a team for MM and Tournaments
Live in Norway
YNWA 14 Feb, 2018 @ 5:17am 
EU Silver III
I wan to play add me plz
AlmightyDman 12 Feb, 2018 @ 10:52am 
500 hours.
Ranked; Silver elite master
Looking for a fun team / someone to play with.
add me
Captain Autismo 6 Jan, 2018 @ 11:16am 
EU used to be Nova master before taking a break, currently GN1, looking for a team for MM
Jab0R 4 Jan, 2018 @ 8:00pm 
NA, located in the DC area. Unranked, looking for people to queue with and play comp. Have around 100 hours or so in game, and no basic tactics from having watched the CSGO pro scene for over a year pretty religiously. Know some basic smokes on maps like Mirage and Train too. Anyone interested in playing?
paper 4 Jan, 2018 @ 4:28pm 
LE player looking for a team to learn/practice team play with and compete, also looking to q mm with anyone of similar rank
AiMer 4 Jan, 2018 @ 8:52am 
Rank DMG but currently on esea grind (Rank b) feel free 2 add :)
Juri 4 Jan, 2018 @ 5:07am 
MG1 used to play against DMG's soloQ isn't doing me any good, looking for players MG1 - DMG to team up with
. 29 Oct, 2017 @ 4:39pm 
About to jump on, need a team.
CeQu 29 Oct, 2017 @ 4:16am 
Eu but people from Na are more than welcome :)
Grape 28 Oct, 2017 @ 10:25pm 
What Continent is this group mostly based in?
Braz 26 Oct, 2017 @ 3:08am 
Gold 4 finding for team