The Independent Exploration Conglomerate InExCon
The Independent Exploration Conglomerate InExCon
22 stycznia 2014
O The Independent Exploration Conglomerate

Exploring the vast, empty blackness of space is dangerous. The IEC is here to give you the safety of numbers.

A captain’s job is simple:

Find a Ship. Find a Job. Keep Flying.

With the Independent Exploration Conglomerate, you will not have to do this alone.

The verse is a big place. Anyone venturing out into the black is subject to those of lesser moral ground, making it a dangerous place. Exploration takes you out of secured shipping lanes into undiscovered nothing.
Best case: there’s something of value.
Worst case: there’s someone else, thinking YOU look like this evenings payday.

Membership with the IEC will help negate these worst case scenarios. The goal of the IEC is to unite like minded ships and crew so that they can cooperate to achieve their individual goals. A small group of ships and minds are more likely to accomplish their goals than is a solo ship.

An exploration group outfitted with ships of different roles offer the most likely formula for success.

> Offense/Defense
> Transportation
> Exploration/Sensor Scanning

One ship will have difficulty doing everything alone. If you are chartered for an exploration run into an undiscovered void, the IEC will be there as your wingmen, helping you accomplish your mission. Your cost is dedication to the group you are running the charter with. Help another charter with a support role. Perhaps additional cargo space in your ship. Perhaps you fly a fighter escort for the group. Perhaps you fly point, allowing your advanced sensor scans lead the charter in the correct direction. Perhaps your ship has a low signature or hidden storage to help transport ‘gray’ materials.

While participating in UEE trade and citizenship, the IEC holds no contracted allegiance to the UEE or any other governing entities. The IEC operates to overcome any obstacle to achieve their current goal. Sometimes this requires discretion with UEE, or even complete evasion.

As an IEC charter, you will be required to avoid morally wrong jobs. Running outside the law is not forbidden as long as the ends are just. Engaging in piracy against innocents is forbidden. Slavery is forbidden as every person has the right to their own life.

Running illegal cargo which poses no threat to innocents is profitable as long as you aren’t caught or drop your cargo to avoid UEE. The IEC supports ‘grey’ trade.

However the main goal of the IEC is to work together to help each other discover what’s out in the void.
And to profit.

@Roberts Space Industries[]
FYI - Malware is spreading via Steam Chat
Steam to RSI - What's your name?
Komentarzy: 20
Lacrossin2006 1 października 2014 o 19:59 
Hey folks, just so everyone knows, I'm Capt_Morgan from star citizen chat/forums! O/!
dmacfadzen 10 maja 2014 o 4:04 
Dralnu Here :)
Johnny 13 marca 2014 o 7:42 
Hello everyone!! It's YoYo :D I take a bit of time off and find the IEC is now everywhere. ::happy::
Taco 21 lutego 2014 o 16:06 
Hi people, it's Princ3p feel free to add me on steam :)
Snowfired 17 lutego 2014 o 12:27 
Hey fellas :D
Delta Dodecahedron 7 lutego 2014 o 12:32 
hello all! I'm mastervito pleased to meet you all!
Wejdź do pokoju
22 stycznia 2014